Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for
Healing and Transformation
I'm happy to announce my book, Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation, is now complete and available in ebook form. This project has been almost two years in the making, and it contains a roadmap of sorts for accessing and traveling in multidimensional consciousness.
How to Order the Portals of Spirit Ebook
To order the Portals of Spirit ebook, simply click on the Paypal button. The book is 221 pages and in PDF form. The cost is $15. This is a separate cart system from the other products we offer. This is so we can automate delivery of the ebook. When you pay for this ebook in Paypal, you will receive a link to download it within a few minutes.
About the Portals of Spirit Ebook
Portals of Spirit consists of two sections. The first outlines my own journeys in consciousness over the last two decades. The main focus of this section are the synchronicities and intricately interrelated series of insights and events that helped me transform my life. In a space of 5-10 years, my life gradually changed from a life of hardship, scarcity, illness and suffering to a peaceful, creative, healthy and fulfilled existence. It's my hope in writing this book that I can help my readers make this transition in a shorter time.
The second section of the book contains the Portals channelings themselves. While earlier versions of these messages have been widely posted, the versions in the book are greatly revised and placed into a progression and order that helps simplify the roadmap
to higher consciousness and makes the progression and points on the map more obvious.