**Celestial Vision Thought for the Day**


The Importance of Taking Responsibility

The condition of your emotional body determines whether your emotions serve as a bridge or an obstacle to accessing your subconscious mind. It’s impossible to achieve emotional freedom until you take 100% responsibility for everything in your reality.

If you have a backlog of unresolved emotional issues, your emotions are easily triggered by events, people and circumstances in your environment. This constant emotional upheaval can lead you to "buy into" the illusion of victimhood, scarcity, self-doubt and other scenarios that leave you feeling helpless and disempowered. Helplessness and disempowerment lead to denser emotions that are triggered and catalyzed by self-pity. Self-pity at its core is a denial of the infinite nature of your being and the vast capabilities of your spirit. It leads to an ever denser array of negative emotions that can bar access to the subconscious.

When you exist in a peaceful place within yourself, you’re able to travel at will between your conscious and subconscious minds.

Excerpt from The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

Posted on Saturday, January 9, 2010 at 01:20AM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Accessing the Upcoming ‘Portal of Timelessness’ 

There are moments when cosmic shifts interrupt the existing flow of energies, creating openings that allow greater access to other dimensions in consciousness. These openings essentially interrupt one’s familiar flow by inserting a pause or break with the habitual flow of thoughts, feelings and expression. This interruption in flow has the power to trigger awakenings and life-altering shifts.

A lunar eclipse is one type of cosmic shift created by the Earth’s positioning between sun and moon. This position briefly blocks the sun’s radiance from the moon, opening an energetic portal. The second of two lunar eclipses this summer will occur August 5/6.

This upcoming portal offers an opening to step free of linear time and experience beyond the space/time continuum. This ‘portal of timelessness’ helps you transcend the bonds of the physical, material world and step into a place inside yourself where all possibilities reside. These possibilities may not be the field of probabilities for the course you are presently following within linear time, though they can become so.

Within this portal of timelessness, you are free to make new choices and redirect the course of your Earthly dream.

Access Points for Perceiving Timelessness

To fully access this portal, you can re-energize other instances when you have stepped outside time. This occurs in dreams, meditation, in times when you journey with your imagination, and when you are doing something that gives you great joy. These are only a few examples. It is inside these moments of entering an altered space that you step into the timeless place where your present Earth dream can be viewed and modified.

Timelessness and the Highest Good

When you choose to step outside linear time with the intention to serve the highest good of humanity, shimmering oceans of possibilities present themselves. This is the vibration where souls join together in telepathic oneness to dream into being a new world founded on the principles of peace and love. Inside this vibration, karma is released and veils lifted. It's easy to step into a place of complete re-membering, where all time is one and now is always the perfect moment to create what you have been dreaming. You can readily access and influence the past and future from this space. Synchronicity is the norm here instead of the exception. Entry and exit to this timeless realm is a luminous superhighway extending from the open doorway of your heart to the universe and back again.

Excerpt from Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL Zeta

Posted on Thursday, July 30, 2009 at 10:11PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Chaos and Consciousness Shifts in Times of Spiritual Awakening

Quantum changes are rarely experienced at the spiritual level without creating ripples in your physical reality. Chaos in your personal life may be experienced in the area of career focus, relationships and changes in personality and preferences. You may feel you have lost yourself as you experience days when old circumstances fall away. Relationships may end; you may find yourself relocating or generally, no longer drawn to the way things have been. You may find yourself adopting new dietary and health practices. You may experience heightened sensitivity and awareness; you may notice things you have not noticed before.

You may undergo shifts in consciousness where you move through days of spiritual awakening. During these times, you may experience peak states of consciousness. You may feel drawn to write, paint, walk in the woods, go on vision quests, or depart from routines in other ways. You may feel drawn to clean out your house and give away things you no longer use. This can be a challenging time when those around you are puzzled by your actions and possibly even feel threatened by this new "you."

This is where you will need to practice a great deal of trust and patience. You will need constant, telepathic connection with your spiritual guidance so you can "ask" about events and circumstances as they unfold in your life. You will need to work with feeling states so you can hold everything that comes before you in consciousness and discern its rightness.

Challenge and hardship will be experienced to the degree you're in resistance to these changes. For example, a person might receive guidance that it’s time to move to a new career focus that’s more aligned with the next step of their spiritual path. Nothing is lost in such a scenario. Everything you undertake throughout your life is preparing you and grooming you to fulfill your purpose. Difficulties arise when you become over-identified and over-attached to any step along the way. Each level, each step, regardless of where you are on your spiritual path, is meant to be experienced, understood and released.

Allowing yourself to step into the chaos of the unknown in terms of your daily life may be one of the most challenging steps of all. When faced with the potential loss of a career, relationship or other dearly-held circumstance, you may feel shaken at the core of your being. At such times, you have the opportunity to step into new levels of understanding and experience by trusting in your guidance and believing in yourself. Taking this leap of faith is the key to spiritual awakening.

Excerpt from The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta 

Posted on Monday, July 27, 2009 at 11:00PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

The Intrinsic Link between Abundance and Spiritual Purpose

Some have written into their soul’s contract for this lifetime that financial abundance is experienced proportionate to fulfilling one’s spiritual purpose. Synchronistically, this is a time when many are being asked to come into deeper levels of spiritual

The person who has drifted off course in terms of their purpose may find themselves temporarily out of work or possibly even living in a tent village in order to come into a new connection within themselves. The degree a person is in resistance to their spiritual purpose is the degree to which they will experience challenges and rites of passage as entry points to the new consciousness.

Each person who is here within this timeframe has signed a “chaos clause” to experience increased levels of turbulence and challenge as needed to bring them into alignment with their purpose of helping transition Earth into the new time. Regardless of what you’re experiencing right now, embrace not knowing, embrace chaos, embrace the messages you are receiving.

You don’t have to fully understand what’s happening within the moment. Often, as you enter times of transition and transformation, you won’t always understand what’s happening. It is your ability to embrace the chaos of the unknown that enables you to stand strong in your beliefs and your commitment to your spiritual purpose. Your spiritual purpose is the light that will steer you home as the old way dissolves around you and the shape of Earth’s future history begins to crystallize in the ethers of the New Time.

Excerpt from The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

Posted on Friday, July 24, 2009 at 09:42PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Exploring Timeline Shifts and Probable Futures 

Many reality threads exist within the energetic field of each person’s life. At any given time, some threads exist as a close vibrational match to your existing reality thread, while others exist as more remote vibrational matches. The more remote matches have a lower probability of becoming your focus probability, but they are still possible futures already in existence. Threads of reality that are close vibrational matches to your present reality are considered future probabilities. This means there’s a strong likelihood you will shift to the timeline of this alternate reality.

Whatever your imagination brings you is a possible reality already residing within your field of possibilities. If it weren't already a timeline in existence, you wouldn’t be thinking about it.

Change Opens the Door for Timeline Shifts

There are various ways people shift from one timeline to another. The person who adopts a healthy diet and exercise routine has shifted to a different timeline with a different set of future probabilities. The person who adopts a spiritual path is choosing a vibrational timeline of different resonance that can, in time, allow them to shift to very different timeline probabilities.

There are many small ways you shift to different threads of reality without noticing it. This is the case when you rearrange the furniture in your home or begin to travel a different route into town. Even the smallest variation in your daily routine has the ability to create energetic changes that can lead you to choose other timeline probabilities. When you create even a small change in your life, this creates new pathways in your consciousness that can effectively create a new “you.” Timeline changes grow from the different choices and behaviors of this new version of yourself.

The Menu of Timeline Shift Options

Many people change timelines only out of necessity, when there is a crisis or other unexpected event. In these cases, the timeline shift is not always one of their choosing. Still others remain in the same basic timeline for most of their lives, with little variation in reality threads. By contrast, there are lifetimes where a person undergoes so many reality shifts it seems they have lived many different lives within the same one. Many lightworkers experience this as they actively seek new spiritual understandings and access the timelines of past incarnations through communion with their higher self. In every case, the various lessons and shifts of a life are set forth prior to birth in counsel with the higher self and other guiding entities.

Consciously Choosing Reality Threads

As you gain awareness of the many threads of reality that exist within your field of possibilities, you can consciously choose the thread you wish to energize. From a place of awareness, you can consciously choose a reality thread and begin to energize it with your focus, attention and action.

Even if a thread of reality does not seem very "probable" at the moment, you can begin to bring your focus and attention to that timeline. As long as you are willing to take action, and keep on taking action to create a reality shift, you will eventually make the shift.

When you shift to a thread that’s a close vibrational match to your present one, the change may be barely detectable; when you shift to a vibrationally different thread of possibility, it may suddenly seem you are living an entirely different life.

By working with timeline shifts, you can begin to create the self of your highest possible future, transforming your life at the quantum level.

Excerpt from Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL Zeta

Posted on Wednesday, July 15, 2009 at 10:08PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment