Traveling Love and Silence into the 11:11 ‘Miracle Gateway’
Whatever you have held as a potential but not yet realized now beckons on the horizon of a new gateway now opening in human consciousness. As this gateway continues to unfold in coming weeks, many will experience sensations of heightened awareness that center around an expanded heart center overflowing with radiant love and light.
During this time, the opportunity is ripe for merging deeper into one's divine feminine and masculine and entering new levels of lightbody activation. This gateway will give each being a greater sense of themselves as a light being. There will be moments when time will slow to reveal glimpses into other dimensions. Inner vision will allow one to see patterns of light radiating from within their heart center. Everything is possible now. Possibilities will filter through the lens of each being’s most deeply held dreams.
Visions Manifest within a Renewed Sense of Possibility
If you have felt certain visions were not possible for you, know that this is the time to hold those visions in your heart and mind with a renewed sense of possibility. It is much easier to build a belief during this time when your feeling states are elevated to manifest the visions your higher self downloads to your consciousness.
Silence and Love carry you through the Gateway
Your conscious mind will not be able to grasp the scope of the gateway now being activated by light transmissions. That is why it's more important than ever to enter times of silence and meditation in coming weeks. Love all that comes before you inside this space of silence, trusting that within this space everything happens according to divine timing and divine plan. It is through silence and breathing that you will be able to integrate the paradigm of the new time into your own energy matrix.
Today and every day in coming weeks, make a space and time to enter silence and join with many beings at the soul level to create a unified vision to activate this new paradigm in human consciousness.
Awakening to Deeper Levels of Today’s ‘Miracle Gateway’
We invite you each day for the next two weeks to join with many around the planet to re-energize this opening and align your consciousness with ever deeper levels of love. In doing so, you will awaken to a new zip code on the map of your own consciousness. As you awaken to these ever expanding realities, you will travel further into the new time being offered by today’s ‘miracle gateway.’
Incubating the Next Phase of the Awakening Journey
We have been in a time when we found ourselves confronted with any perceived limitations we held. Old wounds resurfaced to help us undergo new levels of healing. Sensitivities have been heightened, allowing access to new levels of psychic perception. Increased sensitivity also brings greater awareness of both blessings and suffering. Our test now is to balance both as we turn inward to begin to envision our upcoming role in the further awakening of human consciousness.
Upcoming Tests and Passages
Winter is always a time of turning inward in order to assimilate the past and re-envision the future. However, this phase of introspection takes on greater significance as it coincides with a pivotal time of rebirth in human consciousness. Each soul will soon encounter new tests and rites of passages. All of this takes place against the background of a whirlwind of chaos and uncertainty.
Self-Proclaimed Gurus and other Misunderstandings of Sleeping Consciousness
During this time of awakening it will be important to discern the difference between messages that come from the ego and those arising from the higher self. As human consciousness awakens to new levels of its infinite nature, those still heavily vested in ego concerns may fall prey to misunderstandings that surround the vast capabilities that lie within their own being. They may proclaim themselves as leaders, gurus, messiahs and chosen ones. Grandiosity and the need for recognition is a delusion of a sleeping consciousness that is starting to perceive glimmers of its own existence beyond its previous narrow confines. As these gurus rise up, all those who have worked to bridge their conscious and subconscious minds are able to reaffirm within themselves that the only true guru is one’s higher self and the insight, guidance and wisdom it offers.
We offer here some steps to help navigate this time of incubation and discovery:
1) See yourself in the eyes of your higher self. Witness your imperfections and weaknesses from a place of love and understanding. As your higher self, you're able to nurture the smaller parts of your being much as you would a young child. The conscious aspects of your being are children in relation to the ancient wisdom and knowledge of your soul and higher self.
2) Examine all that you own in terms of what serves your highest good and what can be passed on to others. Releasing material possessions you no longer need triggers releases at other levels.
3) Consider what obligations and duties you have taken on that can now be released for the highest good of all. As you move on to new levels of service, it will be necessary to re-examine your current commitments to make sure you are using your time and abilities to serve the greater good. If you leave one area of service for a new one, spirit will call another soul to fill the spot you previously occupied.
4) Free yourself of the need to have an opinion of others or the need to attempt to change the opinions of others. Each being, yourself included, is having the experiences they need within the moment in order to learn and grow. It is enough to witness and observe your environment with the light of an awakened consciousness. In this way, you're able to see yourself and others from a place of love and understanding without the need to change, interfere or judge.
5) Be willing to undertake service when it is asked of you. Many are being asked now to serve in ways they may find surprising and unexpected. Many will find themselves called to forms of service that allow them to heal ancient wounds or to complete needed understandings. At times it may seem you have taken a step backward but keep in mind neither healing nor growth is linear. Your conscious mind will not always understand the need to complete a course of learning begun centuries ago.
6) Practice sustainability in all that you do. Cultivate a “put into” rather than a “take away from” attitude. In other words, add to every situation you encounter rather than subtract from it. In this way, you become a positive force in the universe. One physical manifestation of this might be your finances. Are you saving or depleting funds? It might be considered in terms of your health. Are you building yourself up in terms of health and strength or are you constantly burning the candle at both ends? Ask yourself, “What am I creating within this moment?” What you are creating with your choices moment by moment will become your future. Sustainable choices lead to an empowered rather than an impoverished future.
7) Be willing to see yourself as a wise and infinite being without need for recognition or aggrandizement. If you are feeling the need for recognition at this time, consider ways you may not be acknowledging and appreciating yourself. As you enter deeper levels of gratitude and self-love, you feel less need for outer recognition.
8) Listen closely to the needs of your body during this time. There is a need now to eat lighter and observe any addictions you may have to food, drink or other substances. Addictions are adopted at times when you feel yourself unable to cope with life circumstances. These crutches are like training wheels you no longer need as you move into greater levels of awakening. When you release addictive habits, you learn to use the wings of your higher consciousness to soar above what you previously thought was possible. Your physical body is attempting to transform itself to align with the energies of higher frequencies being downloaded into your consciousness. Whatever you put into your physical system at this time will determine the shape of your future manifestations. Health or disease is manifesting more quickly than ever before. Rapid healing and transformation is happening at a rapid rate now and likewise, so is deterioration and decay.
9) Enter deeper and deeper realms of silence. Many have become accustomed to the constant background noise in their environment and even the incessant chatter of their own mind. Without the noise, some feel lost and even frightened. Be willing to sit with the stillness and quiet of your inner being. Start with only a few minutes per day if necessary and gradually allow yourself to enter longer and longer periods of silence. When you sit still and listen within, you gain awareness of the vast, infinite expanse of your soul. Within this infinite expanse, all is possible.
10) If you are seeking to manifest abundance, a relationship, a new career or anything else, be willing to enter a place of inner stillness and align with the energies you find there. Whatever you feel guided to manifest into your physical reality already exists within your consciousness. Invite the part of you that holds this frequency of your intended manifestation to come forward and inform your actions, thoughts and feelings in coming days and weeks. Whatever you may seek to create, there is a part of your consciousness able to come forward to teach you the steps to bring it into your physical reality. Be sure to hold in awareness how this intended manifestation is aligned with your spiritual purpose.
11) Cultivate patience. In this world, there is a mindset of needing everything to occur within an expected timeframe. The need for instant gratification is an offshoot of scarcity consciousness. It is saying to your subconscious that you don’t trust the universe to bring you what you need with divine timing. Inside this mindset, life flow becomes forced and unnaturally bound by ego constraints. Allow your intended manifestations to happen in divine timing and keep in mind that the quantum change which is taking place within many now often takes longer to assimilate than smaller, less pervasive changes.
12) Notice what you notice. Whatever catches your attention, whatever you feel drawn to has a special meaning and significance for you. Hold those things you are drawn to in awareness and allow them to speak to you. The messages being downloaded now have to do with the role each person will play in the new times ahead.
13) Befriend your fears. Whatever you fear most will come front and center now. Create a safe space within yourself where you can sit with whatever shows up in your life. Inside this space, you can ask for divine guidance and understanding. Ask for love and patience and whatever else is needed within the moment. This space will become ever more important in the days and weeks to come as a safe refuge and incubation chamber for your continued transformation. From this inner chamber, you will emerge with the grace and beauty of a butterfly to inspire and assist the unfolding of human consiousness.
Perceiving and Accessing Energetic Portals in Consciousness
Inside every moment, there are energies you can perceive and “read”. Reading and understanding the energies around you allows you to receive the messages your higher self is constantly downloading into your consciousness. As you become a better receiving station for these messages, you learn to access more of the love, abundance and joy available to all beings within all timeframes.
Reaching Beyond the Boundaries of Physical Reality
There are many different ways in which this works. Because energies exist at all levels and within all dimensions, learning to perceive encoded packets of information from your higher self allows you to understand more about the realities you encounter and to respond beyond the limitations of the physical. As your responses reach beyond the boundaries of physical reality, you transform lower frequencies and incorporate more fifth-dimensional energies and beyond into your experience and your reality.
Opening Your Receiving/Perceiving Station
When you learn to read the energies within every moment, you're able to respond to all levels - not just to surface energies. The obvious physical energies - realities you are able to readily observe and/or detect with the naked eye – are only a small percentage of the energies present within a given moment. When you respond only to surface energies, you greatly limit your potential for spiritual growth, abundance and relationships. This is what we refer to when we talk about placing limitations on your self. Are you only recognizing and responding to surface realities or are you responding to and aligning with energies and realities that exist beyond the physical? No one seeks to limit themselves but everyone is limited by what they are able to perceive. Opening your receiving/perceiving station allows you to experience yourself as a multi-dimensional cosmic being incarnated into a physical timeframe within the universe. The alternative of being a limited, one-dimensional speck in a very large and frightening world is far less attractive.
Recognizing and Interpreting the Symbols around You
To read energies that exist at all levels, learn to recognize and interpret the symbols around you. The means learning to unlock the true meaning of a situation that is before you rather than limiting yourself to its surface meaning. The true meaning of a situation is intricately interwoven with your specific life purpose and where you are with it at the moment. As you seek to understand your purpose and to know yourself beyond the confines of your physical identity, you free yourself of the shackles of others’ interpretations and even your own.
Remembering and interpreting your nightly dreams is a good practice that helps you learn to work with the deeper symbols of your life. Another good practice is to read between the lines of a spiritual or channeled book. Some books, art works and other original creations contain energetic codes that have the power to transport you to new portals within your own consciousness.
Triggering New Portals in Consciousness.
Any good piece of channeled writing exists at multiple layers. It contains information from a surface perspective and also points to deeper levels. Many of these levels exist beyond your conscious mind so it is impossible to know how this information will interact with your subconscious understandings or what realities/ideas/inspirations it will trigger. Over time these subconscious energies bubble to the surface of your physical world, allowing you to manifest synchronicities and realities beyond the boundaries of your present-moment imaginings.
For more information on accessing portals in consciousness, see Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL Zeta
Celestial Vision Audio
The New Earth is an Energetic Zip Code in the Universe of Human Consciousness
The New Earth is an energetic field that is and always has been alive and well in its own zip code within the universe of human consciousness.
This energetic field is not something that has manifested or appeared in recent time frames. This location in human consciousness has always existed, sending out a bright bacon and broadcast for all those willing to tune in. This frequency exists in harmony with frequencies of unconditional love, peace and oneness.
You might wonder why it is that so many souls throughout time have chosen not to tune into this broadcast of the New Earth if it has always existed. You might also wonder why some even now tune it out.
Powerful ‘Codes and Keys’ of the New Earth
The energetic codes and keys of the New Earth are so powerful they have the ability to unlock hidden rooms within each being. Once the contents of unseen chambers are brought to light, they must be healed and brought to spiritual understanding. Many are not ready for such undertakings.
Barriers to Aligning with the New Earth
Addiction is one reason many turn away from the frequencies of the New Earth. We're not just talking about addiction in the sense of substance abuse, but addiction in the broader sense of over-investment in physical reality. This addiction is an energetic condition that can take the form of a substance, goal, person, a way of life -- anything that enslaves consciousness.
Fear is closely related to addiction. Many have difficulty surrendering to a higher energetic frequency for fear they will lose control of their existence. It’s true you may find certain aspects of your life changing as you move along your spiritual path. Your higher self may urge you along a path that will bring needed understandings for you to progress. However, fear of these changes is a misunderstanding.
Younger aspects of your consciousness may resist spiritual growth when they are stuck in old emotional dramas. Synchronistically, when you release fear and align with the frequencies of the New Earth, you are guided to situations that provide you the understandings you need to heal and free these younger, resistant aspects of your being.
Discernment versus Resistance
There is a difference between discernment and resistance. Once you have aligned with the frequencies of the New Earth, you are empowered to discern and design realities that are along the energetic spectrum that serves your highest good and that of others. When you remain locked in old patterns of fear, you are not creating or choosing the realities you experience. Rather, you are choosing to remain a prisoner of old situations created in the past. To remain stuck in the past is to say to the universe that you are a mall, hapless, disempowered being. When you deny the true infinite nature of your being, you lose your ability to access the advanced capabilities of your spirit.
By setting your intention to open to and align with the frequency of the New Earth, you allow yourself to be gently guided to heightened states of empowered bliss and love. In this way, your consciousness becomes a bright bacon and outpost for the New Time. As a bright beacon, you are able to help others recognize and harmonize with this powerful and loving location in the universe of human consciousness.
For more on the New Earth, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
Aligning with Fifth-Dimensional Energies Incubates the Dream of the New Earth
As you energize and align with fifth-dimensional energies, opportunities will arise to join with others to incubate the dream of the New Earth.
Building a Bridging Identity
Part of building this dream is creating a bridging identity able to “walk in two worlds,” so to speak. This dual self will continue to carry out the tasks associated with living in the reality where you are currently focused while at the same time, planting seeds in the new time with your focus, intention and desire. This bridging identity will be able to walk daily in both worlds, one manifest, the other unseen except in your inner world.
This bridging identity will allow you to merge more fully with energies of the new time. This identity will derive from a future self. To the degree that your resonance allows you to forge a union, this future self will be able to lend its energy and guidance. As you direct your intention and consciousness toward this future “you”, locating this self in the timeframe where it exists, you are able to blend with its thoughts and feelings.
Cultivating Skills of Blending and Harmonizing
In the future, "blending" is a technique that is common. You already do this to an extent. When you spend time with another, you harmonize your energies and blend with them. Often you will find you know things about this person that they haven't told you. You may begin to develop new skills based on their knowledge and understandings. This is an equal sharing as they draw on your knowledge and experience as well.
Intuitive counseling works in much the same way. For a short time, you step inside an intuitive’s consciousness and see yourself through the eyes of spirit. Healing can take place instantly as you view yourself with complete love and compassion. It is in this moment that you see your gifts and your woundedness side by side as well as the threads connecting them. As you receive the message of your sacred wound, you effectively step off the karmic wheel.
The Nature of the Sacred Wound
Early in each lifetime, a sacred wound is "stamped" on the consciousness, usually through a set of circumstances, though it can be a single incident. Sacred wounds can be created through illness, accidents, family turmoil, and seemingly insurmountable challenges. At the root, a sacred wound is a karmic lesson carried over from past lifetimes. Throughout the life, each person begins the quest to gain the understanding that will satisfy their karmic lessons this time around. Once this lesson is satisfied, one is able to effectively achieve emotional freedom and step off the karmic wheel. Once free of enslaving emotions and impulses, the conscious mind is free to join in partnership with the higher self to rewrite the plan for the rest of the life on Earth. This plan usually involves creating a way to use one's talents,earthly knowledge and spiritual wisdom to assist others with their own process of
awakening. Once a person’s consciousness awakens, they experience a natural desire to assist others in awakening.
Awakened Consciousness is the New Time
Imagine you "wake up" in a darkened room and see others sleeping around you. Upon closer examination, you see the room is filled with dust and cobwebs and the air is stale. Your first impulse is to throw open the doors and windows to let in fresh air and sunlight, then begin nudging the others awake.
When one person awakens and begins nudging others to awaken them, all the universe cheers. Much guidance and assistance is downloaded to the one who throws open the doors and windows of their consciousness to be the eyes and ears and hands and feet of spirit on Earth. This awakening allows you to become spirit incarnate on Earth. This is possible by embracing your sacred wound, opening to its message and using this wisdom to heal yourself throughout time. Once this is done, you're able to still step off the karmic wheel and unite Heaven and Earth.
Many souls chose to incarnate at this time when the elevated energies on the Earth plane would facilitate the awakening process. Many advanced souls were chosen to anchor the light at this time. Others came to represent other points along the energetic spectrum. This is a critical time when all of time is held in a microcosm where dark and light join hands in a way that allows human consciousness to take a great leap forward.