Eclipses of 2013 help us Access the Spaces between Dimensions 

We are in a time of endings and beginnings ushered by a series of eclipses designed to help us gain traction in any stuck areas and take significant steps on our chosen path. The eclipses of 2013 kicked off with the April 25th Scorpio lunar eclipse and will continue this month with the May 9 Taurus solar eclipse and the May 24 Sagittarius lunar eclipse.

Key Eclipse Issues are Abundance and Personal Power

Key issues emphasized in this time center on abundance and personal power. These eclipses ask us to examine our beliefs around these core issues. If we are invested in thought viruses based on lack and scarcity in any way, this will come to the forefront during this time. Issues that may arise encompass a broad spectrum of topics, all of which share the core issue of scarcity. These issues include relationships, health, resources, spiritual insights, inspiration, creativity and much more.

If there is any area of pain, conflict or struggle in one's life, it can likely be traced back to thoughtforms along these lines: "I don't have enough," "options are limited," or "I am small and limited." These are indicators that old programming is still in place around issues of abundance and scarcity. If we keep following the thread of a scarcity thoughtform, it eventually translates into thoughts such as "I'm not enough," “I am nothing," or "I am unloved."

Love and Gratitude are Antidotes to the Scarcity Thought Virus

We can counteract these thoughtforms with "I am love," "I love myself unconditionally," "I am a wise and empowered being with access to the vast resources of the universe." Meditate on love whenever these feelings arise. To get in touch with feelings of unconditional love, hold before you the image of someone or something that evokes this unconditional feeling within you. Once you connect strongly with this feeling for a loved one, practice extending it to yourself and all others.

Gratitude can also help break the spell of a thought virus. As you meditate, bring your focus to everything you're grateful for. Keep expanding the list of things you're grateful for by finding the silver lining in every situation in your life, both past and present. Unconditional love and gratitude are the two best antidotes to the scarcity thought virus.

The April 25 Lunar Eclipse

The April 25th lunar eclipse occurred at 5° Scorpio and its effects are still being experienced by many. The effects of some eclipses can be felt three months or more prior to an eclipse and for up to a year afterward.

A lunar eclipse occurs during a full moon when the earth moves exactly between the sun and moon, effectively short-circuiting their natural connection. The period of a lunar eclipse is a good time to change destructive emotional patterns. This can be anything from toxic relationships to addictions to sacred wounds we’ve carried with us since childhood.

The energies of a lunar eclipse have a way of magnifying any unresolved emotional issues so we can shine the light of our present-moment awareness on them. Our spiritual communion and insights are intensified during a full moon and even more so during a lunar eclipse, heightening our powers of spiritual perception. Combined, these allow us to heal and release emotional energy held in past traumas.

Our Astrology Chart Depicts the Personal Impact of an Eclipse

Everyone feels the effects of an eclipse differently. The type of impact and its intensity and duration depends on where an eclipse falls in a person's astrology chart. If an eclipse falls within 3° of a planet or an important point in your chart by conjunction or opposition, it is of special significance to you. The nature of the planet impacted by the eclipse offers clues to the experiences that lie ahead.

For example, in the case of the April 25th lunar eclipse, if you have a planet at 5° Scorpio or within 3° of it, or you have a planet in Taurus which opposes Scorpio within orb of 5°, you will feel the effects of the eclipse more intensely.

Scorpio delves into intense passions, secrets and desires. It is also important to consider what house 5° Scorpio falls in for you. If, for example, 5 degrees Scorpio falls in your 11th house, the upcoming experiences will center on the major themes of the 11th house - friends, social groups, long terms hopes, wishes, ideals and creative goals.

The May 9 Solar Eclipse

A solar eclipse takes place during the new moon when the moon blocks the sun's energies as it passes directly between the sun and earth. During the month of a solar eclipse, you will likely start noticing the energies of an upcoming eclipse right after the previous new moon and full moon. We are already feeling the energies of the May 9 solar eclipse.

Entering the Space between Dimensions

This solar eclipse falls at 19° Taurus and sits in the doorway of a powerful spiritual portal at Orion's Belt, which leads to the Great Central Sun. Many will experience an upsurge in spiritual abilities and visions during this time. Those who have planets within 3° of 19° Taurus will feel this most profoundly. For those most powerfully impacted, it may seem that vortexes into universal knowledge spontaneously open for glimpses into spiritual realms. It is possible at such times to feel oneself standing in the spaces between dimensions. Learning to move seamlessly between dimensions allows us to become more effective at bridging consciousness into the new time.

Lucid dreams are more likely to happen when one is under the powerful influence of a solar eclipse. To make the most of this time, set your intentions to embrace whatever comes up during this time and make time to meditate the day of the eclipse. Creating an eclipse ritual for yourself can help you focus the energy for a breakthrough. It is easier during this time to shift to higher-vibrational timelines. This eclipse series will assist many in finding firmer footing in the new time.

Remain Calm during May’s Wild Ride

Due to the eclipse energies, this month is likely to be a time when deeper truths surface and emotions run high. It will be difficult to remain objective as emotional wounds and any issues around which we hold strong emotional energy come front and center. Events in our day to day lives can trigger unhealed emotions that suddenly rise to the surface with power and force. It will help during this time to remain calm and trust that whatever is happening is according to divine plan. These energies by design are helping us gain traction in stuck areas and grow in our spiritual understandings. It should be noted that this is not the time to make life-changing decisions as things may appear different on the other side of the eclipses.

Eclipses are major turning points at both the collective and individual levels. The sign of an eclipse offers clues as to the themes that are due for a change. At the personal level, the planets and houses impacted by an eclipse offer insights into the transformative changes that beacon to us on the road ahead.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta   For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

Posted on Saturday, May 4, 2013 at 05:06PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Aligning with the Version of Ourselves that can Transport us into the New Time 

Accelerated energies in recent years have allowed manifesting to happen with increasing ease. This is more so than ever as we move further into the new time. Manifesting our spiritual mission is an increasing desire for many. If you are feeling challenged in this realm, it may be time to examine the process you are following to bring your visions into physical reality.

We're first always seeking to manifest the version of ourselves capable of existing along the timeline we wish to access. In a sense, we're not truly creating or manifesting reality, but aligning with a timeline that already exists parallel to our present moment.

Steps to Aligning with the 'You' most Strongly Aligned with the New Time

When you reach toward your highest potentials, you allow the "you" most strongly aligned with the timeline where your vision exists to transport you there. We offer here some steps you can follow to align with your highest potentials.

The Time to Begin is Always Now

One) Accept that the time is always now to begin this process. The present moment is always your true point of power. Taking even small steps in your present moment will bring about major energetic shifts that, over time, will transport you to timelines where you access the frequencies of the new time.

Manifesting the 'You' Capable of Existing along Fifth-Dimensional Timelines

Two) Open to receive a vision aligned with your highest potentials. When we come into resonance with a new potential, we begin to receive perceptual glimmers or visions of this potential. These glimmers offer insight into how this reality would look, how it would feel, and the types of potentials and opportunities we might encounter along that reality thread. This glimmer on the horizon sparks inspiration and your imagination catches fire. Captivated and enthused about this vision, you begin the quest to learn more about it. Set an intention to observe it. Each time you turn your attention to this intended creation, you energize it and the energetic field of the creation expands.

Once you receive a vision and choose to align with it, next begin the process of cultivating and strengthening the aspect of your consciousness most closely aligned with your vision. This is the aspect capable of bringing your creation into being. The fact that you are reading this says that you're interested in existing along high-vibrational, fifth-dimensional timelines and have set your intentions to manifest the "you" capable of helping you step more fully into the new time. This "you" represent your highest potentials. When we become the version of ourselves that is able to take us in the direction of our highest potentials, this self will always find a way to access higher frequencies within each moment.

First, Simply Allow a Vision to Exist in Consciousness

Three) Allow your new vision to simply exist in consciousness. Do not concern yourself in this early stage with how you will bring this vision into your physical reality. When a new vision arrives in the doorway of our imagination, all we need do is open to it and welcome it as a potential. We do not have to know how we will carry out the vision in order to open to it and allow it to exist as a strong potential in consciousness. It is a misunderstanding to think that we can only carry out those visions we are skilled and experienced in carrying out. This is yet another version of the scarcity thought virus that tells us we do not have what we need to carry out a vision so we must disregard it as yet another "daydream" delivered up by our fanciful imagination.

Allow a New Vision to Grow and Expand

Four) Nurture and allow this new vision to grow in your consciousness. Day by day and moment by moment, observe this vision as it exists within your energetic field. Ask questions about it and get to know it. As we learn more about this potential, we begin to activate and link with the facet of our consciousness most closely aligned with it. Each time we bring our focus to it, our potential gathers energy and expands. The critical mass for its arrival into physical reality is reached when the potential gains sufficient energetic resonance with the part of our consciousness that is able to nurture its arrival into physical reality.

Release Aspects Trapped in Past Traumas

Five) As a new potential gathers strength in its energetic field, you may become aware of pockets of resistance that exist within you. Generally speaking, these are not aspects that want to hold you back, but rather, aspects that exist within past moments where unhealed and unresolved emotions and their accompanying traumas reside. These aspects are holding energy to "bookmark" this moment in time so a future, more masterful "you" can return to heal and release them. As we cultivate and prepare to activate new potentials, we are shown any areas that need healing and release. As we free energy being held around past traumas, we're able to refocus this energy toward new potentials we wish to activate.

Meet Future Potentials in your Inner Temple

Six) Create an inner temple and spend time there daily. One way you can strengthen the connection with a new potential is to meet with it in consciousness each day. An inner temple is the perfect place to meet and work with future potentials. This temple can take any form you wish. It can be a cottage by the ocean, a cabin in the mountains, a tree house in a tropical rainforest or a tent in the desert. You can invite your intended creations here to meet with you and spend time together in this relaxed and loving atmosphere. In this high-vibrational space, you will find it easier to bring all aspects of your being on board with new potentials. Higher-vibrational frequencies will always heal and entrain lower-vibrational frequencies. Entering a high feeling state daily even for short periods will naturally clear obstacles to healing and help manifest your visions.

Resist the Urge to Micro-Manage how Realities Manifest

Seven) Allow the universe to bring new realities to you in whatever way it can. It is a mistake to place contingencies on how realities arrive. Some believe they must first manifest a sum of money in order to realize their higher visions. This is a misunderstanding. Placing contingencies and prerequisites on our creations only serves to bottleneck and slow their arrival in physical reality. For example, if you wish to undertake a spiritual pilgrimage around the world, focus on this desire rather than the money needed to make it happen. It's easy to see how a vision of your journey is far more exciting to your higher self than a pile of money which by comparison is abstract and may hold connotations of meaningless work and enslavement. When you set an intention and remain awake and aware to clues and information in your daily life, you will find the bread crumb trail that leads to your desired creation.

Remain Alert to Thought Viruses that Sabotage your Efforts

Eight) Remain alert to the voices in your head that tell you that your dreams are impossible and unrealistic. These are the voices of thought viruses you were indoctrinated to in childhood and through collective consciousness. Your higher self will never tell you that you're not able to live your dreams. Likewise, your intuition will never bring you dreams and visions of potentials that are not real and true for you.
Don't allow yourself to be hamstrung by thought viruses that say you're not ready or good enough or empowered enough or enlightened enough to live your visions. You can wire around these disempowering voices by choosing to align with the highest vibrational frequency you're able to access within the present moment and move on from there.

Align with Desired Realities at Subtle Levels

Nine) Release overinvestment in physical reality. Hold in awareness that the reality you see around you in your present moment represents past creations and is fluid and changeable. Don't be fooled by the solid, concrete appearance of "reality." When we look at these seemingly solid and immovable structures of our present moment, we may feel powerless to change them. It's true we cannot change an existing timeline. But we can shift to a new timeline. In order to change our reality and the timeline we exist along, we must go within to align our visions and intentions with subtle energy. Creating is not a matter of moving concrete around but of aligning ourselves with the reality we wish to experience at the subtle level where raw energy is shaped by intention, and allowing ourselves to be transported energetically to the timeline where that reality already exists.

Adopting a Focus Self Aligned with your Desired Reality

Ten) Align with the identity of one who is living the reality you wish to create. When you receive a vision of a new potential, there's always an aspect of your consciousness that is able to nurture this vision into physical reality and transport you to the timeline where this new potential exists. As you energize and nurture a new potential, it will teach you who you need to become in order to carry it out to the world. In this way, you learn the identity of this aspect of your consciousness and begin to align with and adopt it as your new focus self. If you have become overly invested in your present-moment focus self, you will need to work with your higher self which can teach your present focus self to embrace the concept of service, impermanence and transcendence. As your focus self learns to act in service to the highest good of all, it will step aside when the time comes to alow a new facet of your consciousness to become the focus identity self capable of transporting you to timelines where new potentials exist.

Accept that Everything has Happened with Divine Perfection

Eleven) Refrain from judging yourself as moments from your past come before you to be released. Everything you created/activated in the past was designed to help you learn to grow and become the wise and empowered "you" that exists within your present moment.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta
For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

Posted on Friday, April 19, 2013 at 03:34PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

We are ‘Proof’ that the New Time Exists 

The new time is an energetic field accessible to all those who enter the frequency of love, compassion and service. As we incorporate the expanded light flowing onto the planet, we are able to work with these frequencies to incubate the new time within our own consciousness. It’s up to each of us to incubate this vision and manifest it according to the plan and purpose for our current lifetime. We take the first step on this path when we set our intention to access the energetic field of the new time and align our conscious awareness with the frequencies there.

Wayshowers Bridge Consciousness into the New Time

The influence of this energetic field expands as more souls come online with it. There are many who are here at this time with the purpose of serving to bridge others from third-dimensional timelines to the frequency of the new time. Lightworkers are by definition wayshowers - those who shine a light on the way ahead and hold a space that assists others in forging a new identity aligned with these frequencies. Each person holds within them the flame of eternity, though in some this flame waits to be ignited.

When you come here with the purpose of helping bridge consciousness, you move through life according to the vision you hold for the new time. By nurturing this vision for the future day by day and moment by moment, you offer a window for others to see their higher self through your words and actions. The higher self for each person here holds codes and keys for the new time. These are activated by intention and energetic resonance. The energy and vision of others can trigger awakenings to these potentials.

Gratitude is the Gatekeeper to the New Time

When we are ready to enter this awakening phase of consciousness, we release attachment to particular outcomes and learn to exist in a state of gratitude. In the new time, each person holds the understanding that they are responsible for their response to their reality and expresses gratitude for the results of all their actions, even when those results are not preferred. A conscious being understands that each experience brings them one step further along the path of the new time and that peace, love and harmony are frequencies that exist along that path. In this sense, gratitude is the gatekeeper to the new time as it is impossible to access frequencies of love and harmony when we are in resistance to our current reality.

We are the ‘Proof’ that the New Time Exists

It is up to each person to access the energetic field of the new time and interact with the frequencies there to incubate and manifest their personal visions. Those who sit around waiting for ‘proof’ that the new time exists miss the point. We are the proof that the new time exists. Our expanding consciousness allows us to see through all that held us back in past times and helps us chart a course for timelines where our highest potentials exist. As we manifest our highest potentials, we help fashion a new world that reflects higher dimensional realities.

Those who do nothing to access this energetic field will go on as they always have. Their experiences will follow their beliefs. Regardless of the nature of our beliefs, we will always find "proof" to validate our beliefs in our environment. If we choose to believe that we're hapless victims, we will find plenty of proof to support that belief. If we choose to believe we are divine beings able to work within the limitless universe for the highest and best of all, we will find plenty of proof to support that belief as well.

Belief Systems Spin Out Self-Validating Realities

When we enter the awakened phase of consciousness, we understand that each belief system spins out the realities needed to validate itself. We understand we are able to observe the beliefs operating within our own consciousness and determine which beliefs do not serve us. As awakened beings, we understand that external reality will always validate our beliefs in one way or another. From an awakened perspective, we are able to go behind the scenes of our lives so to speak and discern which beliefs best serve our spiritual growth.

Awakening Gifts we have Cultivated across Lifetimes

Many lightworkers are perceiving and accessing the energetic field of the new time every day. These souls are using the frequencies of the new time to awaken gifts and potentials that reside within them. In some cases, these gifts were cultivated across lifetimes. Examples of this include the artist who incorporates the frequencies of the new time into his or her artwork; the musician who encodes notes along the energetic spectrum of awakening into their compositions; and the teacher who structures workshops designed to awaken participants to their highest potentials.

In coming weeks and months and years, new concepts in science, art, writing, music and every field imaginable will be gifted to the world via the new time. Incorporated into these concepts are understandings that will help reshape our vision for who we are collectively and individually and why we're here.

Future Vision: Societies Based on Love and Nurturing Each Soul

One of the movements fostered by the new time will be the nurturing of human development. In a society based on love and compassion, each soul that draws breath in human form is valued, loved and nurtured. Other movements will foster respect for all life forms, including the environment. Throughout human history, there were those who advocated the path of love and compassion for all life. These wise beings laid the groundwork for seeds to flower in the new time.

How we Treat All Others Reflects our Relationship with our Soul

These movements will naturally evolve as human consciousness frees itself from enslaving thought viruses. How we treat ourselves, how we treat each other, how we treat animals, how we treat the environment – all of these are one and the same and together they offer a clear reflection of the relationship between our conscious mind and our soul. Whatever we do to any other life form we do to ourselves. It is impossible to enslave another being without enslaving ourselves. Thought viruses convince us this is not the case. When our conscious mind is strongly aligned with our soul, we see through the illusory world propagated by thought viruses. Much of what is considered mainstream reality is heavily infected by thought viruses. Each individual is enslaved to the degree that they are invested in the illusory world of the mainstream virus.

Future Vision: Humanity Steps Free of Enslaving Thought Viruses

The scarcity virus is at the root of old timelines rife with suffering and violence. This thought virus prompts us to believe in the thoughtform that “there is not enough love/peace/abundance to go around so I must fight to get some.” Another common thoughtform fostered by the scarcity virus is that “I must punish those who are to blame for my experience of lack.” This belief has justified many acts of destruction and violence and fosters the condition of un-love that weaves dark threads into the tapestry of life on this planet.

Valuing and Appreciating Ourselves Heals the Condition of Un-Love

When we exist on the frequency of un-love, our words and actions say to others that “you are not valuable to me unless you assist me in my endless quest to find that which I need to feel loved and valued.” Indeed, when we look to external circumstances to find our own worth and self-value, we will always be searching for something that eludes us. Un-love is based on the scarcity thought virus. It permeates many areas of earth-based reality and results in a devaluation of all life forms - human, animal, plant and mineral - at all levels. It is only when we stop, slow down and value and appreciate ourselves that we enter the space in consciousness where love resides. Anytime we feel un-love and undervalued, we can access this energetic field of the new time to heal ourselves.

Spiritual Freedom is our Natural Condition

When we hold a place of love and value within ourselves, we're able to share this with others. Even when a person expresses hatred toward you, you can secretly love and value them. You can remain on the frequency of love and silently broadcast this to others, no matter what. When a person acts or speaks in a negative way, it is because they are ensnared by thought viruses that do not allow them to conceive of another way to interact with the world around them. When you have plenty of love for yourself and more left over, you will step free of old, enslaving third-dimensional timelines and hold a space in consciousness for others to step free as well. Spiritual freedom is our natural condition and one that naturally transports us to the high-vibrational timelines of the new time.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta
For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

Posted on Saturday, March 23, 2013 at 05:30PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Navigating the New Time on Planet Earth: Strengthening our Spiritual Immune System 

Our movement into the new time is aided by strengthening the connection between our conscious mind and our subconscious mind or spirit. This connection between our conscious and subconscious is the essence of our spiritual strength, which is reflected at the physical level by our immune system.

Inner Unification Helps us Step Free of Third-Dimensional Realities

We know all too well how a weak immune system can leave us susceptible to illness. At the spiritual level, a weak or faltering connection between our conscious and subconscious leaves us susceptible to thought viruses that undermine our ability to step free of third-dimensional experiences.

When our focus is heavily weighted in physical reality, our connection with our soul is sketchy. A consciousness that sees physical reality as all there is will find itself limited to the part of existence that can be experienced through the physical senses. Anyone who underestimates the limiting nature of a purely physical perspective is overlooking the role that dreams, the imagination and intuitive guidance play in our daily lives.

A Thought Virus is a Low-Vibrational Thoughtform that goes Viral

Thought viruses bind and enslave us to physical reality. A thought virus is a low-vibrational thoughtform that essentially "goes viral" in that it is passed from one person to another until it becomes accepted at certain levels of resonance as absolute. Thought viruses are free-floating in collective consciousness, often passed down from generation to generation so their original source is long forgotten. Thought viruses feed on life-force energy.

Scarcity is a Primary Thought Virus

An example of a thought virus is scarcity. Thoughts of scarcity tell us we are small, disempowered, impoverished, unloved, and existing along a timeline that resembles a barren wasteland. It's easy to imagine one's self from this perspective to be without access to the universal storehouse of information and resources. When a person falls prey to a thought virus, their beliefs are modified by the virus and they begin acting in ways consistent with the false reality propagated by the virus.

Scarcity is a thought virus from which other thought viruses develop. Scarcity spawns thought viruses that there is not enough time, money, love and other resources to realize our true potential or fulfill our spiritual mission. It follows that if we don't have enough for ourselves, we don't have anything to share with others. Many of the lower-vibrational timelines are based in scarcity consciousness in one form and or another. The thoughtform of not having enough is at the root of many violent crimes, destructive behaviors, diseases and other forms of disharmony.

Bolstering our Spiritual Immune System Against the Scarcity Virus

What we're saying here is not a matter of judgment. Souls journey along scarcity timelines to learn this virus from the inside out. Once their experience is complete, a deeper understanding of the scarcity thought virus bolsters the spiritual immune system, allowing it to see through lower-vibrational thoughtforms. The healing for scarcity is to replace this thought virus with thoughtforms of abundance, unconditional love, and gratitude. These thoughts lift us to high-vibrational timelines where our highest potentials manifest.

Emotional Healing Strengthens our Spiritual Immune System

If we find it difficult to allow ourselves to exist in a state of gratitude and abundance, it may be time to work with past selves to clear up misunderstandings. Emotional healing and clearing is a major step toward strengthening our spiritual immune system. Past emotional baggage exists in our consciousness as weak points or triggers for thought viruses. If we still hold childhood emotions around not being loved or if we we're still hurting from the long ago loss of a loved one, we are easy prey for thought viruses. By working with younger aspects of our consciousness, re-parenting them so to speak, we become the higher self for other aspects of our consciousness and are able to facilitate our own healing.

Creating a Continuity of Consciousness that Transcends Lifetimes

Whenever our current "focus self" chooses to serve as the physical reflection of our higher self in this lifetime, we create a continuity of consciousness that transcends lifetimes. Through the process of entrainment, focus selves across lifetimes are able to join hands to create the inner unification that underlies ascension consciousness.

When we stand in the love and abundance of our spirit, we see the world around us through the eyes of our higher self. From this place, every decision we make, every thought and action, brings us a step further along the fifth-dimensional timelines that are a signpost of the new time.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta

For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

Posted on Friday, March 1, 2013 at 11:24PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Re-inventing Ourselves with the ‘Upgraded’ Potentials of the New Time 

As we move deeper into this new year, we are being asked to slow down, listen, and see the world around us with new eyes. We're in a new time that holds new potentials and learning opportunities based on "upgraded" frequencies. To make full use of these new potentials, we need to remember to slow down, observe the energies around us, and release any preconceived notions of reality.

Old Templates are Falling Away

In this new time, we are artists with blank canvases. We are free to interpret and experience reality anew. The new time looks and feels in accordance with our visions, motivations and desires for creating. If the new time looks and feels exactly like the old time, it’s time to ask ourselves if we’re creating reality based on old templates. Creating from old templates will result in realities similar to those we have experienced in the past. These old templates will not hold our energy and enthusiasm for much longer, however.

The Seed of the New Time is Planted within Us

Within each of us, the seed of the new time is pushing through the rich soil of our inspired imagination. As this seed grows, it sets up a yearning for new ideas, new visions, and new ways of being. A major theme for 2013 is re-invention. Many will be drawn to re-invent themselves in a way that expresses their perceptions and experiences of the new energies. Re-inventing one’s self involves adopting a new identity or focus self aligned with our new potentials.

Perceiving New Energies at the Subtle Level

Re-inventing ourselves begins at subtle, inner levels where manifestations take form. When we’re in a hurry, it’s hard to perceive subtle, inner levels where the energetic fields of our future creations are taking shape. Rushing through life is a symptom of enslavement to thought viruses that separate us from our true power. The antidote to this rushing about is to slow down, enter an alert, aware state, and observe the energies around us.

Every moment is encoded with the energies of our potentials. These potentials transport us onto the timelines that will be our future. If our present moment is a constant sprint to an imaginary finish line, we may activate potentials that carry us to timelines that are not of our choosing. At the very least, we may manifest future potentials of constant sprints leading to future potentials of constant sprints – you get the picture. We no longer need to learn from the old “Groundhog Day” syndrome of perpetually spinning through cookie cutter realities.

Expanding into Frequencies of Joy and Bliss

We step free of cookie cutter realities when we take time each day to slow down and become still within. From this still place, we are able to perceive new potentials and their timelines extending in all directions from our present moment.

When we slow down, a subtle and intricate world opens before us. As we bring our focus to these subtle realms, we encounter frequencies of joy and bliss, love and compassion at a level that is bioavailable. As we focus on these qualities, our capacity for experiencing them expands.

Our Perceptual Abilities are Expanding

It is easier now than in the past to perceive the subtle energies that exist all around us. It is easier than ever before to work with energy at inner levels to activate realities aligned with our highest visions. Our powers of perception are expanding in the new time. Wherever we were in terms of perceiving and creating our reality in the past, we will be able to expand exponentially as we move further into 2013.

When we look at a situation, we will perceive far more than what we are able to perceive with our physical senses. Imagine meeting a person and recognizing them from a past life, knowing something about their life and health, their goals and desires for the future, and their personal challenges. We are entering a time of far greater transparency where deception, subterfuge, and dishonesty will be replaced by honesty, openness and sharing in new ways. There have always been those who were able to see the soul that exists beyond personality veneers and shields put in place due to past pain and suffering. Now this form of seeing will become increasingly commonplace.

Revising our Creations through Future Vision

Whenever a situation comes before you, you will be able to see through the surface to the heart of the intention that created it. You will be able to see events crystalyzing well into your future. From this vantage point, you are able to make changes in your present moment that ensure the future you are creating is compatible with your intentions. We no longer need to rely on hindsight vision to revise our creations. Instead, we hold the option to utilize future vision.

We are free to learn life lessons in any way we choose. We can view the images of our upcoming creations and make revisions before they manifest into physical reality or we can wait for them to show up in physical reality and then fine-tune our understandings and intentions. The choice is ours.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta

For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

Posted on Thursday, February 7, 2013 at 09:28PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment