Sample Numbers Around You Astrology Report

Address for DL Zeta & Peter Phalam


Your Address adds to 7

The most unconventional address in all respects. Good for single adults;

alone but not lonely. Inspires spiritual growth but abhors conventional

organized religion. Inspires depth of thought, reading, contemplation and

perhaps even meditation. Serious and often pushing one to become a bit more

introvert, this address is my personal favorite.

Just as only an artist knows the bliss of "breaking through" to create a

truly great piece, only the seven knows the ecstasy of a truly spiritual

realization. If all churches, mosques, and synagogues were located at

"number 7 addresses" the world would be a better place.

Those who like to keep things light and superficial tend to find little

happiness in this location.

Strengthen the positive influence of this address with:

Few colors, preferably white or shades of white. Austere, minimal furniture.

Simple but high quality. Avoid clutter. Be the opposite of a pack rat -

eliminate what you don’t need.