**Celestial Vision Thought for the Day**


The Connection between Spiritual Purpose and Health

We all have a purpose we came here to fulfill. The movement toward this purpose enlivens our physical system, allowing our energy to flow freely. When our energy flows freely, we are inspired and enthusiastic about life. If we aren't moving along the path of our spiritual purpose, our energy and enthusiasm amps down. Our life force ebbs.

Physical Health versus Spiritual Health

One way to strengthen your understanding of your life purpose is by strengthening your physical body. Whenever you seek to create anything at the physical level, it eventually moves into all other levels. If you build a stronger body, you build a stronger spirit. Health at the physical level eventually translates into health at the mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Our conscious mind attempts to compartmentalize these different levels, but in fact they are all one and the same. For example, when you work at the spiritual level, it impacts your physical well-being and vice versa. In this way, all roads lead to the same place.

I tend to believe for most people the best place to start is at the physical level. This is the level that is most familiar. For many people, there are physical issues that need to be cleared up and healed to pave the way for a stronger connection with their spirit and higher self. If you're not feeling well, you're far less likely to seek what exists beyond the physical level. This is a basic hierarchy of needs. When you're feeling great and filled with energy, you have the perfect foundation for building the bridge to higher consciousness.

Excerpt from The Metaphysics of Radiant Health Ebook by DL Zeta

Posted on Sunday, June 7, 2009 at 12:15AM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Raising Your ‘Frequency Capability’ 

Your vibratory “frequency” determines every area of your life experience, including your health and well-being. There are ways to raise the "frequency capability" of your physical body. These include physical exercises, stilling the mind through concentration and meditation, calming the emotions, cultivating joy, daily exposure to sunlight, communing with nature, breathing exercises, feng shui and placing “energy enhancers” in your environment.

The focus of thoughts, feelings, beliefs and intentions is another dimension of self-energization. A mind focused on uniting heaven andearth (conscious and subconscious) thrives on a higher life force amperage. In order to “amp up” your vibration, it is often necessary to gain control of the mind. This is done by stilling the mind through meditation and concentration practices that bring the attention to a single point of focus again and again. A simple exercise of concentrating on a candle flame for 10 minutes each day while releasing all thoughtsworks wonders in calming the mind and opening its receiving capability. Constant mind chatter creates static interference that blocks one’s ability to receive life force energy. In meditation, focus thoughts upwards, reaching toward the highest feeling state that can be attained within the moment. Thoughts attuned to spirit and bringing the spirit more fully into the life will bring in a stronger life force flow.

Nature and the outdoors are also enlivening to the physical system. It's important to spend time in nature where life force energy pulses at a higher resonance than inside stale, indoor atmospheres. Clean, fresh air is important to the physical system and the flow of chi in the body, as is daily exposure to sunlight. Short sunbaths have an energizing effect on the system. In view of current climate changes, you will want to take care with exposure to sunlight. Ten minutes per day in morning or evening light is sufficient.

Another method for cultivating life force energy is through daily pranayama breathing exercises. Flooding the body with oxygenaccelerates the flow of chi in the body. This is important because disease at its core is a lack of oxygenation at the cellular level. Cultivating joy is another energy enhancer. When asked to make a list of those things in your life that give you joy, would your list be long or hort? Even if you can only think of a few things that bring you joy, bring your focus to these and allow them to expand. As you daily make more time for the things you enjoy, you will see these expand. New “spin-offs” will appear. Your joy list will grow longer and longer. Cultivating your joy list will create a greater flow of life force energy. This is one way you raise your vibration and come into closer resonance with your higher self.

Within the scope of indoor environments, an understanding of feng shui is helpful. Feng shui creates a greater life force flow within spaces and helps enliven the life force within the body and life. Decisions made from a brightened mental attitude and feeling space plant the seeds of a positive future. Along these lines, certain “energy enhancers" can be added to living areas. These include candles, crystals, prisms, colors, sounds, fountains, uplifting artwork, plants and many other objects. Books also carry a vibration. Those who are particularly sensitive to energy can walk into a room that contains a library of spiritual books and feel their vibration.

Excerpt from The Metaphysics of Radiant Health Ebook by DL Zeta


Posted on Thursday, June 4, 2009 at 11:36PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Adopting an Identity of Abundance and Prosperity

The quickest way to create future realities based on abundance and prosperity is to adopt the identity of the version of yourself who is abundant and prosperous and to begin living your life from the perspective of this new identity. Adopting an identity of abundance and prosperity is a matter of shifting your perspective to see the world through the eyes of “one who is abundant.”

A Short Course on Creating Identity Shifts

Here is a short course on creating identity shifts:

To create an identity shift, first set the intention to make the shift. This creates an energetic field that begins to attract energy, information, ideas, people and resources to bring your intention into physical reality. Open to allow your intention to manifest. Manifestation occurs when intention and allowing go hand-in-hand.

In order to fine tune your new identity, you may want to spend some time observing those who hold identities of abundance. Also observe those who hold identities of scarcity. Observe the differences between the two.

You may also find it helpful to brainstorm all the images and ideas you associate with abundance and prosperity. In a journal, list the qualities and characteristics you associate with abundance and prosperity. Look for photographs and symbols that represent abundance to you and place these around your home so they are always in front of you. This helps reaffirm and re-energize your intentions daily. If your brainstorming session yields images of things that make you feel abundant, make time for these. Something as simple as making time in your day for a walk in the park can boost your energy and enthusiasm for life which subsequently magnetizes greater abundance.

As you move further into an identity shift, you will receive images of your new self in dreams. You can also ask your spiritual guidance to bring you conscious images and close-ups of any areas of your new identity that remain unclear. Your guidance will also bring your attention to any barriers, unresolved situations, or old beliefs that stand in the way of adopting your new identity. Release any thoughts of who you have been, who you no longer wish to be, and simply step into the identity of who you are now -- who you choose to be. 

By strongly identifying with the self who is experiencing your chosen probable reality, you make it your present-moment reality. When you bring your complete focus to your new reality, you move toward who you now choose to be, which naturally creates distance from any past realities. This carries you into a fuller experience of realities aligned with your new identity.

Excerpt from Abundance Magic: 44 Steps to Manifesting the Future of Your Dreams By DL Zeta

Posted on Monday, June 1, 2009 at 07:17PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

The Body as Biofeedback Device

The body is designed as a biofeedback device - a way for thoughts to find their way into the physical realm where they can be directly experienced. These hands-on encounters with the children of your thoughts help bring your conscious mind into spiritual alignment.

If the body manifests a disease, this is an indication that the thoughts playing on the screen of the mind are not spiritually aligned. This is not a judgment, only a mechanism for seeking to bring awareness of the spiritual laws that exist in the universe so each person can bring their existence into harmony with these laws.

When confronted with illness, many seek relief from the discomfort that has been created. It is natural to choose to avoid discomfort. Before you seek to eradicate the symptoms, it is wise to listen to the messages they are bringing you and distill as much information from them as you can. By learning to perceive symptoms at more subtle levels and "reading" their meaning, you gain awareness of the understandings you were seeking by creating the symptoms in the first place. Once you see the bigger picture of an illness, you can address it at all levels in a holistic way -- mind, body and spirit. This is the way to create permanent healing.


Excerpt from Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL Zeta

Posted on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 at 11:39PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Identifying and Choosing Parallel Realities

Portals are access points to energetic fields of possibility that exist parallel to your present focus reality. These alternate timelines are templates created from your own field of probabilities. Only a small percentage of these possible timelines become focus timelines. A timeline not chosen as the focus timeline continues to exist energetically within one's field of probabilities. From the standpoint of the focus self, it exists latent and unrealized, but still alive.

To gain glimpses of these probable realities that exist beyond the physical plane, align yourself with spirit - with your self as you exist in other dimensions. Once you unite with your selves across time, you can consult the future to discover the probabilities you are setting up, as well as other, alternate probabilities, and consciously choose the course most closely aligned with your purpose.

Once you choose a future probability, you can leave off with other, erroneous, “seeds" you're planting in your garden of now. This allows you to begin intensively cultivating the line of probability most closely aligned with your purpose. This is the storyline that will bring you the most joy and fulfillment. You'll know which probability is most closely aligned with your purpose. When you view this probable future, you will feel you have found the perfect lens with which to view your life. Everything that has ever happened in your life will come into sharp focus. Your pulse will quicken, your heart will rise up into your throat. You will feel your self enveloped in a great rush of joy and bliss. In the light of this future vision, everything that has ever happened in your life will make perfect sense.

Excerpt from Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and
Transformation by DL Zeta


Posted on Monday, May 4, 2009 at 11:08PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment