Virtual Reality Shifts are a Doorway into Fifth-Dimensional Timelines

It is possible at any time to visualize and begin aligning with the version of your reality that allows you to exist along fifth-dimensional timelines. As you gradually shift to higher-vibrational realities, struggle falls away from you; your response to the realities you encounter becomes one of acceptance and gratitude because you are able to see the blessings and higher order contained within every situation.

From this perspective, there is never a reason to allow yourself to be pulled into negative energies because love-filled alternatives exist adjacent to every moment and can be accessed in the blink of an eye. Each time we choose love over lower alternatives, we activate new timelines and potentials that hold the power to carry us seamlessly into fifth-dimensional life tracks.

In fact, it is possible to go a step further and incubate an entire fifth-dimensional life track and begin the process of shifting to this new reality thread.

Creating the World of your Highest Visions

Incubating the shift to a fifth-dimensional life track involves a simple process of creating the world of your highest visions and living in it as a virtual reality until it is fully activated into your physical reality.

Timelines are probability threads that extend in all directions from your present moment. In moments of stillness and meditation, and during time spent communing in nature, you are able to perceive alternative life tracks existing side by side with your present timeline. Often as you go through your day, thoughts filter through your mind of possible alternatives and choices. Some of these may seem more viable than others, depending on your degree of enmeshment into physical reality. By allowing yourself to step outside your current life track and detaching from physical reality, you are able to view the reality threads that are the closest match to your soul’s need to grow and expand. Reality threads that best meet your soul’s needs represent the world of your highest visions.

The shape of this preferred reality thread may not be the thread your conscious mind would choose or the thread your “common sense” would dictate. Reality threads that represent your highest vision may take you to unforeseen locations assisting people or animals in need, or they may set you on a course of training you had not previously considered. Through the lens of the physical world, common sense might tell you to choose the reality thread where you win the lottery and live out your days in luxury and ease. Unless this thread holds the growth opportunities most needed by your soul at the moment, this will not be the highest and best thread for you. In order to perceive and choose the highest and best life track at any given moment, it is essential to look at potentials through the eyes of your soul rather than the eyes of the world.

Living in a Preferred Thread as a Virtual Reality

Once you have chosen a preferred thread, you can begin to activate it into your physical experience by living in it as a virtual reality. This is a “fast track” to shifting into a new and preferred reality thread. This process allows you to slowly align with the energetic field of a new probability and develop a comfort zone in this new alternate world. Having a comfort zone already established in a preferred reality gives it greater viability as a life track.

Visit this virtual world in consciousness each day. Look around this world and expand it with your imagination. Ask for images, ideas and information to be downloaded into your consciousness of how you can build this virtual world into a viable reality thread. Whatever comes before you throughout your day, view it through the lens of this virtual thread you are incubating. When the time is right, you will see aspects of this life track manifesting in your physical experience.

Your Soul is Eternal, Physical Reality is Fleeting

Shifting to an alternative reality thread does not change who you are. Quite the contrary, it allows you to become more of who you are because it allows you to experience more of who you are at the soul level. Your identity and experience in physical reality is fleeting but your soul is eternal. Consciously choosing a life track aligned with the desires of your soul may briefly upset your ego but it will allow you greater spiritual freedom because it loosens the ego’s tight grip and its insistence at deciding the realities you experience.

Choosing a new life track aligned with your highest visions will change your physical experience in numerous ways. Not only does it change the tone and flavor of the reality threads you experience, but in time this shift can change your beliefs, perspectives and sense of possibility. This can in turn change your past, present and future and allow you to align with new and more vibrationally- powerful reality threads.

For more on fifth-dimensional consciousness, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
For more on timeline shifts and reality creation, see Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL Zeta

Posted on Friday, May 20, 2011 at 04:46PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment | References1 Reference

Lucid Living is a Direct Path to Fifth-Dimensional Timelines 

Lucid living is a direct path to energizing fifth-dimensional timelines. We define lucid living as existing in a state of wakefulness based in a clear perception of one’s surrounding reality.

This state of heightened awareness keeps us in direct communion with our inner observer. It provides us with constant, telepathic guidance that helps us avoid becoming overly absorbed into a particular life track or script. It is obsession with any life script that narrows our focus of perception and filters out insights and information we need to make decisions that are the highest and best for ourselves and all others.

If we're not living in a lucid fashion, we tend to forget we have a great deal of assistance available at all times in navigating the events of our lives. For example, it takes a high level of awareness to step back from a situation and "ask" for guidance and assistance within the moment or to "remember" to listen for the soft whispers of our inner knowing.

Allowing divine assistance is a matter of stepping back from a life script, seeing a situation through the eyes of our higher knowing and acting on the information we download through this insightful connection.

Be Willing to Embrace all Possibilities and Outcomes

In order to energize lucid timelines in your field of potentials, it is important to be willing to embrace all possibilities and outcomes. If there is any situation – past, present or future -- you are unwilling to face, this will cause you to lapse into a state of unawareness. There is no denying some life scripts are difficult to embrace. Losing a loved one to illness or experiencing loss of one's home to catastrophic weather events are just two examples of extreme challenges that are increasingly common as we move through this transition time.

Even in the face of extreme challenges, remaining lucid and aware allows us to move through these times with divine guidance and assistance. Clarity of perception allows us to see the blessings life still holds for us even as we mourn our losses and sorrows.

Transition times provide many doorways for us to enter if we are able to navigate them with a high degree of wakefulness. But moving through life with heightened awareness has its price. Becoming more aware means greater awareness of our own pain and the pain and suffering of those around us. Our initial reaction may be that we must somehow alleviate this pain but that is not always possible. Don’t feel you must know the answers to all scenarios you experience or witness. Trusting in the higher order of the universe and remaining in a place of love and allowing will help you stay awake in the face of your own suffering and that of others.

Those who are expanding into ever more wakeful states may feel themselves overwhelmed as new insights and information floods their consciousness. At such times surround everything that comes before you, including your own thoughts and feelings, with love and light. Become silent and open to the inflow of love. Send love to all parts of yourself. Silently send love to all those who suffer. It is in this way of lucid living that all situations - past and present – are healed and we're free to choose a future aligned with fifth-dimensional timelines from our field of potentials. By remaining awake to pain, you are able to move through it in a healing, life-affirming manner.

The most painful and challenging events can be embraced with love and compassion when we maintain an open and lucid perspective. If we allow ourselves to lapse into anger and negativity due to the events and circumstances of our lives, this pulls us into states of overwhelm that trigger sleepful consciousness.

Life Scripts and Maintaining Proper Perspective

When we lead a purely physical-based life, our life scripts take on way too much importance. We're so over-invested in the events of our daily lives that these overshadow our ability to act in accordance with our spiritual understandings. When we become so enmeshed in what's happening in a storyline, we lose our ability to step back and come home to the truth of our higher knowing that we are divine beings having a physical experience. We are here to learn and gain experience, and in this context, there can be pitfalls and side journeys. As we take a step back from these events, we’re are able to learn their higher meaning and release a lesson. Once the meaning of a lesson is learned, we no longer have a need for it and it is demagnetized from our energy field. If we respond to a situation from a place of negativity and anger, we draw situations like it deeper into our field of potential.

Viewing all Situations and Experiences as ‘Learning Experiments’

By viewing all situations and learning experiments in a detached manner and remaining neutral to the outcome of our experiments, we are able to choose the life tracks we experience. It is a wakeful, aware person who is able to maintain a lucid perspective that allows them to remain objective about the results of their learning experiments. Objectivity is important whether the outcome is better or worse than expected.

A negative response binds us to an experience so we can learn the life lesson it contains before we move on. This circumstance is to help us, not punish us.

As our conscious mind is able to adopt a receptive, accepting perspective open to the lesson contained in the life track we’re experiencing, the answers are downloaded to us in a gentle and loving fashion. The sleeping consciousness by contrast is easily triggered by life events into resistance and anger which must be worked through and released before the message of a life event can be understood. Some people are never able to reach the place of objectivity with a life event. Consequently, they invest an entire lifetime wrestling with a single life lesson or event. This is totally unnecessary. No one is ever asked to lead a painful life of struggle and misunderstanding. Such lifetimes are purely by choice. We're always able to choose a lucid over sleeping consciousness and live our lives in the state of grace and crystal clarity that wakefulness brings.

For more on fifth-dimensional consciousness, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
For more on timeline shifts and reality creation, see Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL Zeta

Posted on Friday, May 13, 2011 at 11:10AM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | Comments1 Comment

Embracing and Energizing Fifth-Dimensional Probability Lines  

Fifth-dimensional storylines can be accessed and experienced from within the present moment through awareness and conscious action. It is not a given that one will “fall into” storylines that run along themes of peace and love. However, each person holds the potential to awaken to these new reality threads and choose to shift toward them.

Such shifts can happen in the blink of an eye. The future is not fixed. Rather, it exists in probability lines that are energized through intention, vibrational frequency and action.

Twenty Steps to Embrace and Energize Fifth-Dimensional Probability Lines

Once we become aware of fifth-dimensional reality threads in our field of potential, there are steps we can take to embrace and energize these probability lines. We offer here some steps:

1) Be present, awake and aware. The only way to be present in the future is be here now. Make a regular practice of slowing down, looking around you and allowing your consciousness to expand into the present moment. Too often, we fall into the trap of filling up our lives with commitments and activities that don’t feed our soul. To cope with the pain of this lack of fulfillment, we fall asleep in our daily lives. This creates more pain because sleeping through life slams us into more obstacles, perpetuating a vicious cycle.

2) Embrace grief and loss as essential components of creativity; the old must be destroyed to make way for the new. Love and appreciate what has been; express gratitude for it and release it. Many people hold back from new and more fulfilling realities because it will mean leaving behind and releasing what has been. Learning to embrace grief makes this process much easier.

3) Send love into any situation you don’t understand. As we move further into the new time, we may encounter many new situations and events we don't understand. Love is always the answer. Send love into all situations and the answers will soon appear.

4) Recognize we are already part of all-that-is. Our job is to merge with the force of creation by allowing ourselves to remember our oneness with the Divine order of the universe. We are not creating ourselves anew, but rather, allowing who we are to shine through.

5) Remain transparent and neutral to all you witness. It is not necessary to have an opinion about what you see. Awareness is everything. As you allow yourself to see what is there, you see through illusion. Within the moment, our conscious mind will not be able to grasp all that is beneath the surface of physical reality. This power of inner seeing helps us navigate times when we encounter paradoxes. For instance, separation as the path to unity, darkness gives way to light; dissolution of relationships and other life situations makes way for the new. Illness and accidents can serve as preludes to opening of heightened awareness and intuitive abilities.

6) Practice self-love at all levels. Pay attention to the needs of your body, mind and spirit. Eat fresh, unprocessed foods, especially root vegetables and dark leafy greens. Practice self-nurturing through the use of herbs, essential oils, gemstones and other healing modalities. Spend time each day communing with your spirit and expressing gratitude for everything in your life. Appreciate the Earth and all-that-is. Focus thoughts on expansive, loving themes that expand your inner light.

7) Observe all that goes on around you; observe yourself. Keep in perspective the big picture of your life and the up-close picture. Do not allow yourself to be overly absorbed into the events of your life. This causes you to lapse into states of less awareness.

8) Stay positive on no matter what happens in your life. Negativity drains your life-force energy and weakens your overall system, draining you of your ability to cope with what you are experiencing.

9) Practice self-reliance and self-responsibility in all matters. Disconnect from dependency on all systems, groups or institutions. Disconnect from mechanisms of mass thought that feed on your energies. Parasitic life scripts are everywhere. By remaining awake you are able to sidestep them and write your own script. Working in cooperation with others is not the same as participating in dependency relationships which keep one enslaved to mechanisms of mass thought.

10) Connect often with nature. The natural world exists in accordance with universal law. As we commune with nature and align ourselves with its essence, we unify our mind and spirit. A unified consciousness is essential for existing along fifth-dimensional timelines.

11) Practice preparedness; always have your affairs in order. Allow completions. Hold in awareness that each goodbye could be your last. Complete with everyone; be willing within each moment to release all that you are and all that you know; be willing to embrace the unknown. Change is the nature of life. When you are present, awake and aware, you begin and complete each moment impeccably with no loose ends.

12) Open to the new. Allow yourself to wake up in a new world every day. This makes it much easier to slough off old ways of thinking and re-invent yourself. You're not the past, nor are you bound by the past.

13) Embrace freedom. Do not give your power away to enslaving thought forms; if a situation does not serve your highest and best, it does not serve the highest and best of others.

14) Become a detective of your own life to gain awareness of old patterns and scripts operating in the background. As you gain awareness of these scripts, visualize and rewrite them according to choices aligned with new visions and goals.

15) Review your beliefs, perceptions and goals on a regular basis. Create a 10 most wanted list and update it regularly. This helps you set priorities and release old ideas and beliefs that no longer support your higher evolution and growth.

16) Breathe and energize your physical system. Practice regularly forms of movement that unify body, mind and spirit such as yoga and tai chi.

17) Maintain a sense of humor in all you do. When you feel yourself becoming overly absorbed in the dream of your life, watch a humorous movie or see your life events from a comedic perspective.

18) Meditate and act on love. Unconditional love is the highest vibration in the universe and supercedes all other frequencies.

19) Give to others what you would like to receive and you will see your desires manifest all around you.

20) Set your intention to practice all of the above and expect miracles each day.

For more on fifth-dimensional consciousness, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta For more on timeline shifts and reality creation, see Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL Zeta

Posted on Sunday, May 8, 2011 at 05:21PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | Comments1 Comment

Fifth-Dimensional Timelines and the Power of your Inner Observer

Your inner observer is an aspect of our consciousness that is always present. However, it is only when we “wake up” that we're able to benefit from its wisdom and guidance. Learning to see the world through the eyes of our inner observer is essential to accessing fifth-dimensional timelines.

The sleeping consciousness goes about life day-to-day missing symbols and road signs and intuitive nudges. The person who is “asleep at the wheel” so to speak, has allowed themselves to become overly absorbed in the events of their life.

When this happens, life events seem overwhelming and overly important. We lose proper perspective when we are unable to step back and objectively view what is happening. Without both the up close and the big picture perspectives we can't learn and benefit from our experiences. Instead, we find ourselves on an endless treadmill of life events, lost in the dream of our life without benefit of insight and understanding.

Detachment is Trust in the Higher Order of the Universe

Detachment is the key that allows us to step back and see ourselves and our life events through the eyes of our inner observer. Detachment isn’t indifference; rather it is a trust in the higher order of the universe. When we're able to see life from a detached perspective, we are able to see how our life operates according to certain storylines. As we're able to stand back and witness these storylines, the actual events lose power over us. We are able to act from our choices and guidance rather than from feelings of enslavement and addiction. When we fall asleep and become overly absorbed in the dream of our life, we are much more susceptible to enslaving and parasitic storylines.

The person who feels they are victimized by others and by their life events can cultivate detachment to examine their beliefs, actions and tendencies. A thorough examination of where one’s energy is flowing provides the insight to make life choices. Each person holds the power to become the master of their fate rather than the victim. The price for mastering life rather than being swept along is wakefulness and sharing the journey of life with one’s inner observer. `

Gaining Awareness of Storylines or Life Scripts

If we gaze at our life’s storylines long enough we're able to see these are timelines activated in accordance with beliefs we hold about the nature of reality. These programs or scripts determine how our life events flow. If our scripts say we are losers, we will lose. If they say we are lovers, we will love.

As we move through life, still participating in the roles we have set for ourselves, we're able to also view events through the eyes of our inner observer. Over time our observer will bring awareness to old scripts operating in the background of our lives. Once we see these scripts, we can rewrite them and change the timelines we’re energizing and experiencing.

Life Happens -- if we are Sleeping

You may have seen bumper stickers that say “Life Happens.” This is a common belief of those who are moving through life asleep, without the awareness that they hold the ability to choose their life circumstances. The fact is life happens in ways you might not choose if you are asleep to the possibilities that exist all around you. When you fall asleep you lose touch with your inner observer, and life’s potentials are lost in an overwhelming tide of events. Once you regain perspective through your powers of observation, you are awake and aware, and life unfolds in amazingly beautiful and unexpected ways.

For more on fifth-dimensional consciousness, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

For more on timeline shifts and reality creation, see Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL Zeta

Posted on Sunday, April 24, 2011 at 10:46PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | Comments1 Comment

Timeline Shifts: Mastering the Art of Choosing Realities


Working with timeline shifts is one way to master the art of choosing the realities you experience. Each person accepts and lives according to standard-issue realities or they wake up and take an active role in their life by choosing the realities they experience.

In order to effectively shift to timelines where chosen realities exist, you need to become as awake as possible in your life. By stepping back and playing the role of the observer, you can gain awareness of any ways you move through life on autopilot.

Unconscious Lapses, Accidents and Episodes of 'Bad Luck'

Most everyone has unconscious lapses. These lapses account for times when one experiences undesired realities. Accidents, illnesses, missed opportunities, unfortunate decisions and episodes of "bad luck" sometimes occur during unconscious lapses. These lapses also make it impossible to act in ways that bring you the highest and best experiences and realities. When you are asleep at the wheel, it is impossible to make conscious decisions and shift to new realities.

Life and how it unfolds is no mystery. The awakened consciousness is able to choose its own realities while the sleeping consciousness moves through a life dictated by old scripts. This is a condition that leads to feelings of victimhood. But these feelings of victimhood are not "bad" because they can help us by prodding us to wake up. If life were working smoothly, perfectly, there would be nothing to jolt to awake when we drift off to sleep. The bumps in the road help jolt us awake and keep us awake.

Signs of Awakening

The awakened person has an expanded awareness developed through silence, inner listening, communing with nature and a willingness to yield to the natural flow of the universe. This awareness brings a heightened sensitivity that enables one to perceive the energies that exist around them. Once a person begins to see how their energies interact with the web of life, they are able to live from a "big picture" perspective. When a person can step beyond themselves and choose the highest and best for all concerned, they are making awakened decisions. Comprehending the impact of one's actions and energy makes it easier to take 100% responsibility for one's experiences. Total self-responsibility allows one to rewrite life scripts through awareness, intention and conscious actions.

Accessing the Library of Life Scripts

Each person has existing storylines in their library of life scripts. Each person begins life with a small repertoire of life scripts that change and evolve over time. Each person lives their life according to these existing scripts until they write their own. Living according to old, pre-existing scripts can be defeating and disempowering. If you have a history of losing, you will lose. If you have lived in poverty, that will continue to be your fate until you change the life script that binds you to a life of poverty. If your relationships all end with great trauma and sadness, this trend will extend into the future until you learn to rewrite certain life scripts operating behind the scenes.

If you are awake in your life, you can choose to go "behind-the-scenes" of your life and enter the library of life scripts where all your current storylines are stored. You enter this library by intending to do so and allowing yourself to visit this location in consciousness.

As you enter this library, you may be surprised to find the tone and nature of the scripts contained there. These may be old scripts handed down to you from your family. They may go beyond your present lifetime to re-enact past life scripts downloaded to your consciousness at birth. These past scripts are carried over to give you another opportunity to complete understandings that allow you to move to the next phase of your spiritual journey.

As you examine these scripts, the events of your life up to that point are no longer a mystery. Every detail of your life is written in these life scripts. As you review these scripts, you will likely see revisions you want to make in keeping with your present goals and visions. You are free to change these scripts and rewrite them. As you re-envision existing storylines, you activate new timelines and shift to their accompanying reality threads.

Practice Rewriting Life Scripts

Once you begin rewriting scripts, it is natural you will experience some trial and error. Allow yourself time and opportunity to experience the changes you are creating. Leave off with self-judgment. Observe the result of the changes you make from a detached perspective. Then, with awareness, rewrite and rework your scripts.

Rewriting life scripts helps you fine-tune the vision you hold for your future. As you go through the process of choosing from among your field of potentials, you consciously learn steps that can in time become so intuitive you automatically scan for potentials and choose realities most aligned with your visions and intentions within each moment.

Releasing Scripts Based in Resistance, Doubt and Fear

As you rewrite life scripts, you may encounter some scripts that resist efforts to transform them. These scripts may incorporate mechanisms such as resistance, victimhood and struggle. Resistance stems from doubt and difficulty in allowing. As long as you move through life with feelings of doubt and resistance, you will not step into the role as creator of your life. Doubt and fear are not awakened states. Your fears will bind you to whatever you don't want. This will prevent you from taking responsibility for everything in your life and entering the mastery mindset that allows you to consciously enter the library of your life scripts. It is this mastery mindset that allows you to rewrite old scripts that no longer serve your highest good.

If you encounter old, deeply-entrenched scripts steeped in resistance and doubt, sit with the emotions behind these scripts. Be compassionate with aspects of your being that have lived according to these scripts. Love these aspects and ask them to accept the new scripts you have written, and to participate in your new storylines. The awakened consciousness is able to stare down and face feelings of doubt and fear and see through them. The awakened person is able to bring about inner healing through love and compassion. They have the insight and patience to sit down with feelings of doubt and see where they stem from. It is this willingness to see and embrace "what is" that helps release old scripts with awareness and understanding while shifting to new realities of chosen timelines.

For more on fifth-dimensional consciousness, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
For more on timeline shifts and reality creation, see Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL Zeta

Posted on Thursday, April 14, 2011 at 11:53PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment