Shifting to the Timeline where you are United with your Inner Soulmate
Prior to your soulmate showing up in your life, it will be important for you to adopt the identity of one who is in a soulmate relationship. By this I don’t mean “pretending” you are already in a relationship or acting “as if” this is so.
By the time the thought enters your mind to manifest a soulmate relationship, a soulmate already exists in your energetic field of possibilities. If you have lived a life focused primarily in physical reality, it may take some inner work to build a belief in the idea that a soulmate already exists in your energy field and all that you need to do to energize this connection into your physical world is to nurture this seed with your love, attention, intention and focus. Once you have sufficiently built this belief you are ready to create a timeline and identity shift around a soulmate relationship.
To create an identity shift, set the intention to make the shift. This creates an energetic field that begins to attract energy, information, ideas, people and resources to bring your intention into physical reality. Open to allow your intention to manifest. Manifestation occurs when intention and allowing go hand-in-hand.
In order to fine tune your new identity, you may want to spend some time observing those who hold the identity of being in a soulmate relationship. Also observe those who hold identities based in not having a soulmate connection
in their life. Observe the differences between the two. You may also find it helpful to brainstorm all the images and ideas you associate with a soulmate relationship. In a journal, list the qualities and characteristics you associate with soulmates. Look for photographs and symbols that represent soulmate connection to you and place these around your home so they are always in front of you. This helps reaffirm and re-energize your intentions daily. If your brainstorming session yields images of things you can do that make you feel loved and connected to a soulmate, make time to follow up on these. Something as simple as making time in your day for a walk in the park can boost your energy and enthusiasm for life which subsequently magnetizes a joyful soulmate reunion into your life.
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