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Spiritual Wounds Determine the Current Form of Your Destiny and Purpose 

Wherever you are led, wherever you find yourself, know you are there to observe, understand, and energetically lift up all that you encounter. As you transform a reality for the highest good of all, you heal a wound within yourself. The nature and essence of your spiritual wounds draws experiences and circumstances to you. Wounds that have undergone significant amount of healing will draw to you others whose wounds are similar in resonance. These souls are able to “download” from your energy understandings that will help them heal their own wounds.

An unhealed wound will draw to you people and situations to help you gain awareness needed for your own healing. Once you learn to transform wounds into the fuel of your spiritual evolution, you enter a different energetic field -- a new phase of your spiritual purpose – where your presence has the power to heal others.

In this way, the journey you undertake to your destiny is determined by the nature of your spiritual wounds and your desire and willingness to heal them.

Graduating Earth’s Cosmic School of Healing

As you accept the call of your destiny and begin the path of healing, you begin the healer’s journey. The majority of souls currently incarnated on Earth are here to facilitate healings for themselves and others. Earth is a cosmic healing center that affords souls an opportunity to experience and interact with their wounds. As a soul learns to heal its wounds, it opens energetic corridors for all others whose wounds hold the same energetic signature.

It isn’t necessary to come into physical contact with a healer for a soul to access an energetic corridor for self-healing. Intention and focus combined with journeys to the inner planes through meditation and dream states can help guide a soul to needed corridors of understanding. From these locations in consciousness, all that is needed can be downloaded.

It is the need for healing that draws a soul to incarnate on Earth time and again until needed healing is complete. This “graduation” from Earth’s cosmic school of healing allows souls to move to the next level of their mission in other arenas of the universe.

Posted on Wednesday, May 12, 2010 at 01:03PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

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