Clearing a Space for High-Vibrational Energies to Flow into your Life

We are moving into a time when high-vibrational frequencies are bio-available and can be brought to a fuller realization in our lives. These energies hold the power to deepen our awareness of our potentials, and to expand our intuitive knowing. When we open to these energies, our experience of inner peace and divine love is more profound as is our understanding of our spiritual purpose.

In this cycle, many older souls are undergoing intense change that will transport them to timelines where the next phase of their healing is serving others. The changes you experience in 2014 will allow you to clear away all that ever dimmed your light. You will move forward brighter, stronger, more empowered, and with a greater sense of love, compassion and discernment. You will be healthier, more awake and alert, and more willing to embrace the changes needed to bring you closer to your soul and higher self.

Returning to your Natural State of Inner Unification

The jolting energies of the last few years were designed to shake you loose from old ways of being. The energies moving forward will help you find a new vision and identity more aligned with your spiritual purpose. For many, this year of service will involve serving as the higher self for your repertoire of past selves within this lifetime. This is a process of clearing and refocusing your energy and returning to your natural state of inner unification. With all aspects of yourself existing in a state of love and harmony, you will be able to extend this outward to assist others. This assistance can take many different forms according to individual gifts, preferences and divine timing.

In order to make the most of this time, we need to undertake clearing of a greater magnitude than what we may have undertaken in the past. Clearing is essential at this time to make room for the abundance of higher energies available. This window of opportunity cannot fully open to us when our lives are filled with unresolved emotions and unhealed wounds. We can’t fully embrace these energies when our minds are held prisoner by thought viruses or when our lives are filled with people and situations that drain our energy. Releasing the things that hold us back is a matter of bringing awareness to them, and a willingness to apply radical discernment to all our circumstances and relationships.

Healing Emotional Wounds opens a Space for Greater Love

Emotional wounds that have never fully healed pose a barrier to the flow of higher energies into our lives. Everyone has a sacred wound that dates to childhood but we don't have to delve into the archives of the past to discover it. A sacred wound that remains unhealed is very much alive in our present moment. If you are currently experiencing emotional upheaval, the form and nature of this upheaval offers insights into your sacred wound. If you grew up in a family where there was dysfunction, the feeling states accompanying these memories drive your sacred wound and are likely influencing your present-moment relationships. Energies during this window of time are the best they have been in a while for clearing stuck emotions. It’s easy to become used to old feeling states that anchor you to lower-vibrational realities and tether you to old ways of being. As you bring awareness to these trapped emotions and clear them, you open a space for the energies of greater peace and love to flow into your consciousness and transform your life.

Meditation and Journaling as Tools to Clear Trapped Emotions and Free your Spirit

Meditation raises your vibration and over time, can help break loose stuck emotions, allowing them to bubble to the surface of your consciousness to be released. If you don’t currently have a meditation practice, begin now. Sit for at least 15 to 30 minutes every day, releasing all thoughts and relaxing and stilling your mind. This sounds simple and it is. Complications may be posed by the mind and its various forms of resistance but with intention and persistence this can be overcome. It is well worth the effort. A daily meditation practice will transform your life. There are different ways to approach meditation. Some choose to sit in complete silence, while others prefer to meditate to relaxing music. Just before meditation, you can bring your focus to questions for which you are seeking answers; or you can choose to meditate on love or some other topic. There is no right or wrong way. Find a comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed for a period of time and begin. Allow whatever happens to be perfect for you within the moment. Once you become comfortable with daily meditation, you may find meditation a useful tool for connecting with another soul in consciousness or traveling in time to meet a past or future self.

Daly journaling is another technique that will help you bring awareness to stuck emotions and clear them. When you journal, give yourself the freedom to write whatever flows into your mind. Just keep writing even if the voice of your inner critic tells you that what you are writing is worthless and you are wasting your time. Sooner or later, your conscious mind will become bored and stop paying attention. This is when rich material from the subconscious makes its way onto your page. It may take some time for you to get used to this form of writing but if you persist, you will find journaling is an excellent housecleaning tool to assist you in processing emotions and bringing awareness to the landscape of your mental and emotional bodies.

Once you become comfortable with daily journaling, you can begin to incorporate automatic writing. One way to begin automatic writing is to write out questions on one side of your notebook and on the other side, allow answers to flow onto the page. Keep your pen moving; don’t lift it from the page. Automatic writing works best when you write faster than your mind can keep up with. In a sense, you “outrun” the mind with your pen, making it impossible for your mind to micromanage what ends up on the page. When you begin writing things you don’t consciously know, you have tapped into the deep well of your subconscious.

Express Gratitude for your Most Difficult Teachers and the Lessons they bring

Gratitude is another tool that will help you release the past. True healing involves holding gratitude for everyone and everything in your life. It’s understandable if you find there are some things from the past you are still holding energy around. Old resentments and regrets can linger in your energy field throughout your life, taking up energy and space that could be utilized by your present-moment passions and goals. Over time you may have lost touch with these old energies. This makes it hard to access and clear them. Meditation and journaling can help you gain access to them. Whatever comes up in your meditation or journaling practice, embrace it and express gratitude for the insight and healing it offers.

It may be difficult to feel genuine gratitude for the people in your life who have helped you with your most difficult lessons. This is especially true of those you feel have deceived you, lied to you, used you, abandoned you or worse. Bless those who played a role in the most painful scenarios in your life for they have helped you become the wise and spiritually aware being that you are.

Love Yourself by Practicing Radical Discernment and Setting Healthy Boundaries

Forgiving and releasing the past does not mean we wish to repeat painful events. Once we receive the message of a situation, we can bless those who played a role and move on to create new realities based on our new understandings. If there is someone in your life who is treating you with un-love or disrespect, or harming you in any way, now is the time to release that connection with gratitude and love. This is one of the most painful lessons we face in human form - summoning the courage to release a close connection that does not honor the glorious being that you are. Always approach these situations with love and gratitude for what has been and embrace the lessons learned. Once you accept the lesson, you are able to move forward to new visions and new timelines where you're loved, honored, and appreciated. If a person continues to try and remain in your life, you will need to practice radical discernment by setting and enforcing healthy boundaries and walking away from those who do not honor and respect your choices.

Undertaking this “housecleaning” at all levels helps free your energy and opens a space for new, high-vibrational frequencies to flow into your life. The energies of this time contain powerful frequencies designed to heal and assist you as you move toward the next phase of your spiritual evolution.

©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved
These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta  

For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

For more on working with your future self, see Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta

For more on healing the past, see Traveling Time to Release Energetic Bookmarks by DL Zeta

Posted on Wednesday, February 5, 2014 at 02:04PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Becoming 'the One' to carry out your Visions and Intentions for the New Year 

Most everyone has experienced setting goals and intentions in New Year's past that didn’t come to fruition. If you have unrealized goals, you may feel discouraged. You may have lost faith and confidence and begun to fear your visions will never manifest in physical reality. This creates further obstacles because fear dilutes the energy you need to live your dreams and may lead you to manifest realities you don’t want.

There are reasons our most cherished dreams and visions fail to manifest and once we understand them we can step past them. Now is the time to remove the obstacles that stand in your way so you can begin the process of re-envisioning your life as you move into this powerful and transformative year.

Bringing our ‘Selves’ on Board with our Intentions

One of the most common reasons we fail to realize our visions is that we are conflicted within ourselves about our intentions. It’s quite possible that goals and intentions of the past didn’t manifest because younger aspects of your consciousness were throwing on the brakes. When these younger selves sense intentions designed to carry you forward, they resist the new plan in ways that can throw you out of a synchronistic flow. Resistance keeps you swimming in waters of unresolved emotional turmoil. It’s important to note that these younger selves are not trying to hold you back. Rather, they are doing their part by bookmarking moments in time that still need to be healed and released.

One solution to this dilemma is to work with the most empowered self in your repertoire of selves. Your focus self is the aspect of your consciousness that is currently in the driver’s seat – the self that goes about the business of your daily life. Your present focus self is the self you know best. This self changes as you shift from one timeline to another so your current focus self is not the same focus self from your childhood, teens, twenties or past decades.

If you are on an accelerated spiritual path, your focus self may change frequently. Each time you undergo a significant change in consciousness a new focus self capable of leading you through this transformation comes forward. A conscious and aware focus self readily hands over the reins to a new part of your consciousness when you shift to a new timeline. By contrast, an unawakened focus self seeks to retain its position and, in doing so, can slow down spiritual growth and block intentions from manifesting. When we set intentions of service and growth, we begin to entrain our repertoire of selves to service. A focus self that understands service and spiritual purpose willingly relinquishes it position when the time comes. For this reason, it’s likely your current focus self is your most sophisticated and advanced thus far.

Healing Past Selves with the Light of your Present Awareness

In recent times, many lightworkers adopted transitional focus selves that held awareness and acceptance of the transition into the new time. A transition self also holds sufficient resonance with past selves so it is able to provide the love and nurturing needed to help younger selves heal and step free of past traumas. This transitional self knows how to listen to younger selves and assist them by shining the light of your present-moment awareness on the issues they are working with. Awareness heals and releases past moments, freeing up energy being held in the past so it can be re-focused on present intentions.

A transitional focus self has the mission of bringing all aspects of your consciousness on board with your journey into the new time. Without this mediation, you would find yourself constantly being pulled back into old ways of being and doing by younger selves resisting change.

Everything in your Past prepared you for this Moment

Don’t allow the past to keep you from stepping forward with intentions that will bring you to a more empowered, joyful and spiritually aligned place in your life. On a journey of becoming, seeming mistakes, missteps and failures are the learning ground for future expansion and self-realization. Everything that happened in the past was preparing you for this moment when you stand awake, aware and alert to the messages of your higher self and summon the courage to act on them.

These messages may be asking you to believe more strongly in yourself; to take steps outside your comfort zone; to act on guidance within the moment or to dare to see yourself as you truly are - a strong, empowered being able to unite your mind and soul to bring a laser focus to your spiritual mission. As such, you are able to serve and assist others along their higher path. If anyone or anything has ever convinced you that anything less than this is possible, they were misinformed and operating from the false belief system of thought viruses designed to bind you to the old way and feed off your energy.

As we bring all aspects of ourselves on board with our goals and intentions, we unify mind, body and soul. This unity allows us to experience true oneness so we become “the one” to manifest our visions and intentions for the New Year.

©2010-2014 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved
These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta  

For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

Posted on Thursday, January 9, 2014 at 12:15AM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Wayshowers Provide Alternate Means of Transport into the New Time 

Decades ago, many souls began the long process of awakening to their purpose as wayshowers who would someday guide others into the new time. For the most part, in earlier times these souls didn’t know the scope of their mission. This was by divine plan to help these future guides remain in the present moment and learn to build trust in their internal guidance system. This trust is essential in becoming adept at navigating the unknown terrain of the new world.

As these souls strengthened the bridge to their higher knowing, they received downloads of guidance that, in one way or another, led them to set intentions of love and service. It is through setting higher intentions that we reset our inner compass and begin moving through life based on our spiritual mission.

Embracing the Identity of the Wayshower

It may be the first identity you adopt in the new world is one that has been appearing to you for a very long time. This first identity may be that of wayshower – a soul that moves through levels of spiritual development in accelerated phases. This phasing allows a soul to enter preparedness with divine timing in order to help other souls find their footing in the new time. You may have held this vision of yourself without getting to know it. You may have held back from embracing this vision because you could not yet see yourself as empowered to help guide others. If this is the case, it is a sign you may have subjugated your consciousness to thought viruses that have dimmed your light and led you to believe you are not wise enough or strong enough to illuminate the way ahead for yourself and others.

The time for self-doubt is over. You will find yourself in coming weeks and months burning through any misunderstandings that diminish your light. Through awareness you will learn to recognize the influence of thought viruses by shining the light of your higher knowing on them. When you stop feeding them your attention and energy, they will atrophy and fall away.

Intentions of Love and Service are Beacons of Light in the New Time

As you step further into the fertile ground of the new time, you will find seeds of intention planted long ago taking root and quickly coming to fruition. Combine the visions coming to you now with your intentions of love and service and you have a vehicle for navigating the new time. If you have seen yourself writing a spiritual blog, you will find yourself doing this now. If you have seen yourself an artist encoding spiritual frequencies into your creations, you will begin creating that now. Many writers, artists, teachers, healers, and other talented souls will now step forward in a stronger way to help guide humanity into the new time.

You don’t have to know how you will carry out your spiritual mission. As soon as you enter the vibrational frequency of the new time, you begin to download messages and guidance that provide the insights needed to take your first steps.

Inside this new world intentions become guide posts and beacons of light. Anytime you lose your way here, simply return to your intentions of love and service and you will find your footing.

Allowing the Old Way to Recede from your Life Experience

As you move further into the new time, the old way will recede into the background. You are free to return here but as time passes, it becomes less likely that you will. In time, your energetic frequency will become so entrained to the new time that the old way will pass from the menu of your life experiences.

Thought viruses will attempt to block your ascending movement with guilt and other emotional snares. Toxic thoughtforms will lead you to believe you should hold yourself back for the sake of those you love. Don’t feel you need to hold yourself back for the sake of others. By allowing yourself to be transported into the new time, you open an energetic space for others to follow. When you do what is best for yourself, you do what is best for all others.

As you learn to exist completely within the new time, you'll find a great sense of compassion for those still struggling under the spell of thought viruses and under the burden of un-love. As a wayshower, you will be drawn to engineer various alternate means of transport to provide others easier access to the new time. The idea behind these various means is that if one method doesn’t work, another will. The forms of transport you engineer will work for those who are ready to step free of the old way. Bless all those who choose to remain in the throes of suffering and struggle, trusting that each soul chooses the learning experiences it needs within the moment.

Joining with others to Structure Future Time Planes

At a certain point in their journey through the new time, wayshowers will be called to join with others to create structures that will provide the foundation for the new time as it exists in future time planes. You will undertake this task much as those who arrived here before you created the framework on which you now stand.

In the new world, there are places in consciousness where frequencies of heaven and earth blend. Inside these zones you are able to meet with those souls who made your journey here possible. You will also meet those souls you will guide and support in future realms. As you become skilled at moving through zones of higher consciousness you will learn to design and plan future lifetimes; you will also receive a lens to view the lives you have already passed through. At this point, you will understand the full meaning of your present lifetime.

As you prepare to leave this lifetime, you will travel in consciousness to the land of your ancestors where you join in celebration of the mission you carried out over the arc of lifetimes. By joining your light with that of other souls over the span of generations, you set the stage for the new time in human consciousness. When your role is complete, another soul will join its light to yours and carry on where your journey here ends.

©2010-2013 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved
These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta  

For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

Posted on Saturday, December 21, 2013 at 10:14PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Posted on Saturday, December 21, 2013 at 10:13PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

We are the Bridge between Two Merging Worlds 

Our movement into the new time has delivered us to a space between two worlds where we attempt to merge the world of our past and the world of our future through harmonic resonance. This resonance is created when we combine gratitude for all that has been with skillfully-programmed intentions designed to activate the future timelines where our highest visions reside.

Establishing Outposts in the New Time

This synergistic formula of profound appreciation for the life we have lived and conscious creation of a future beyond what we have imagined will allow us to establish new outposts in the expanding landscape of the new time.

We're in a period of large-scale change as numerous energetic influences help us gain the traction we need to blend our past efforts toward healing and self-understanding with a future where our talents, skills and intentions merge with our highest potentials. This effort carries us further and faster than ever before.

We hold a space within ourselves where these two worlds blend and become one. We learn the mechanism for this blending by incubating it within our consciousness. By incubating the merging of past and future within, we learn the steps to serving as a bridge between the old and the new - a gift we will share with others and ultimately with the universe.

Souls are being activated in Service of the New Earth

Many souls came here for this purpose - to add their light to the effort to help construct the energetic framework for the transition to the new time. These souls are now being activated. It’s at the point of activation that their 3D worlds may start to unravel. Those who "signed on" to serve with this transition programmed change into their life hologram to allow them to awaken with divine timing to their higher purpose. It's a gift to be called to serve. The path will be clearer once we embrace this. Every obstacle that stands in our way will dissolve as we take our place in service of this new and brighter light now shining on planet earth.

Programming Intentions toward Healing and Spiritual Freedom

Do not despair for what you are losing, or for the ones who are leaving your life. Mourn the loss of your old life as you breathe life into the new forms materializing before you. This is not to say there was anything "wrong" with the old way - it's simply time to consciously move forward in a new way and with greater awareness of our intentions. Intentions programmed toward healing and spiritual freedom become the foundation of our transition. Efforts to heal our past are especially supported now, including time travel in consciousness to heal past selves still mired in trauma and to discover any remaining thought viruses that may be operating in our present moment.

Cultivating an Accelerated Path into the New Time

This quickening path into the new time requires plenty of breathing space between accelerations. We need healthy food, lots of rest, and time to meditate to allow these two worlds to seamlessly merge within us. Avoid heavy foods and upgrade your physical system with green juicing, green fasting, wheatgrass, blue green algae, and yoga; undertake a vision quest, meditate, spend time daily in nature, take sun baths, and exercise to invigorate your physical system. Journal to bring further insight and understanding to what is taking place within you. Make time for the creative play that is so essential to the growth of your spirit. Honor your time and energy; wherever you go, have a goal and purpose aligned with your spiritual mission.

As you continue to grow and expand your consciousness, you become a stronger bridge between two merging worlds. As you help unite these worlds, you facilitate the awakening of growing numbers of souls into the new time. Everything multiplies exponentially from this point forward, and your greatest satisfaction will be in seeing the world of your highest future unfold before you.

©2010-2013 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved
These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.


For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta  

For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

Posted on Sunday, December 8, 2013 at 01:46PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment