Love and Purified Intentions help us Navigate Powerful Dimensional Shifts
We’re in a period that feels like a cosmic roller coaster at times. This entire year has been about quantum change at both collective and personal levels and recent events such as the eclipse series and ongoing Pluto/Uranus square accelerated changes taking place. Powerful energies are shaking things up in an attempt to break free any lingering shackles of the old time so we can activate new and more empowered timelines. The challenges we encounter will be uniquely ours and they will be in areas of our lives we least want to confront. Our specific set of challenges shapes the passage before us as we move through dimensional shifts that allow us to experience timelines where our greatest gifts are realized. Old realities must unravel to make room for the new so we can expect some transition times ahead. As we thread our way through the ensuing times of uncertainty and chaos we may feel pushed and pulled in all directions and under intense pressure.
Creating new Realities based on the Frequency of Love
Self-love, forgiveness and a healthy dose of patience are essential during this time. As our awareness expands, we see ourselves more clearly than ever before. Front and center will be any past tendencies toward avoidance and scarcity thinking. Any way in which we have given into thought viruses and their fear-based world view will come onto the radar screen of our awareness. Anything we have created from fear-based intentions will begin to disintegrate and fall away.
This may seem a harsh passage for some but the energies of this period are helping us extricate ourselves from the tendrils of thought viruses and gain the spiritual freedom that allows us to find more solid footing in the new time. Although this can be an intense and exhausting period, it also has the transformative ability to bring us face to face with our shadow, providing us an opportunity to accept and reintegrate her. As we integrate light and dark we are able to move forward with a sense of wholeness and self-awareness that allows us to create conscious realities infused with the light of our heart center for the highest good of ourselves and others.
In the past, there was a tendency to create from our ego/mind which automatically programmed polarity into all our creations. Polarized creations cannot sustain the energy of love and wholeness and will always leave us struggling in lower-vibrational timelines.
Consciously creating realities allows us to step free of the cycle of struggle and suffering. There is no need to struggle and suffer. If your life feels more of a struggle than a blessing, you have not fully freed yourself from the enslaving influence of thought viruses. These fear-based thought forms are free-floating and keep us tethered to realities that drain our life force energy and leave us feeling empty and unfulfilled.
Raise your Vibrational Frequency to Navigate this Time
The best way to navigate this time of change is to love and nurture ourselves and purify our intentions. Self-love is especially important. Make sure you’re taking care of your body; get lots of rest during this time. Make time each day to exercise and spend time in nature. Raise your vibrational frequency with green foods to alkalinize your physical system and make time each day to sit in meditation and silence. If you feel under pressure - if you’re feeling pushed to the max by the energies - go within and ask for guidance and healing insights. Ask the universe to bring what you need and make sure you open to receive it. Now is the time to reach for love and healing and allow it to flow into your life. Open to receive love and see it flowing to all the parts of yourself that have been starved for love. Anytime you feel isolated and alone, give to others the love and understanding you’re seeking and you will find all that you need.
Purifying intentions is also important at this time. Examine your intentions to make sure you’re seeking the highest and best for yourself and others. If you’re creating from old, fear-based intentions of scarcity and avoidance, this will not serve you well.
Whatever it is you're seeking from the universe, examine your intentions to make sure they are coming from a place of love instead of ego and fear-based desires. Transform intentions by allowing yourself to see how what you’re asking for benefits yourself and all others. For instance, if you’re seeking to heal and improve your life, see how being healthy and whole will allow you to become a brighter light for all others.
Fear-Based Scenarios are falling by the Wayside
Anything in your life that has been operating on autopilot will come under pressure during this time. Relationships and careers may end. Any situation you entered from a place of fear will fall by the wayside. Accepting this spiritual understanding will provide an underpinning for the new life you will build. Whatever we create from fear-based intentions will forever be colored by the intentions with which they were created. If you entered a relationship because you fear more than anything else being alone, that relationship will always carry the energy and experience of fear and sooner or later you will be more alone than ever before. If you remained in a career that didn't feed your soul because you were afraid more than anything of experiencing a lack of security, sooner or later that career will end and you will exist in a state of scarcity more so than in the past.
If people and situations are leaving your life, ask yourself if these relationships and situations were created from a place of love or a place of fear. If they were created from a place of fear, release them and move forward to create your new life from a place of love.
Allow Yourself to Exist in the Void
Do not rush out and seek to fill the sudden void in your life but instead, learn to exist within the void while focusing on self-love and healing. When you're strong within yourself and able to exist on the frequency of love, it will be time to create anew.
Love is the highest vibration in the universe. Whenever fearful scenarios dance onto the movie screen of your mind, surround them with the healing light of love and feel a shift take place inside you. When you create from a place of love, everything you create carries you deeper into the heart of love. When you create from fear, everything you create carries you deeper into fear-based realities. When you allow yourself to exist in a place of love, you always have all you need and plenty left over to share with others. Thought viruses cannot get their hooks into you.
Activating New and More Spiritually-Aligned Timelines
When you're ready to create again, ask for a vision of potential timeline threads to be downloaded into your consciousness. When you have a clear vision of the timeline that resonates most strongly, you are ready to begin energizing it with your focus and attention.
If your conscious mind resists receiving divine assistance, ask for love and healing to be downloaded in your dream states. When your conscious mind is asleep your subconscious remains awake and is able to act on your intentions. At night just before falling asleep, set your intentions to receive in dream states the love and healing you need.
Choosing and Aligning with a New Timeline
Many reality threads exist as potentials within your life hologram. When you perceive a new potential, it’s a real timeline that already exists energetically. As you begin tuning into this reality thread, you merge the energies of your present moment with it. When the timing is right and sufficient resonance is reached, you will be transported to this reality thread.
Daily go into your meditative space and allow yourself to tune into this new timeline, each time filling in a few more details of what your life is like there and all the opportunities waiting there for you. Feel the emotions and energy of this timeline. Refrain from judging where you are now and where you have been. These have helped you become who you are now and who you are becoming.
For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta
For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
The Aries Lunar Eclipse: Unexpected Timeline Shifts Transport us into the Void
We're in a time of powerful endings and beginnings. These transitions will shake many to their core, creating sudden and unexpected timeline shifts. Today's 25° Aries lunar eclipse emphasizes the need for freedom, balance and change. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and holds the energy of new beginnings. Fear and anxiety may arise as we are faced with changes large and small to our way of life. That which is working and spiritually-aligned in our lives will grow stronger during this time while that which is not working will begin to fall away. It is important to be willing to take action in areas of your life now.
Determining Impact, Intensity and Duration of Eclipse Influences
A lunar eclipse occurs during a full moon when the earth moves exactly between the sun and moon, interrupting their natural connection. Everyone feels the effects of an eclipse differently. The type of impact and its intensity and duration depends on where an eclipse falls in your astrology chart. This eclipse will strongly affect people with personal planets and points of approximately 20-30° of cardinal signs. If an eclipse falls within 3° of a planet or an important point in your chart by conjunction or opposition, it is of special significance to you. This lunar eclipses opposes Libra. The nature of our planets impacted by the eclipse offers clues to the experiences that lie ahead. The house where this eclipse falls in your chart will determine what part of your life is most affected.
Emotional Upheaval and Relationship 'Shake-Ups' are Possible
Relationships are at the core of the changes taking place. We may find ourselves trying to strike a balance between being close to someone and following the intense desire to be free. Be prepared to embrace change and accept endings that are triggered now. When people and circumstances leave your life, this opens a space for the new. As we sit in silence we feel the first stirrings of new desire. The lunar eclipse energies of this time will steer us toward starting over in some area of our life.
Emotions will run high during this very intense eclipse period as many feel put to the test. Lunar eclipses tend to stir up the emotional body, prompting anything that lies hidden to rise to the surface. This lunar eclipse may bring up our shadow side so we can bring awareness and acceptance. One thing is for certain - anything that has been swept under the rug or repressed within the subconscious will be dredged up during this eclipse.
Summoning the Courage to Enter the Void
The key to working with this time is to summon the courage to exist in the void for a time. This is the trial by fire, the dark night of the soul as we sit in silence, accepting observing with alert awareness, trusting in the higher order of the universe and calling on the strength, wisdom and love that exists within our soul.
Keep in mind as you move through this time that the void is the place of new beginnings, new ideas and all things creative. Inside the void a new and more spiritually aligned and empowered future beckons. When we allow ourselves to exist within the void, we open the door to a wealth of new potentials. At the energy level, all things are truly possible. This is the place where we re-invent ourselves, where we give life to our dreams, and plant seeds that determine the shape of our future.
Shining the Light of Awareness on Fears and Insecurities
This is an excellent time to focus on healing and clearing the past to make way for the new. Clearing clutter and passing on things we no longer need are important now. As we move further into the clearing process, our attention is drawn to the fears and insecurities that have held us back for so long. When we shine the light of our awareness on these fears, they start to lose power over us. Sit with whatever emotions rise to the surface now. Change can be painful at times. As we release resistance, it's easier to release old structures we have outgrown and move toward that which empowers us.
This is also a good time to further develop a talent or skill, or develop an entirely new skill. Psychic sensitivity may be off the charts during this phase. It's a good time to develop intuitive skills. Our creative and artistic talents come to the forefront at this time. As we follow our creative impulses, we find healing and new gifts to share with the world.
For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta
For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
Upgrading our Lens of Perception Shifts us to Fifth-Dimensional Timelines
This year has seen many lightworkers seeking to align with the version of themselves that will help them find their place in the new time. The new time has always existed within its own zip code, so to speak, but as increasing numbers of souls tune into this location in consciousness, its beacon is growing brighter and the notes it sounds in the symphony of life on earth are becoming more prominent.
An acceleration of the new time is on the way as energetic upgrades "phase out" yet another sector of third-dimensional existence. Those levels that are phased out continue to exist but as energies shift toward higher dimensions, efforts along the lower octaves will be met with resistance. In other words, a new layer of the old way of life is about to stop working in ways it has in the past.
'Reality Filters' Determine Every Part of our Experience
We're able to discern the dimensional levels we are working from by becoming a watcher for a time, simply observing what’s going on in our life. One thing we can examine is the filter or "lens of perception" we're operating from. A 'reality filter' is the lens through which we view ourselves and the world. Our filters will change with time as we move in and out of various perceptions and identities.
The filter in place within our present moment determines our experience of reality which includes our level of abundance, creativity, how we relate to others, strength of spiritual connection, health and well being - literally every part of our life.
Negative Filters Transfer you to Negative Timelines
Some people see the world through distorted or negative filters. Negative filters are most always the byproduct of a thought virus. Thought viruses are thoughtforms that seek to enslave us. When we look through a negative lens, we believe we are victims, that others have negative opinions of us and that we have limited capabilities. A negative filter will in time transfer you to the timeline where the negative reality is manifested.
We are just as able to choose positive filters that empower us and help us live our highest visions we have seen in our sleeping and waking dreams. Whereas a negative filter is centered on what you don't want, a positive filter focuses your energy and attention on what you do want. In creating a positive filter for yourself, look at your strengths, talents, potentials and desires and forge a new lens of perception that will allow you to strengthen your talents and abilities and cultivate the new abilities and experiences you desire.
Spiritual Awareness helps you See through Thought Viruses
Regardless of what lens or belief you hold about reality you will find validation for it in the outer world. You may wonder, if it is just as easy to create a positive filter as it is a negative filter, then why do so many see the world through negative filters? Often people are indoctrinated into negative filters as young children. After a negative lens is implanted, thought viruses keep people from developing the emotional freedom and spiritual awareness that would allow them to see through the viruses's fear loop. If we can’t see that we’ve fallen under the control of a thought virus, we are helpless to remove the negative lens.
People fall prey to thought viruses that convince them they aren't smart enough, talented enough or deserving enough to live their dreams. Those who focus daily on their spiritual path and inner healing are able to free themselves from thought viruses as their awareness expands.
When you allow yourself to consciously see the negative lenses you have adopted, you are empowered to dissolve them. Old thoughtforms that you are unattractive, impoverished, unloved and unappreciated begin to dissolve when you see them in the light of your higher consciousness. The final death blow to a thought virus is when you make a conscious choice to stop feeding it your energy and attention.
Creating and Expanding Positive Filters in your Inner Temple
Once you've turned your back on negative filters, you're ready to begin energizing the positive filters of your choice. Create images of who you choose to be by going into your inner temple each day and expanding your view of your life. See you being who you want, having all that you want. There are no limitations. See yourself as loving, kind, spiritually connected, empowered and abundant. Keep the images of this positive filter before you at all times and continuously add to the inner movie of how this will change your world.
If you wish to vastly change your circumstances and identity you will want to build in steps of realistic goals you can more easily attain. It is one thing to change your identity to that of a spiritual teacher and another to become an internationally-acclaimed spiritual teacher. While the latter is a future horizon that can be obtained if you're willing to put forth the energy, it will understandably the take more time to achieve. There will likely numerous steps and upgrades to your lens of perception to help you move toward your goal.
When you begin to live life as you see it through your positive lenses, your mind and soul become harmonized. From this place of inner peace, you naturally make decisions and choices that help you realize your highest visions and find your place in the new time.
For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta
For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
Waking and Nightly Dreams offer Glimpses into Timelines along our ‘Hologram Highways’
Each person has many timelines within their life hologram. At any given time, our life hologram or energetic template for our life, contains timelines we have already experienced and those we have yet to encounter. Every day we glimpse these new potentials in various ways though we may not always recognize them as such. Tuning in these “glimpses” allows us to further explore alternate potentials before choosing which life track we will shift our energy and focus to. We will describe here some ways to perceive alternate life tracks.
Glimpsing Alternate Timelines in Nightly Dreams
Sometimes we glimpse alternate timelines in our nightly dream travels. While some dreams are designed to unravel the events of our day, other dream states allow us to step beyond more mundane dreams into parallel life tracks. These dreams allow us to explore alternate potentials within our life hologram. Often, though not always, we explore timelines more closely related to our present life track.
Those timelines nearest our present life thread will often appear similar to our present reality but with some noticeable differences. Our dream might feature people and themes familiar to our present life thread but it may be set in unfamiliar locations and circumstances. Parallel realities in dreams may at times feature some variation of roads not taken along our present timeline.
Perceiving Distant Future Life Tracks
At times we may wander further afield in our dreams, along timelines further from our present reality thread, and find ourselves in uncharted territories. These life tracks may be so unfamiliar to us they seem fantastical in nature. That is because some of these life tracks are from a future we have yet to conceive of. Imagine how your present moment would have appeared to you 20-30 years ago. This is how the timeline of a distant future might appear to you now.
Many inventions and revolutionary ideas have been shared with the world by those who brought back glimpses of future life tracks from their nightly dreams.
Waking Dreams bring Glimpses of Parallel Realities
Our waking dreams have the power to carry us into alternate life tracks. Waking dreams happen when we break free of mind chatter and enter the still, deep waters of our subconscious mind. From this expansive space, we are able to merge our consciousness with all-that-is and experience true oneness. Our imagination is the portal that carries us into this space.
Writers, artists and other creative souls become adept at traveling through the doorway of their imagination into parallel realities within their life hologram. Artists sometimes find images along these ‘hologram highways’ that they bring back and express in various artistic mediums.
Because the language of the soul comes is in symbols and images, artists are best able to incorporate visions of future timelines into their creations. Images encoded with the frequencies of future times speak to us at a level beyond our conscious mind, awakening us to latent potentials. These frequencies help us tune into future selves that are able to guide us on the path to our highest future.
Some of the greatest literature was created by writers traveling hologram highways where they encountered other versions of themselves in alternate timelines. Many gifted writers populate their novels with characters based on their alternate selves. Writers who frequent their parallel life tracks may find aspects of other timelines merging with their present life thread. This is one form of timeline bleedthrough.
Timeline Bleedthroughs bring Lessons and Revelations
Bleedthroughs between timelines are not uncommon. We are not always aware how strongly we're influenced by alternate selves existing along nearby timelines. An example might be an alternate self experiencing a traumatic or powerful event. Your present-moment self may not be experiencing the same thing, yet those who are particularly sensitive or psychic may pick up the feelings and experiences of the alternate self. One way we experience a bleedthrough is a sudden and unexplainable pain or sensation, or an unexplainable bout of melancholy, burst of creative inspiration or sudden breakthrough into spiritual "seeing." Even though these bleedthroughs arise from events along other timelines, we can choose to tune them in and shift the course of our present timeline - or in the case of a perceived undesirable timeline, we can choose to take the understanding and insight gleaned from the bleedthrough to chart a course in a totally different direction.
Signs of Alternate Realities in our Present Moment
Another way we become aware of parallel timelines is by paying close attention to the details of our daily life. Tucked inside every moment, we find symbols, images and signs of other timelines existing parallel to our present moment. When we become adept at decoding the symbols and images of our present moment, we become fluent in the language of our soul. Perceiving and interpreting the images of our life enables us to see through surface reality and enter the vast ocean of our subconscious.
Every moment is holographic to all-that-is and as such contains access points to past, parallel and future timelines. As we still our mind, deepen and fine tune our awareness, we are able to perceive, explore and travel along the timelines of our choosing.
For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta
For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
'Crossroads Moments' Offer Glimpses into your Parallel Universes of Self
We have many parallel universes of self - that is, alternate selves existing along timelines that run parallel to our present life track. These alternate selves exist in realities spun out of the energetic template of the hologram for our present lifetime.
‘Crossroads Moments’ Offer Glimpses of Alternate Timelines
An examination of ‘crossroads moments’ from the past will help you learn to recognize alternate timelines you encounter in your present moment. To gain insight into alternate reality threads from your past, bring your mind to the "roads not taken" throughout your life. Any point where you chose one potential over another, you can pinpoint an alternate timeline.
Crossroads moments are those times when we find ourselves gazing in two different directions and choosing one course over another. The "road not taken" does not cease to exist but rather, continues along its own timeline. It remains a future potential life track. All you need to do in order to activate it is bring your focus and attention to it and begin "tuning it in" as you would a radio or to broadcast. Over time, harmonizing with an alternate timeline allows it to merge with our present timeline. Sounds good in theory but how does this look up close and personal?
Let's say a person is on a life track of super health and fitness. Their diet consists of raw and super foods and they’re exercising and doing yoga. They feel good and exist in a space of health and clarity. Then, the same person goes through a time of emotional upheaval and lapses into habits of eating a poor diet and exercising infrequently. They begin to lose clarity and feel their health slipping; their once-clear mind is now in a bit of a fog. They want to "get back" to a place of good health but find it very difficult to travel back in time and pick up with their former healthy timeline.
We can’t Change or Travel Back to Past Timelines
We can merge our present moment with a timeline of super health and fitness similar to one from our past but there will be differences to our past timeline.
We can never really travel back along a past timeline. Since time does not exist, our movement through time is based on experience. Experience transforms us in ways we can’t undo. Perhaps it's more accurate to say change makes it impossible for us to experience a past timeline in the same way. (Though we can still observe the past timeline and interact with it). There’s no reason for anyone to seek to return to a past timeline. We can choose to re-energize our positive choices from the past and begin moving along a new timeline that is strongly aligned with – and perhaps influenced and informed by – timelines from our past..
Bleedthroughs and Points of Resonance between Past and Present Timelines
In the case of the past health and fitness timeline, for example, the person’s experiences along other timelines have brought them to a different place in consciousness. They are no longer fully in resonance with their old timeline. However, as they energize a new health and fitness timeline, they may find many similarities between their past and present health and fitness timelines. At times these may seem to merge through timeline bleedthroughs and other points of resonance.
Distilling the Highest and Best of your Timeline Experiences
You can probably call to mind past timelines it seems you can’t re-energize. For example, in all likelihood you can’t re-energize your relationship with your childhood sweetheart who is now married with five children. However, you can re-energize the positive aspects of your “self” of that timeframe. You can also re-energize the loving feeling you had for your long-ago love and share those feelings with a new person. When you long to relive the experiences of a past timeline, it’s helpful to consider exactly what it is from your past that you wish to re-experience. If you keep distilling the highest and best of your timeline experiences, you will find moments of joy and love. This is what your soul seeks to create past, present and future. Let go of specifics and bring your focus to the essence of what once gave you love and joy and you will soon find yourself experiencing these along a new timeline.
Every Moment is a Crossroads to Alternate Realities
Every moment brings us to a crossroads where we choose one idea over another. Sometimes these crossroads moments are very subtle - almost imperceptible - while at other times they are more obvious and dramatic. Every moment within every day represents a crossroads where the tide of our alternate selves washes up on the shore of our conscious awareness, allowing us to choose the timelines we energize. We don’t always consciously choose timelines. Sometimes we’re too absorbed in physical reality to notice alternate life tracks when they appear before us. In this case, we choose a new timeline by default and it may or may not be one of our choosing.
When we pay close attention to our present, we gain awareness of the crossroads we encounter within every moment. Our alternate selves dance around the corners of our imagination in both nightly and waking dreams. We are free to choose from among these alternate life tracks, creating subtle shifts moment by moment that over time transport us to very different timelines within our life hologram. Each shift we make brings us into proximity with a different set of adjacent timelines and alternate selves. This is how we weave the tapestry of our destiny.
In our next segment we will discuss how nightly and waking dreams offer insights into alternate life tracks.
For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta
For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta