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Stepping into the Footprints of our Fifth-Dimensional Selves

The April 4 Lunar Eclipse at 14 degrees Libra amplifies the portal created by last month’s Solar Eclipse in Pisces and Spring Equinox. This eclipse brings the cosmic message that life on planet Earth is changing and it’s time to free our minds by jettisoning all that is no longer needed. It’s time to be true to ourselves in ways we haven’t yet contemplated. Part of this is recognizing and embracing the infinite nature of our being.

Past, Present and Future Exist Simultaneously in Parallel Dimensions

It’s important to hold in awareness that our infinite self isn’t bound by the limitations of time and space. Our consciousness is free to journey and explore all-that-is. Since time is a human construct, what we think of as past, present, and future have always existed side by side in parallel dimensions. The energetic shifts that prepared us to move into this new time have been charted on the map of our becoming since the first soul entered human form.

Each Individual Charts their Transition to the New Time

Each person has followed their own unique path to arrive at this passage into the new time and each will move forward in accordance with the divine timing of their soul. The energetic influences that are opening this galactic portal now will interact with the spiritual purpose of each individual to activate inner codes and keys and set their potentials into motion.

As with all transitions, we will find ourselves moving in and out of these energies. Transition times are by definition a bridging of old and new energies. The experience of our movement through this passage depends on a number of factors, including our vibration and energy, our feeling states, intentions, physical well-being, emotional clarity and environmental factors - what is going on around us and the people around us. All these factors determine where we stand on the bridge between old and new at any given time.

'Detoxing' the Past at All Levels

One day we may experience the uplifting freedom and pure vibrational essence of joy and bliss, and the next day we may feel weighed down by old emotional issues coming up. We may "detox" the past at various points in this transition. This detoxing may take place at physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. It is not uncommon for new levels of joy and spiritual mastery to trigger deeper levels of release. There may be times of great intensity. As our inner light shines brighter on the earth plane, our awareness fine-tunes to new levels.
Shining the Light of Heightened Awareness on our Spiritual Purpose

When we share the light of our heightened awareness on everything that has happened in our lives, we see our experience through a lens that brings all of it into sharp focus. Every challenge we've experienced up to this moment in time - every gift, talent and ability we have cultivated - our lowest lows, our highest highs - all of these reflect to us the form and nature of our spiritual mission this time around. As we look back over our life as we have known it, we see the pattern and purpose of all that has been. As we see the purpose of everything in our lives, any energy we are holding onto - any emotional baggage we are holding onto from the past - is released.

We've been working our way toward this moment in human consciousness for a very long time. The movement in recent years has been constant as we learned to digest, process and jettison the past at a pace we would not have previously thought possible. Our light has shone brighter with each passing day as we burned away the cobwebs of past programming and saw through thoughts, ideas and beliefs that shackled us in the past. We have taken deliberate and conscious steps on the path to self-realization.

Stepping into the Footprints of our Fifth-Dimensional Selves

During this upcoming lunar eclipse, the universe will mirror and amplify our efforts on the path of transformation. This amplification will attune our light and lift us to a higher place, allowing us to take a quantum leap onto fifth-dimensional timelines. This shift will usher a time of new awareness and insight, heightened beauty, and healing at all levels as we step into the future that has always been waiting to welcome us. As we take this step, we shift from the identity of one who is preparing to enter fifth-dimensional consciousness to the identity of one who exists along fifth-dimensional timelines. This is the moment when we step into the footprints of our fifth-dimensional selves.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta


Posted on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 at 01:37AM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment | References1 Reference

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