The Holidays as Doorways to Emotional Freedom and Higher Awareness

The holidays are doorways to higher understanding because they offer opportunities to access and heal painful emotions of the past. Our willingness to embrace and heal these emotions is our greatest ally in creating the emotional freedom that is a key to achieving fifth-dimensional consciousness. Energetic bookmarks - locations in consciousness where emotional energy is held - often coalesce around holidays and can be triggered each year at the same time. We don't have to live in fear or dread of painful memories, however. Instead, we can see these as portals into our own emotional landscape. As we gain awareness and insight into our emotions, we are able to open to the messages of troubled and turbulent times in our lives. These messages have the power to transport us to a new zip code on the map of our higher consciousness.

The Emotional Level of Consciousness

The emotional level of our being is located between the conscious and subconscious minds. Since emotions exist in the realm of the "unseen", they are a sub-level of the subconscious mind. We can see the emotional level as a bridge -- or a great gaping chasm -- between the conscious and subconscious minds.

Your Emotions Are Gatekeepers to Higher Consciousness

The emotional level exists between your conscious and subconscious minds, serving as a gatekeeper. This is by design. Until a person enters a place of peace and love within themselves, they won’t gain access to the vast array of advanced abilities that reside within their higher self. In this way, the emotional level is a built-in protection mechanism. If you're challenged with navigating physical reality and the realm of the emotions, you're not yet ready to take on the unknown and untested waters of the subconscious mind. Imagine this as akin to serving as captain of a small boat. If you’re unable to safely captain a boat on a small lake, you will not likely be assigned captainship of a larger boat sailing vast uncharted oceans.

We offer here some techniques for healing and clearing your emotions, which will allow you to cultivate inner peace.

The Importance of Taking Responsibility

The condition of your emotional body determines whether your emotions serve as a bridge or an obstacle to accessing your subconscious mind. It’s impossible to achieve emotional freedom until you take 100% responsibility for everything in your reality.

If you have a backlog of unresolved emotional issues, your emotions are easily triggered by events, people and circumstances in your environment. This constant emotional upheaval can lead you to "buy into" the illusion of victimhood, scarcity, self-doubt and other scenarios that leave you feeling helpless and disempowered. Helplessness and disempowerment lead to denser emotions that are triggered and catalyzed by self-pity. Self-pity at its core is a denial of the infinite nature of your being and the vast capabilities of your spirit. It leads to an ever denser array of negative emotions that can bar access to the subconscious.

When you exist in a peaceful place within yourself, you’re able to travel at will between your conscious and subconscious minds.

Discovering Emotional Triggers

In order to clear residual emotions, you will need to examine every aspect of your present reality to discover emotional triggers. While many of your emotional triggers date back to childhood, you can find access points through events unfolding within your present moment. If you keep unraveling the strings binding you to turbulent emotions, you will find these emotions are, at the source, wounded and suffering younger aspects of yourself. In other words, the emotional "wounding" happened at a point before you understood how the universe works – a point before you understood how everything that happens to you is helping you grow and learn. Once you see this, you’re far less likely to feel injured or wounded by the events, people, or circumstances in your life.

There may have been times when you felt the actions of others a 'judgment' against you, or an indication of your self-worth. You’re likely to have created situations similar to your original wounding throughout your life. This makes it possible to work with your childhood wound within the present timeframe without excavating the past to find the point of original wounding (though you may at some point choose to undertake this examination of the past as part of your healing process).

To gain awareness of emotional wounds operating in your present moment, pay close attention to circumstances that trigger denser emotions. If it helps, carry a small notebook and note emotional triggers you observe. As you bring awareness to emotional triggers, you lessen their power over you.

Discovering Your 'Sacred' Wound

Many of your emotional triggers trace back to an emotional wound you experienced early in your life, usually by age 7 or 8, though not always. There are many different forms this wounding can take, including the death of a parent, a severe illness or accident, a seeming abandonment or other loss. All sacred wounds have in common an emotional trauma that went into “cellular memory.” Over the years, the essence of this sacred wound is re-energized in various situations in an unconscious attempt to gain understanding of the wound so it can be healed and released. Sometimes, a sacred wound isn't healed in a lifetime. In this case, the essence of the wound is carried forward into the next incarnation where the wound is recreated.

If you choose to gain awareness of your original or “sacred” wound, you can begin by writing a simple autobiography of your life, touching on the emotional highs and lows. Pay close attention to events that still hold an emotional charge. These events reveal to you wounded aspects of yourself still emotionally trapped in time. You can heal and release these aspects by shining the light of your present-moment awareness on them.

This triggering adds density and weight to every rite of passage you undertake. The triggering of unresolved emotional energy is one of the main reasons some turn back from a rite of passage. Transformational periods will bring up unresolved emotions in an effort to purge them. To some, this clearing and cleansing may seem unbearably painful. It’s ultimately the willingness to face all that "comes up" that allows one to take the leap within themselves that leads to the emotional freedom that is the gatekeeper to higher consciousness.

The Nature of the Wounded Self

Inside every person there exists wounded aspects that are most often “wounded child” aspects. These aspects of your self "take on" unresolved emotions throughout your life. Whenever something in your present moment triggers and awakens this wounded self, you experience not only the emotion of what’s happening now, but your wounded emotional body that contains the accumulated wounds of a lifetime. It may seem at times that you are reliving every troubled emotion you have ever experienced.

Accepting the Gifts of Your Wounded Self

Those times when your wounded self calls forth the full menu of your troubled emotions are valuable times when you can access emotions and work with them to bring about healing. You can do this by sitting with your wounded self and undertaking a review of circumstances tied to the emotions. When you allow yourself to "re-see" the situations that created troubled emotions from the light of a higher consciousness, you bring about healing to wounded aspects of yourself and release energy being held around situations from your past.

Foremost among these past situations will be moments from your present lifetime, though these wounded scenarios may also be connected to experiences carried over from past lives.

By seeing troubled emotions from a detached and elevated perspective, you’re able to understand the higher purpose for creating a situation. Once you see the higher purpose of your creations, you have effectively transformed it into an ally rather than a "problem."

Excerpt from The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

Posted on Friday, December 24, 2010 at 09:59PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Aligning with the December 21 Portal of Infinite Possibility 

A portal of infinite possibility opens Monday night when the earth's shadow crosses the full moon just hours before the winter solstice. It is at the point, during the full lunar eclipse, that a dimensional portal opens, offering a glimpse into the perfection and beauty of timeless eternity where all fields of potentiality exist. This opening is already energetically "reaching back" and beaconing to all who are aligned enough to receive this broadcast.

A Powerful New Guiding Star on the Horizon

The broadcast of this multidimensional portal reaches through time and space to all life everywhere. All we need to do to tune in this broadcast is to grow still and silent within ourselves and open to the guiding light of this powerful new star on our inner horizon.

Pay close attention to everything that draws your attention now as your higher self will attempt to speak to you on many levels, downloading information and ideas into your sleeping mind and in those waking moments when your mind is clear and still.

Monday night's solstice/eclipse phenomenon is no coincidence. This portal signals a greater alignment of heaven and earth with the power to trigger new levels of enlightenment.

Our Final and Most Profound Earthly Test

In recent weeks and months, many lightworkers have come face-to-face with any remaining darkness they hold. Densities that seemed to have been left behind may have resurfaced. Do not be tempted to judge yourself for this or fall prey to despair and hopelessness at this time. This is the time to stand firmly on the platform of the spiritual understandings you have gained, to call upon your higher self, your guides and angels as you stare into the face of your greatest fears, your darkest moments, and your weakest points.

Because each being is a "microcosm" of the universe, our own consciousness is our best training ground for carrying out our purpose at the universal level. As we love our own darkness, we unify dark and light within our own consciousness. This allows us to join with others to unify dark and light on planet Earth, ushering in a new time. It is in this way that we are able to transform suffering to its higher octave of universal love and understanding. Suffering is at its core a resistance to what is. When we resist what we encounter, we block its message and in doing so, we isolate ourselves from the understandings and love that can help us navigate all we encounter.

As we love and allow every aspect of our being, we are able to stare into any darkness that still obscures our hearts. We can consciously choose to love the darkness and embrace it, for our willingness to love and embrace the darkness encapsulates our final and most profound test in earthly life.

For more on accessing portals in consciousness, see Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL Zeta

Posted on Thursday, December 16, 2010 at 11:37PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

The Present Moment as Portal to Universal Love and Abundance 

As this year of chaos and inner questioning winds down, it is time to weave the lessons we have learned into the fabric of our next layer of becoming.

It is time now to open to and energize the vision for the next part of our journey. As this vision becomes more solid, we can begin anchoring it into the future with our present-moment thoughts, feelings and choices. In this way, we align with and shift to a new location on the map of our consciousness. This new location is fed by with the deep streams of new understandings gleaned over this year of inner focusing, healing, clearing and transformation. It allows us to live more than ever before in telepathic communion with our higher self and the love and blessings of the universe.

As you open to the new vision for your future, it is especially important to pay attention to the present moment and all that is happening there moment by moment. Each choice, each decision you make shifts you to a new location in consciousness. If you want to know what the future will hold, look to the present moment and you will know. If you don’t prefer what you see crystallizing in your future, you are free to make changes in your present moment. Just follow the strands of energy from the present moment into the future. Everything is always happening in one eternal moment of now.

Viewing Reality through the Cosmic Lens of the Universe

Your conscious mind tends to see past, present and future as three separate continuums, each isolated from the other by time, memory and levels of experience. In a broader sense, all your experiences take place within one vast moment that is as fleeting as the blink of an eye in the broader cosmic view. When you view your realities over time through this cosmic lens of the universe, you're better able to see the interconnectedness between all moments. As you view all moments as one, you're able to see how your present moment is able to interact with and influence all other moments past, present and future.

The Future is Here Now

Whatever you will be in the future you are already now. There's no separation between past, present and future. Within any given moment a multitude of parallel possibilities reside. You have the option of consciously choosing which possibility to bring your focus to.

Your past selves, your future selves are with you now in the present moment. Healing the past and creating the future takes place now. This is why we say awareness is everything. To wield this infinite capability and fully access the portal of your present moment, examine and observe where you are currently putting your energy and focus. Are you programming into your present moment an attitude of “adding to” rather than “taking away from” in terms of finances, diet, health and relationships? Do you perpetrate random acts of kindness? Do you act in ways that are beneficial to animals and the environment? Do you act on behalf of another's highest good? Do you nurture and love yourself?

The Parasitic Perspective versus the Sustainable, Empowered Perspective

Do you overdraw your cosmic bank account, taking more than you're giving? Do you spend more life force energy than you attract, thereby depleting your physical systems? Are you living in a self-sustainable way, enriching your own experience as well as that of others, adding to, improving all that you come into contact with, or are you depleting yourself and others, depleting and damaging the environment, siphoning the energies of those you come in contact with? Do you exist on the planet as a blessing or a parasite? The parasite always views themselves as a victim because they are at the mercy of those they feed upon. The sustainable perspective seeks to empower and enrich all it encounters. Those who live by the sustainable perspective know the source of their own empowerment and take complete responsibility for all their experience. In this way, they recognize every moment as one moment unfolding in divine love and perfection.

Each person has experienced and witnessed both sustainable and parasitic perspectives. Now, as we collectively energize a future of sustainable living, oneness and empowerment, we are able to see through any remaining residue of the old parasitic programming and shift to the new paradigm in human consciousness.

For more on accessing portals in consciousness, see Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL Zeta

Posted on Sunday, December 5, 2010 at 02:26PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Gratitude is a Frequency in the Universe 

The frequency of gratitude holds the power to release the shackles of suffering and transport us into the realm beyond dreams where past struggles reveal their blessings and we look out on all that is with a crystal clear vision of love and acceptance.

This past year has taken us on a long journey designed to help us revisit any energies we still hold around past circumstances. At times, old issues resurfaced, amplifying our emotions so we could hold them in awareness and examine them from a new and more empowered perspective. Any lingering resentments about the past can now be dispelled by surrounding them with gratitude.

Gratitude is a Frequency in the Universe

Gratitude is a frequency in the universe that draws us into closer union with our higher self’s vast storehouse of wisdom. As we align ourselves with the frequency of gratitude, we are able to download the higher vision for any situation that once tethered us to frequencies of victimhood and blame.

These downloads are encoded with the agreements we hold with other souls to create mutually- beneficial learning situations. The encoded information touches on things like the purpose of our current life time, a bird’s eye view of our current situation and even the blueprint for the entire evolution of our soul.

It may be said that gratitude is the key that turns the lock, springing open the door into the future of our becoming.

Gratitude is Magnetic to Abundance and Synchronicity

Because gratitude is founded on the idea of acceptance, faith and spiritual alignment, it is also magnetic to abundance and prosperity. It draws to us the things we need within the moment, and radiates a subconscious message that attracts synchronicity and miracles.

No matter what is happening in your life, find a way to embrace the circumstances and express gratitude for them and you will soon find yourself basking in the spiritual wealth and blessings of the universe.

Everything is Love in Search of Itself

It is now at this time when many step back from their routines to give thanks that we can take this opportunity to step into a deeper level of gratitude for all the situations and the people in our lives. As we do so, we enter a new level of embracing our own pain-and-suffering and our struggles. This allows us to touch a loving, peaceful place within ourselves where everything that comes before us is love in search of itself and the souls we meet are fellow travelers in search of the deeper understanding that propels us all on our journey of growth and expansion.

For more information about spiritual abundance, see Abundance Magic: 44 Steps to Manifesting the Future of Your Dreams by DL Zeta

Posted on Thursday, November 25, 2010 at 03:41PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Shifting to a Fifth-Dimensional Reality Thread 

Energies and light transmissions have been “amped up” in recent times, thinning the veils between dimensions and making it easier than ever before to make the shift to fifth-dimensional consciousness. Some lightworkers have found themselves paradoxically during this time re-treading old scenarios. At times it may have seemed they were more enmeshed in third-dimensional experiences than in past times.

This seeming re-treading of old energies is designed to help many bring completion to old scenarios that have bound them to past wounds. During this time it is good to stand back from whatever has been going on and examine how this may be the “graduation exam” for situations from the past. It is now, during this time, that each person has the opportunity to see what they intended to learn by creating these situations from the past. Once understanding is gained, it is time to shift one’s focus and attention to realities aligned with the new time on Planet Earth.

Parallel Realities and Shifting Focus Threads

All potential realities run parallel, spinning off the essence of each person’s core energies. In order to shift from experiencing one reality thread to another, all one needs to do is move their focus from one reality thread to another. A focus shift is best undertaken gradually with the intention to bring a loving conclusion to the current reality thread. This means being prepared to move through that completion with grace. All that is required in making a reality shift is to make sure one’s motivations are the highest and best for all and without negative feeling for the reality being de-magnetized.

If you leave a reality thread with unresolved emotions, you'll find it necessary at some point to return to it -- or one energetically compatible with it -- to bring about completion in the future.

Once you begin to “tune into” a new reality thread, you will download information and guidance needed to exist along this new continuum. It is not necessary to know a great deal about a new reality thread you are guided to; all that is needed is a love for where you have been and a love for the unknown space you're traveling into. Beyond this, the universe brings all that’s needed.

For more on fifth-dimensional consciousness, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

Posted on Saturday, November 20, 2010 at 12:30PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment