Manifesting 'Magic' with Timeline Shifts
Timeline shifts are not really magical, though they may seem to work magic when you use them as a tool for navigating everyday reality.
Timeline shifts are possible between an infinite number of potential reality threads that spin off each person's present reality thread. These potentials are alternate realities energetically "already in existence". We are able to activate an alternate thread into our physical reality and begin traveling along this thread through awareness, intention, focus and action.
By using this process for creating reality, you are able to scan the potential reality threads accessible within each moment, choose the thread most aligned with your desired outcome, and shift to this new life track.
Signs that your Present Timeline is not Working
Using the timeline shift process is one way to step past old ways of creating and experiencing reality. One need not persevere in joyless and unfulfilling timelines for decades trying to change realities that remain firmly in place. One need not swim against a constant tide of obstacles to realize the visions they hold. In fact, if this is the reality you are experiencing, it it time to stop and re-evaluate the course you are following. A path fraught with constant obstacles is a sign it's time to shift to a new timeline where your chosen realities are happening.
Trying to Change Existing Reality Threads is a Waste of Time and Resources
We have said you can't really change the nature of a particular reality thread. Now we will tell you why it is not in your best interest to even try and change a thread. It takes an incredible amount of life force energy and effort to try and change "what is." We might liken this mindset to the person who buys a tall skyscraper so he can tear it down to build a carwash in its place. While this might be possible if one has unlimited time, energy and resources, it is hardly worthwhile in the greater scheme of things. The universe always works in support of the simplest, most efficient course of action in every case. To go against the natural flow of the universe is depleting and out of harmony with one’s higher purpose. In the above case, the simpler course would be to either buy an existing carwash or build a new one on a vacant property.
Another analogy would be trying to get a movie theater to show a different movie from the one showing that evening when all you need to do is to go down the street where the movie you want to see is currently showing at another theater. Both of the scenarios we have described sound absurd yet people attempt to change reality all the time. If you could harness all the energy spent trying to change the existing storylines within reality threads, that energy would power the world! It's a huge waste of time, energy and resources and yet it's done all the time.
Trying to change an existing reality thread is like moving concrete around. Literally. Once a reality is in existence it is concrete, immovable, unchangeable. From an energetic perspective, trying to change an existing reality thread will bind you more strongly than ever to the reality you are trying to change. If, for example, you are a writer who wants to become a best-selling novelist, sulking and lamenting about missed opportunities, writer's block, bad luck and so on, will only bind you to the reality thread of a down-on-your-luck writer who aspires to become a successful novelist but never does. History is filled with examples of people trying unsuccessfully to change their present reality thread instead of simply shifting to a new reality thread.
The same writer described above can choose instead to use the timeline shift method, simply stilling his mind and scanning his field of potentials to find the timeline where he is a best-selling novelist. Once he chooses this timeline, he listens within and remains alert for steps to take to more fully realize this timeline. A willingness to act is key to the timeline shift method. Our writer in question who makes the shift may find himself feeling drawn to take certain steps that could result in his meeting someone who is organizing a group of gifted writers who help spur him toward success or he may meet someone who has a friend who is an editor - or any number of other synchronistic scenarios.
Synchronicities are just signposts showing us we are making the shifts we desire. They tell us we are taking actions to shift toward the reality of our choosing.
Mastery Consciousness and Fifth-Dimensional Timelines
Timeline shifts are an important component of spiritual mastery because they are based on the premise that one chooses one's reality rather than trying to change it. The master accepts that the desired reality thread already exists within its own location or zip code in consciousness. She understands that activating this thread is a matter of choosing and activating that thread. Implied in this process is the mindset of the detached observer who acts not from desperation or need but from inner knowing and determination.
Mastery consciousness leaves no room for doubt. In order to liberate one's self from doubt, one stands strong in the inner knowing that desired reality threads exist and can be activated. This doesn't mean one will always know how and when their desired realities will manifest. When one takes the steps to study and understand the workings and nature of the universe, one gains direct knowledge of how to manifest through timeline shifts. This knowledge is based on experience of the inner planes. Knowledge of the inner planes combined with determination, spiritual alignment, and the willingness to act is a powerful elixer that makes everything possible.
Spiritual Masters don't need 'Guarantees'
Those who need guarantees that everything will work out if they take certain actions are still acting from doubt. Doubt binds us to realities where desired realities are beyond our reach. Faith has long been thought to be an asset in manifesting and it is helpful in certain situations. However, as we enter this new time when spiritual mastery is more attainable than ever before, we are asked to move beyond blind faith and belief to the place of inner knowing.
Faith is based in hoping and asking for something, and neither asking nor hoping are the way of the spiritual master. Faith like doubt leaves open the door that chosen realities may not manifest. The master steps forward into each new moment knowing they will persevere in confidence, determination and allowing until their desired reality manifests.
For more on fifth-dimensional consciousness, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
For more on dreams and timeline shifts, see Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL Zeta
Manifesting Intentions: Activating the Force that is Great within Us
Many new reality threads are becoming accessible now, allowing us to shift to life tracks steeped in the unconditional love and unlimited blessings of the new time. We truly do stand at the threshold of a new beginning. With this in mind, it’s a good time to upgrade our manifesting skills and update our intentions.
We have heard a great deal about how our thoughts influence the reality threads we experience. There is truth to this, but we won’t energize the realities we choose simply by thinking about them. To shift to a new reality track, we must be ready to take action. Visualizations likewise can be powerful but they are not enough. If we are seeking to obtain the object of our desires, we are energizing the circumstance where we are seeking our desired outcome. This is how we become stuck and unable to move forward. We gaze into a mirror reflecting our present state reflecting our present state reflecting our present state.
Moving beyond the Looking Glass of our Desires
In order to energize a new reality thread, we must move beyond the looking glass of our desires. Otherwise we will remain in a state of being on the outside looking in while energizing more of the condition of not having what we are seeking.
Staying True to your Highest Goals
Due to lag time in physical reality, you will need to stay true to your highest goals and continue to energize them with your focus, attention and actions until they show up in physical reality. Too many people have a short attention span and simply give up to quickly. The same individuals will often be heard lamenting that "nothing ever works" but the reality is that their present efforts are not working because they abandon their efforts when instant gratification fails to occur.
You can see the lag time in manifesting at work when you think back on things that arrived after you had given up hope they would ever manifest and even had forgotten about what you asked for.
Scattering Energy among too Many Goals
Setting your intentions to manifest several things at once can dilute your efforts to make them ineffective. The key here is to prioritize your desires in their order of importance. Create a ten-most-wanted list and be realistic about which item is most important to manifest now. Focusing on this item until it shows up in physical reality will open new pathways in consciousness for the next item on the list. Patience is a virtue with manifesting, and part of patience is being happy where you are right now. This allows you to detach from outcomes so you can enter a place of allowing rather than need, which pushes your desired realities further away.
Free and Still your Mind
Free your mind of the burden of over thinking, worry and obsessive, circular thinking. Your mind throws obstacles in your path by injecting worry, convoluted thinking and images of what you don't want (fear-based thinking) and basically. Many people simply have too many thoughts going on at once not unlike a computer choked by trying to complete too many tasks at once.
Determination and the Willingness to Act
An intention is a filter we place on our consciousness that guides us to what’s next on our journey through the power of spirit. When we navigate by intention we’re not hampered by the mind’s nagging questions of how we will reach our goal. Intentions are based on a determination to achieve your goal and the willingness to take the necessary actions to realize them.
When we learn to harness the force that is great within us, we work with intention. It is the power of our spirit that provides the strength to act with determination to realize our goals. If our goals and desires are based primarily in our mind, we will become discouraged when we fail to realize our goals in a given period of time.
The mind applies logic to the situation, saying, “These actions failed to bring the desired result so my goal is unobtainable.” Spirit says “No effort is ever wasted and life is about learning. Keep listening within and taking actions based on guidance and inner knowing and you will always be in the right place at the right time.” In this scenario, our mind doesn’t have to have all the answers. All that is necessary is a faith and belief in spirit’s guiding light and in our own willingness to follow that light.
Love the Process more than the Goal
A desire by itself focuses on the goal or outcome, thereby stifling with expectations the process of reaching it. By comparison, an intention focuses on the process we will follow in reaching the goal and keeps us taking the steps needed to realize our goal. When we are present within the moment, we love the steps we are taking now and allow the internal GPS system of our intentions to direct the flow of our efforts.
For more on manifesting and spiritual abundance, see Abundance Magic: 44 Steps to Manifesting the Future of Your Dreams by DL Zeta
Rare Cosmic Cocktail Opens Portals for Spiritual Seers
A unique blend of cosmic alignments over the next few days opens a portal into new potentials fed by deep streams of renewed creativity and inspiration. This is truly a portal of new beginnings and powerful manifestations.
Tonight's full moon is closer to the earth than at any time since 1993. This full moon in Virgo coincides with the spring equinox, which lasts three days from March 19-21. The spring equinox marks a time of year when day and night are of equal length, helping us achieve greater balance.
Add to this mix a rare alignment of the Sun and Uranus at the equinox point of zero degrees Aries. This alignment holds the potential to open energetic portals for inspiration, creativity, new insights and visions. It marks a time to listen to deep streams within and work with intentions powerfully aligned with our spiritual purpose for the highest good of all.
As we work with our highest intentions, we are able to align with others on the inner planes to anchor a new time in human consciousness. This weekend’s cosmic alignments will greatly facilitate these efforts.
We Stand at the Threshold of an Unimagineable Future
This is an important moment in time when energies are crystallizing in a future that is at times difficult to imagine within our present timeframe. The best way to navigate this time and utilize the opportunities it offers is to go within your heart and reside in place of peace, love, and allowing. As you exist in harmony with the flow of your natural rhythms, you exist in harmony with all the universe.
Standing Strong as Old Structures Crumble
During this time of accelerating earth changes and troubling events playing out on the world’s stage, it is more important than ever to open to the wisdom and guidance of our higher knowing. As old structures and forms crumble to make way for the new time on planet Earth, we are able to stand strong in love and compassion by staying connected through a telepathic connection to our higher self.
We offer here some steps to strengthening spiritual telepathy. As we develop a telepathic connection with our higher self, we become spiritual seers able to reach beyond ourselves into the heart of love no matter what comes before us. This ability to remain centered in love and compassion is the source of true healing.
Developing Spiritual Telepathy
In a rapidly evolving world, the only reliable way to navigate is through spiritual telepathy. In this new time, you will encounter many new energies, ideas and challenges. The best way to navigate these scenarios is by maintaining constant, direct telepathy with your higher self. Each time you encounter a new situation, you're able to formulate a question and receive immediate answers from your higher self.
Once you receive this information, you can fashion it into the tools needed to navigate whatever is before you in your present moment. Spiritual telepathy allows you to meet each new situation in your life with the enthusiasm and confidence needed to transform it into the golden opportunities and spiritual signposts that enlighten your spiritual path and allow greater access to fifth-dimensional energies.
We offer here some steps to developing spiritual telepathy.
1) Write down and interpret your dreams every morning. Dreams are messages from your higher self that provide you with important information for your day.
2) Interpret your waking dream. Just as you translate dream symbols, you can translate the symbols of your waking "dream." Everything that happens in your physical reality is pointing the way to deeper spiritual truths.
3) Follow your highest vision. Record the images that arrive in your conscious mind and see how you can put them to use in your life.
4) Write your spiritual autobiography and examine the symbols of each occurrence, especially those you still hold energy around. By seeing how a situation was helping you grow, you’re able to receive the gifts it offered and expand your understanding.
5) Eat a light and healthy diet that helps heal and clear old energies in your physical system. Detoxing at the physical level triggers healing at all levels. Clearing up the energy in your environment is another form of healing. Examine to see if there is any dead energy in your environment and release everything that no longer serves your highest good.
6) Practice silence and meditation. Set aside time each day when you can slow down, breathe and reflect. This helps you cultivate inner peace and the stillness of mind that is crucial to receiving spiritual guidance.
7) Practice Q and A's with your higher self. By writing down questions and using techniques such as automatic writing to receive answers, you strengthen your skill at communicating with your higher self. One of the keys to developing spiritual telepathy is learning to formulate questions that bring the information you need within the moment. Formulating questions requires clear seeing, intuition and discernment. Cultivate these skills to help you know what questions to ask. Questions are the gatekeepers to receiving spiritual insight with impeccable timing.
8) Open to the possibility of cultivating advanced techniques for receiving spiritual guidance such as channeling. Conscious channeling is a skill you can practice by opening your consciousness, entering a light trance and allowing your guides, angels, higher self and other high-vibrational beings to speak through you. To free your conscious mind from the need to remember what is said, you can speak the answers into a tape recorder.
9) Study self-hypnosis and learn to put yourself into a light trance where answers freely from flow into your consciousness. As you become skilled at entering a trance, you can slip in and out of this state throughout your day. This "soft focus" state allows you to download messages from your "etheric email" account. The equivalent of this in your physical world is downloading your e-mail from a server. In this case the "server" is your subconscious mind which receives the information from your higher self.
10) Practice relaxation and other techniques such as yoga and t'ai chi that help you coordinate and harmonize body, mind and spirit. This allows you to function in the state of oneness needed to navigate the fifth dimension.
For more on fifth-dimensional consciousness, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
For more on dreams and timeline shifts, see Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL Zeta
Dreams, Intentions, and Fifth-Dimensional Timelines
Dreams are a portal to the subconscious, a bridge between the conscious mind and the soul through which guidance, insights, inspirations and visions of the future can travel.
Dreams are the interface between heaven and earth, the “seen” and the “unseen” worlds. Many have already worked with dreams to some extent and are well aware of their powerful properties. We ask you to consider dreams in a new light. That is, in terms of their ability to help us understand and energize fifth-dimensional timelines, and how one experiences reality within them.
Dreams are Glimpses into Potential Reality Grids
Reality grids and their "storylines" exist as energetic potentials in each person’s field of possibilities. This field of possibilities draws from a person’s lesson plan for a lifetime along with the gifts, talents and understandings they came here to share this time around.
Many factors are calculated and encoded into this field of possibilities. This field can be translated into energetic potentials or reality grids that contain storylines "already in progress." As one comes into resonance with potential storylines, they may receive glimpses of life along certain reality threads. Once you perceive a timeline, you can bring your attention and focus to it and begin energizing it into your physical reality.
We are translating a highly intuitive process into material terms, so we will attempt to clarify how this works. As one comes into energetic resonance with the storylines within a reality grid, they receive glimpses of life along that storyline through flashes of intuitive insight and through dreams.
Because the subconscious, dreaming mind is free to wander among reality grids far and near, you may dream about a reality that is far removed from your present moment. The answer to why this happens is found within an individual's spiritual purpose.
In this context, we are referring to glimpses of potential reality threads that are close by or adjacent to one’s present reality thread.
Intentions, Desires of the Soul and Reality Threads
In addition to offering glimpses of new reality threads, dreams also teach us how reality works and how we can allow ourselves to flow easily and effortlessly along new timelines through the power of intention. We can think of intentions as filters we place on our experience of reality. We throw a wrench in the workings of these filters when we allow doubts and fears to short-circuit them. This is what happens when we fail to develop a working relationship with our intuitive knowing. Living by our highest intentions and our intuitive knowing go hand in hand.
In order to choose the reality threads you experience, begin to observe how your thoughts combined with the desires of your soul shift you from one timeline to another. As we observe this process, we begin to understand why some desires are realized while others are not. Our ability to choose the timelines we experience is directly tied to the degree that we are awake and aware. In order to master our destiny, we learn to consciously choose the reality threads we will experience.
Dreams are a Training Ground for Wielding the Power of Intention
Dreams, particularly lucid dreams, are an excellent training ground for learning to wield the power of intention. A lucid dream is a dream where you become aware you are dreaming inside a dream. Once you realize you are dreaming you can, through the power of intention, choose a number of blissful and joyful experiences. You can fly, travel to beautiful dimensions, receive the vision for a novel, a work of art, meet a soulmate, or meet a past or future version of yourself. The sky is the limit.
The only obstacles to what you can experience are your beliefs and your skill of allowing. If your mind kicks in and begins to micromanage the notion of how you will fly in your dream, it is pretty certain you won’t get off the ground. If, on the other hand, you believe all things are possible and you enter a space of trust and allowing, you simply set the intention to fly in your dream and allow yourself to be lifted higher and higher on the wings of your powerful intentions. This is how reality flows along fifth-dimensional timelines.
For more on fifth-dimensional consciousness, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
For more on dreams and timeline shifts, see Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL Zeta
Intuitive Knowing, Reality Grids and Fifth-Dimensional Timelines
As you strengthen your intuitive perception, you are able to perceive more of the gridwork of potential reality threads that extend in all directions from your present moment. These threads have the power to carry you into fifth-dimensional timelines. Many have been glimpsing and experiencing these realities for some time. To make them more solid in daily life, one need only learn to “tune into” this energetic gridwork.
Reality threads exist along a gridwork at all points along the spectrum of one’s energetic potentials. Some points on the grid are adjacent to the present moment while others are further away. The stronger your intuitive perception, the more clearly you're able to perceive alternate reality threads. The greater your alignment with your subconscious or soul, the clearer your intuitive perception.
During times when your mind is calm, clear and still, you may receive glimpses or flashes of intuitive knowing that illuminate entire segments of the gridwork of your potential realities. These glimpses provide a frequency to home in on when fine-tuning a potential into physical reality.
Expanding into New Sectors of the Gridwork of Potential Realities
The more open you are, the more likely you are to expand into unknown reality grids. It is within unknown, uncharted territories that you encounter alternate realities imbued with new ideas and inspiration. In order to bring anything unique and original into being, you will need to allow your consciousness to explore new sectors along the gridwork of potential realities. When you explore your own consciousness and open to universal realities, you are more likely to encounter new inner territories.
Your highest potentials exist along new and previously unexplored reality threads. When you allow your consciousness to open to these new threads, you begin to expand into fifth-dimensional timelines. The alternative is to continue to retread old realities.
Once you set your intention to explore the gridwork of new potential realities, the path ahead is revealed to you in dreams and in waking glimpses of intuitive insight. To assist this process, cultivate and practice inner listening. It is by listening within that you're able to hear the small, still voice of your soul. Stilling your mind is the basic building block for everything else. If your conscious mind is chattering loudly, you will miss all the important messages your soul is sending you.
Strengthening the Connection to Inner Knowing
To energize fifth-dimensional timelines, cultivate a strong connection with your intuitive knowing. There is that part of you that always knows the path to high-vibrational realities and will guide the way if you ask for this and are awake to the nudges and signs your guidance sends you.
Within fifth-dimensional timelines, you follow the path of least resistance and allow life to unfold easily and effortlessly. You'll always have a vision in place, downloaded to you through the doorway of your intuition. On your way to realizing this vision, you're able to flow easily and effortlessly toward your goals. Simplify the steps and bring your visions to reality by observing the flow of the universe. Align with this flow rather than swimming against it. It is the human mind that convolutes reality, not the soul and not the universe. In nature everything flows according to divine timing and a natural flow. And so it is with fifth-dimensional timelines that bring us into communion with our natural potentials of love, harmony and inner peace.