Summer Solstice 2010: Gateway to Psychic Perception
This week’s summer solstice opens a new gateway that aids in the development and expansion of psychic abilities. If your psychic senses are already engaged, now is the time to cultivate new ways of seeing and sensing alternate realities. If you are on the verge of opening to these abilities, now is the time for a breakthrough. The energies are ripe for moving to the next level.
Everyone is Naturally Psychic
Psychic skills are not the domain of a few. Gifts of inner seeing are for everyone in every time and place. Each person has the natural ability of intuition. However, each person in order to utilize these abilities must open to them and cultivate them. If you hold beliefs that close your heart and mind to your natural abilities, you filter out the subtle messages of your soul. If you believe you have these abilities and are open and willing to take steps to develop them, you open the door to this reality. People, ideas, information and experiences will "show up" in your life to help you understand your natural gifts and learn to use them for the greater good.
While each person is naturally psychic, in order to bring these abilities more fully into one’s life experience, it’s important to bring focus to them and sharpen them just as you would other tools.
Courage and Trust are Prerequisites to Developing Intuition
To embrace, develop and practice intuitive abilities, you must learn to connect with your own truth, to see-through erroneous programming and the beliefs of those around you. You must have the courage to trust yourself, your higher self and your spiritual guidance. This does not mean you must tell others or explain yourself to others or tell others of your abilities. There may be those around you who still hold misunderstandings about the nature of intuitive abilities, especially those who feel threatened by the idea of intuitive abilities. The best practice is to live a good life, to be the example of a person of integrity and to embrace, cultivate and practice your innate abilities. There is no need to talk about it or explain it. You simply allow who you are to shine through. The example of your life working, your life flowing, having the inner skills and knowing how to work with whatever shows up in your life is the best gift you can offer the world. This combined with kindness, compassion and the insight to see past the words and actions of others to the soul and heart beneath the words is life’s true magic.
Intuitive Versus Physical-Based Knowing
Many sense the presence of limiting thoughtforms around them, but interpret them according to their level of spiritual understanding and development. The person who lives a more physical-based life will feel themselves a victim of limiting thoughtforms. They may believe the world is "against" them, that life is engineered to confine and restrict them. By contrast, the person who has cultivated a connection with their higher self encounters limiting thoughtforms and sees past them. Those who know they are infinite, unlimited beings will not identify with thoughtforms and beliefs of limitation and restriction. In fact, the person who sees the world with the eyes of spirit accepts and embraces the thoughts and energies that attempt to limit and restrict them. They know all attempts to restrict or limit their consciousness are opportunities to affirm the infinite and unlimited nature of their being.
This week’s powerful energies greatly expand energies that serve as a gateway to new levels of psychic perception. Embracing these energies and opening to the possibilities they offer is the key to passing through this gateway into the life of your dreams.
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