**Celestial Vision Thought for the Day**


'Amping Up' Life Force Flow through Spiritual Renewal

Spiritual purpose plays an important role in creating health. There are ways to amp up the amount of life force energy flowing into your life. It’s the flow of life force flowing into one’s life that determines the realities that can be accessed.

With each year that passes, there's either a moving toward the realization of the deepest longing of one’s soul or a moving away from it. Those who have taken their meaning solely from the outer world will begin to notice an empty feeling that is often accompanied by a physical breakdown over time. By contrast, those who have built a bridge to higher consciousness will experience renewal and rejuvenation that allows them to exude a vitality and timelessness as they grow older.

Life force energy arrives proportionate to the amount that’s needed. Those who make an effort to discover their spiritual mission and carry it out in whatever means available receive the life force energy needed to do this. By contrast, those who retreat into illusion, seeking only the comfort of distraction and entertainment, suffer a stagnancy that shuts down the flow of life force energy over time.

When life force energy is shut down or stagnant for long periods, the physical body starts to “amp down,” and the spirit begins to withdraw from the life. At the physical level, you can measure life force in terms of the oxygenation of cells. A lack of oxygen most always results in physical disease. This is the physical explanation for disease that reflects the spiritual withdrawal of life force energy from the body.

The good news is that regardless of how far a person has traveled off course,
regardless of the current state of a person’s physical being, this energy can most always be turned around through spiritual renewal.

12 Steps to Creating Spiritual Renewal

We offer here 12 steps for creating spiritual renewal:

1) Identify your life purpose and ask your guides to reveal to you the steps to fulfilling this purpose. If you don't know yet what your life purpose is, begin reading the energy of your entire life to look for clues. Write your autobiography and examine the energy and essence of all major milestones. Everything that has ever been created in your life has been designed to carry you further into the realization of this purpose. Make lists of your strengths and weaknesses, the things you love, your talents, and your deepest desires. These are further clues to the nature of your life purpose.

2) Set aside time each day for silence and meditation.

3) Learn to still your mind by practicing concentration skills. Concentrating the attention on a candle flame for 10 minutes each day while releasing all thoughts will help still and focus the mind.

4) Eat a diet that consists of primarily live foods.

5) Fast periodically to clean and detox the body and help release yourself from over involvement in the physical world.

6) Develop your intuition. Recording and interpreting your dreams each day is a good way to begin developing intuition. Also, make a practice of listening to the still, small voice within you and observe how the information it offers assists you throughout your day.

7) Create a list of the 10 things you most dearly desire to create and ask your guides to show you steps you can take to begin creating these desires now. Look to see how each item on your Ten Most Wanted list is aligned with your life purpose.

8) Have a goal, purpose, and activity for everything you do.

9) Engage in some sort of physical activity each day. It is especially beneficial to incorporate physical activity such as yoga that unifies mind, body and spirit.

10) Make time each day for creative play. Write in a journal, paint, take a long walk in nature. Do what gives you joy.

11) Find some way to share your gifts and talents with others.

12) Clear clutter in your life. Clean out closets, drawers, your house, car, and everywhere unused items accumulate. Release everything you no longer need. This includes old feelings you may be holding onto. Practice gratitude and forgiveness and release the past so you can step more fully into the present moment.

Excerpt from The Metaphysics of Radiant Health Ebook by DL Zeta

Posted on Tuesday, July 14, 2009 at 12:23AM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

'Amping Up' Life Force Flow through Spiritual Renewal 

Spiritual purpose plays an important role in creating health. There are ways to amp up the amount of life force energy flowing into your life. It’s the flow of life force flowing into one’s life that determines the realities that can be accessed.

With each year that passes, there's either a moving toward the realization of the deepest longing of one’s soul or a moving away from it. Those who have taken their meaning solely from the outer world will begin to notice an empty feeling that is often accompanied by a physical breakdown over time. By contrast, those who have built a bridge to higher consciousness will experience renewal and rejuvenation that allows them to exude a vitality and timelessness as they grow older.

Life force energy arrives proportionate to the amount that’s needed. Those who make an effort to discover their spiritual mission and carry it out in whatever means available receive the life force energy needed to do this. By contrast, those who retreat into illusion, seeking only the comfort of distraction and entertainment, suffer a stagnancy that shuts down the flow of life force energy over time.

When life force energy is shut down or stagnant for long periods, the physical body starts to “amp down,” and the spirit begins to withdraw from the life. At the physical level, you can measure life force in terms of the oxygenation of cells. A lack of oxygen most always results in physical disease. This is the physical explanation for disease that reflects the spiritual withdrawal of life force energy from the body.

The good news is that regardless of how far a person has traveled off course,
regardless of the current state of a person’s physical being, this energy can most always be turned around through spiritual renewal.

12 Steps to Creating Spiritual Renewal

We offer here 12 steps for creating spiritual renewal:

1) Identify your life purpose and ask your guides to reveal to you the steps to fulfilling this purpose. If you don't know yet what your life purpose is, begin reading the energy of your entire life to look for clues. Write your autobiography and examine the energy and essence of all major milestones. Everything that has ever been created in your life has been designed to carry you further into the realization of this purpose. Make lists of your strengths and weaknesses, the things you love, your talents, and your deepest desires. These are further clues to the nature of your life purpose.

2) Set aside time each day for silence and meditation.

3) Learn to still your mind by practicing concentration skills. Concentrating the attention on a candle flame for 10 minutes each day while releasing all thoughts will help still and focus the mind.

4) Eat a diet that consists of primarily live foods.

5) Fast periodically to clean and detox the body and help release yourself from over involvement in the physical world.

6) Develop your intuition. Recording and interpreting your dreams each day is a good way to begin developing intuition. Also, make a practice of listening to the still, small voice within you and observe how the information it offers assists you throughout your day.

7) Create a list of the 10 things you most dearly desire to create and ask your guides to show you steps you can take to begin creating these desires now. Look to see how each item on your Ten Most Wanted list is aligned with your life purpose.

8) Have a goal, purpose, and activity for everything you do.

9) Engage in some sort of physical activity each day. It is especially beneficial to incorporate physical activity such as yoga that unifies mind, body and spirit.

10) Make time each day for creative play. Write in a journal, paint, take a long walk in nature. Do what gives you joy.

11) Find some way to share your gifts and talents with others.

12) Clear clutter in your life. Clean out closets, drawers, your house, car, and everywhere unused items accumulate. Release everything you no longer need. This includes old feelings you may be holding onto. Practice gratitude and forgiveness and release the past so you can step more fully into the present moment.

Excerpt from The Metaphysics of Radiant Health Ebook by DL Zeta

Posted on Tuesday, July 14, 2009 at 12:20AM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Your ‘Life Force Quotient’ Determines Your Abundance 

Your level of vibration determines everything in your life. This includes what you draw to you in terms of relationships, opportunities, experiences and abundance. If you are experiencing lack in any form, it is a good time to examine and raise your frequency.

Raising your vibration basically means infusing your consciousness with greater amounts of life force energy. The amount of life force flowing into your energetic system represents your life force quotient (LFQ). Your LFQ is a reflection of the degree of alignment with your higher self. A high degree of alignment with your higher self "amps up" the flow of life force into your energetic field.

The energy field is made up of a series of subtle organizing bodies that create the template for one’s physical body and field of probabilities. The more life force energy flows into your energy field, the more light flows into your life. You experience this flow of light in terms of synchronicities, greater opportunities for experience and service, increased health and vitality, love, resources and inner peace and joy.

To attract more life force into your energy field, you can choose to align with this greater infusion through the Law of Attraction. Conscious awareness combined with skillful powers of discernment are keys to creating this alignment.

Conscious Awareness and Discernment

As you move through your life, you encounter many beings, ideas, and opportunities. When you operate in your life with a high level of conscious awareness, you are awake to each idea, person and opportunity that enters your reality. Each thing you encounter can be examined with the bright light of discernment. In this context, we define the skill of discernment as the ability within the moment to hold each encounter in the light of your higher consciousness and observe how it is (or isn't) aligned with your life purpose. That which is aligned with your life purpose will increase the flow of life force into your energy field and amp up your overall health, well-being and ability to assist others.

The Life Purpose of Lightworkers

If you have not yet identified your specific area of focus in terms of your life purpose, do not despair. The fact that you are reading this says you are a lightworker -- a soul that has volunteered to incarnate to assist others with healing and developing higher consciousness. The fact that you are here in this timeframe says you came here to play a vital role in the creation of Earth's future history. So, in other words, you have an overall purpose of healing yourself and raising your vibration so you can become a greater light on the planet. Many other "sub purposes" are able to align with his overall purpose.

Each of you has a wide spectrum of choices in terms of experiencing this overall purpose, depending on what excites you and brings you joy. Many of you chose to connect with abilities from past lives and continue to hone them into mastery, while others chose to explore new areas. Either way, these options are aligned with your overall purpose of assisting with healing and transformation on the planet. Your personal experience of this overall purpose is derived from your highest passion and excitement.

When you align with your purpose and passion, this amps up your vibration, allowing abundance and joy to flow into your life.

Excerpt from Abundance Magic: 44 Steps to Manifesting the Future of Your
Dreams by DL Zeta 

Posted on Sunday, July 12, 2009 at 05:10PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Cosmic Openings Usher in the ‘Age of Telepathy’ 

Accelerated energies on the Earth plane are now making it possible for many to develop the advanced skill of telepathy. Telepathy is a direct “mind-to-mind” communication that will become increasingly common in Earth’s future history. During times when cosmic energies are “amped up” by the influence of eclipses, solstice/eclipse openings and other celestial conjunctions, some will experience moments of telepathic perception and other enhanced intuitive abilities. With practice, intention and desire, these glimpses can be expanded and cultivated.

In a broad sense, telepathy is the psychic transfer of thoughts, concepts, images, sounds and feelings. Telepathy is possible because your mind is a finely-tuned sending and receiving station that can be developed for use in advanced forms of communication.

To cultivate the skill of telepathy, you will need to bring awareness to the thoughts that enter your mind and begin discerning between your thoughts and feelings and those of others. As you observe your thoughts, you begin to discern their origin. Some thoughts you pick up from others. These are thoughts that may seem "out of context" and unlike you. When you "pick up" thoughts and feelings that are not your own, you feel scattered and unable to bring focus to your purpose and intentions. This doesn’t have to be the case. Through intention, you can filter out any thoughts and feelings you do not wish to enter your consciousness.

The Gift of Telepathy

Once the mind awakens to its infinite nature and claims the talents and gifts that are the birthright of each individual, it recognizes telepathy as a great tool and ally. The awakened mind quickly learns how to switch channels on the universal radio network, sampling many different realities to further understanding. One channel brings direct telepathy with frequencies of guides and angels while another brings the music of the spheres that is beyond all time and knowing.

Telepathy between Awakened Minds

There will likely be times when you will choose to tune into the thoughts of others in order to assist them. For instance, if you are a teacher, you will find telepathy helps you work more efficiently with your students. All great teachers are able to read the thoughts of their students. In this way, they bring forth knowledge and information in the form that is most able to bridge another’s consciousness into higher understanding.

Some “soul intuitives” use telepathy to read others. A soul intuitive will telepathically connect with the person they are assisting. We will note this is always with the permission of the person being "read." They create a link similar to dialing a telephone number, then focus their mind to strengthen this connection. They enter the person's thought and feeling planes, allowing themselves a general sampling and experience that provides a "big picture" of what is there. They then "ask" to be directed and guided to areas of interest the person is working with. In this way, they are able
to perceive understandings the person is attempting to gain within the present moment. Opening one door often opens others.

Other awakened beings incorporate telepathy into healing techniques that involve seeing a person's essence. Through telepathy it’s possible to detect frequencies and overlays that form a kind of "plaque" that prevents the soul from fully uniting with the earthly consciousness. This plaque consists of layerings of erroneous beliefs and the remnants of outer efforts to program consciousness. The best spiritual healers offer themselves as a surrogate consciousness through which a person can see anything blocking the flow of life force into their bodies. This awareness helps the person begin to burn away whatever is choking the flow of life force into their earthly existence. In this way, healing occurs.

Ushering in the ‘Age of Telepathy’

The most joyful communion takes place within the heavenly flow of telepathy between awakened minds. The trademark of an awakened mind is openness. It’s through this openness that a mind is willing to stand naked within its own thoughts. Those who are willing to communicate telepathically have nothing to hide. They live outside the confines of judgment, illusory projections and the negative belief systems symptomatic of a limited, physical-based consciousness.

In Earth’s future history, more beings will choose to communicate through the eloquence of spirit. During the coming ‘age of telepathy’, silence will be practiced on an ever greater scale by conscious beings who transcend need for the spoken word. More and more beings in your world will cultivate the skill of telepathy, where thoughts are projected and received with a quiet eloquence that only blissful souls possess. In the beginning of transition times, this telepathy will become the silent password and calling card of those who share in the creation of a New World founded on principles of universal love.

Excerpt from Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and
Transformation by DL Zeta

Posted on Friday, July 10, 2009 at 11:24PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Joy is the Feeling State of Abundance

Joy happens within the moment. Joy activates the soul. True joy comes from following the higher purpose of your soul. Joy is something you experience now. If you feel there are reasons why you can’t experience joy right now, begin to create reasons why you can. If you're looking to the future to allow joy into your life, it may always remain just out of your reach.

Joy radiates from the center of your being. If you're looking outside yourself for joy, you will not find it. You won’t find joy in any situation that enslaves you to outer outcomes and situations.

Emotional Freedom is the Key to Experiencing Joy

It is usually emotions that snare you into joyless situations. That is why the key to experiencing joy is emotional freedom. If you find yourself in any situation or relationship that is not bringing you joy, it’s time to examine your beliefs. You will want to look closely to see if you hold any beliefs that say you must do anything that doesn't bring you joy. Often, when you look deeply into circumstances devoid of joy, you find that at the root the belief that you believe you don't deserve joy.

As a Divine being, your birthright is all the love, abundance and joy the universe has to offer. If you believe otherwise, it’s time to transform these beliefs to bring them into alignment with the Divine perfection of your spirit.

You're not obligated to do anything that doesn’t bring you joy. You’re not obligated to spend time with those who drain your energy, dishonor or disrespect you. As a Divine being, you can look at each person through the eyes of spirit and see what, if anything, you can do to help heal or assist them. If a person insists on remaining in a negative feeling state, you don’t have to allow them to pull down your energy. It is never for your highest good or that of another to lower your resonance in this way.

Focus on the Blessings in Your Life

Spend time appreciating what you have, noticing the moments of small blessings as you go through your day. Nature is a portal into joy. Notice flowers and sky. Notice the full moon through the trees. Notice night sounds in the woods. Notice the way the sun radiates off the surface of water.

Notice where you place your attention. Where do you put your time, energy and focus? It’s important to spend time in ways that help you in realize your highest good.

Create a ‘Joy’ List

Make a list of what you love, what brings you joy. What you love is directly linked to your spiritual purpose. The things on your joy list that you feel most drawn to right now represent steps you can take in your present moment to fulfill your spiritual purpose. As you take these steps, the path unfolds before you. In this sense, all roads lead to the same place. Don’t be concerned with what you "must" do now. Allow your journey to be a joyful dance with spirit as you allow each moment to unfold its own beauty and perfection.

Excerpt from Abundance Magic: 44 Steps to Manifesting the Future of Your
Dreams by DL Zeta 

Posted on Friday, July 3, 2009 at 10:20PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment