The New Earth is an Energetic Zip Code in the Universe of Human Consciousness
The New Earth is an energetic field that is and always has been alive and well in its own zip code within the universe of human consciousness.
This energetic field is not something that has manifested or appeared in recent time frames. This location in human consciousness has always existed, sending out a bright bacon and broadcast for all those willing to tune in. This frequency exists in harmony with frequencies of unconditional love, peace and oneness.
You might wonder why it is that so many souls throughout time have chosen not to tune into this broadcast of the New Earth if it has always existed. You might also wonder why some even now tune it out.
Powerful ‘Codes and Keys’ of the New Earth
The energetic codes and keys of the New Earth are so powerful they have the ability to unlock hidden rooms within each being. Once the contents of unseen chambers are brought to light, they must be healed and brought to spiritual understanding. Many are not ready for such undertakings.
Barriers to Aligning with the New Earth
Addiction is one reason many turn away from the frequencies of the New Earth. We're not just talking about addiction in the sense of substance abuse, but addiction in the broader sense of over-investment in physical reality. This addiction is an energetic condition that can take the form of a substance, goal, person, a way of life -- anything that enslaves consciousness.
Fear is closely related to addiction. Many have difficulty surrendering to a higher energetic frequency for fear they will lose control of their existence. It’s true you may find certain aspects of your life changing as you move along your spiritual path. Your higher self may urge you along a path that will bring needed understandings for you to progress. However, fear of these changes is a misunderstanding.
Younger aspects of your consciousness may resist spiritual growth when they are stuck in old emotional dramas. Synchronistically, when you release fear and align with the frequencies of the New Earth, you are guided to situations that provide you the understandings you need to heal and free these younger, resistant aspects of your being.
Discernment versus Resistance
There is a difference between discernment and resistance. Once you have aligned with the frequencies of the New Earth, you are empowered to discern and design realities that are along the energetic spectrum that serves your highest good and that of others. When you remain locked in old patterns of fear, you are not creating or choosing the realities you experience. Rather, you are choosing to remain a prisoner of old situations created in the past. To remain stuck in the past is to say to the universe that you are a mall, hapless, disempowered being. When you deny the true infinite nature of your being, you lose your ability to access the advanced capabilities of your spirit.
By setting your intention to open to and align with the frequency of the New Earth, you allow yourself to be gently guided to heightened states of empowered bliss and love. In this way, your consciousness becomes a bright bacon and outpost for the New Time. As a bright beacon, you are able to help others recognize and harmonize with this powerful and loving location in the universe of human consciousness.
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