The Transformation is at Hand: Heightened Perception and New Oceans of Possibility
The intense energies of Summer 2010 blazed a path for new levels of transformation that now allow each person to access the next phase of intuitive perception and heightened consciousness. During this transition, your conscious mind may struggle and resist the untested waters of new possibilities, and your body may undergo shifts and transformations that leave you feeling ungrounded and disoriented.
The key during this time is trust and allowing as you learn to navigate new levels of unconditional love and heightened perception.
Decoding Visions from your Higher Self
As you move into this new time, you will find new visions, ideas and dreams arriving on the movie screen of your mind. Some of these may seem far afield from what you have previously seen for yourself. Take care not to automatically discount a vision because it does not seem possible from your present frame of reference.
Your field of possibilities is changing now to accommodate the clearings that have taken place in recent months. These clearings made room for a new level of existence. This new level brings with it a new set of potentials.
Also hold in mind that your higher self speaks to you in the language of symbols, so literal interpretations of images downloaded into your consciousness may not apply. For example, if you see yourself climbing a tall mountain, the image may be about an upcoming challenge rather than guidance to buy a pair of climbing shoes and schedule a trip to climb Mount Everest. It is a good time to begin an intuitive journal to record these images so you can keep a record of them and interpret them as you would dreams symbols. In weeks and months ahead, the symbols will likely show up again and over time their meaning will become clear.
These new visions are showing you how to manifest new levels of consciousness into your physical reality. Physical realities that are no longer aligned with your inner realities will create points of stress, frustration and upheaval.
Future Memory and New Levels of Intuitive Perception
Many of you are now experiencing new levels of intuitive perception. This makes it more possible to perceive "near future" moments and happenings before they actually occur. To your subconscious mind, there is no past or future. All-time resides in one expanded moment of now. From this expanded continuum, future moments become as clear to you as your past. In fact, the meaning of past moments now becomes clearer so you're able to view all experiences from the light of a more finely-tuned consciousness. The key to enhanced powers of perception lies in allowing yourself to exist in a heightened space of sensitivity.
Heightened Sensitivity and the Pain of Powerful Passages
Whenever you move to a new level of perception, you enter a space of heightened sensitivity. In this new space, you will observe deeper levels of everything that goes on around and within you. You will sense deeper levels of suffering that will trigger new levels of love and compassion. For a time, a new level of light and the increased sensitivity it brings can seem painful. Do not turn away from this passage. Rather, hold it in a space of love and compassion. From a place of love, all is understood at a higher level. Your conscious mind will want to understand the transitions taking place now but this will not always be possible.
You are being asked to move to a new level of love and compassion for all you sense and perceive. Trust in the power of unconditional love and let your consciousness rest there whenever the winds of transformation leave you feeling out of sorts.
Grief, Alienation, Disillusionment and Physical Symptoms
During this time, it’s not uncommon to experience feelings of alienation and disillusionment. You may find yourself crying for no reason at all. Feelings of grief and loss may come front and center now. Whatever was not properly mourned from the past will come before you with brilliant intensity. These feelings will be triggered by feelings of loss for people, situations and realities that are now passing from your daily experience. You may no longer feel connected to people and situations that have long been part of your life. Physically, you may feel the need to sleep long hours; you may feel dizzy and ungrounded at times. Accidents and out of synch timing may be common. The more you can take time out from schedules and obligations, the better you will feel. Break loose from your moorings and let yourself drift in silence upon this new ocean of possibility that stretches to infinity.
Energy Update: August’s Cardinal Grand Cross: the Storm before the Calm
Energies that have been amping up throughout the summer of 2010 reach a climax now as each person faces their own personal test. This is the final exam and completion that brings access to new levels of inner seeing and experiencing. This is the time when you will face whatever stands in the way of the next phase of your personal evolution. In some way or other, you will find yourself resolving old issues and preparing to give birth to a new version of yourself. This new "you" brings with it a new field of possibilities.
Clearing the Old to make way for the New
This energetic climax is courtesy of this month’s Cardinal Grand Cross involving Jupiter, Uranus in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn, the Moon in early Cancer, and Venus joining Mars and Saturn in early Libra. The sun in 15° Leo make stressful aspects to the entire Grand Cross. A grand cross is a combination of at least four squares and at least two oppositions. This month’s grand cross has the power to create intense frictions and tensions, conflicts and deep upsets. Such intensities can lead to the demise of old structures, clearing the way for new creations.
Calling upon the ‘You’ Most Closely Aligned with your New Visions
During this time, keep in mind that all manifestations come from inside you. To bring your dreams into physical reality, connect with the part of you that is most closely in resonance with your new visions.
At times, you may find yourself wondering why certain things are showing up now. You may see the unfulfilled dreams of past times arriving now, or those visions you have not yet come to fully embrace. Whatever comes before you now, trust in the higher good of the universe. Read the symbols of the realities you encounter to understand what is being asked of you. Physical situations are just window dressing pointing to realities buried deep within you.
Finding the Balancing Point with all you Encounter
Whatever you encounter, find a harmonizing/balancing point with it. It is especially important during this time of the Cardinal Grand Cross to be willing to take action -- to take the lead; to create and initiate based on what's being asked of you. This is not the time to hold back or allow yourself to be paralyzed by indecision. Act and then ask for guidance and feedback so you are prepared to act again. This test will be completed soon as next week’s new moon brings opportunities for renewal that prepare you for the next part of your journey.
The Blessings of August: Shedding Old Paradigms and a Deeper Movement into the Heart of Oneness
The next few weeks usher in a new time on Planet Earth that draws each of us deeper into the heart of oneness, unconditional love and the opportunity to experience more of our infinite nature in our daily lives. During this time, our awareness awakens more than ever before to the web of interconnectedness that weaves the fabric of reality. A greater infusion of light brings glimpses of the energetic strands that bind you to all others. Every action you take now brings instant feedback that reveals how your purpose and destiny is intertwined with all life.
A New Experience of Physical Time
In August, time as you have known it will cease to exist. You will find your experience of some reality threads intensifying. New experiences and relationships will arrive in your daily life. These will seem to have existed much longer than they have in physical time. This is because you are experiencing life more and more in vertical time where depth of experience trumps longevity.
At the same time, moments from your recent past may fade faster than ever before. It will become clear which experiences from your past have served as foundation builders while others have been mere distractions. In times ahead, you will become increasingly impatient with people and situations steeped in the essence of old paradigms founded on narcissism and empty endeavors. Only that which feeds your soul by allowing you to serve the highest good of all will satisfy you.
Service to All Life is the Bright Star on your Horizon
The key to service now is to see through the demands of your own ego and the ego demands of others. It will be easy to see through the demands of your own ego. Any way in which you were overly endeared to your own identity in the past will appear before you now. There is no need to judge yourself. All that is needed now is to allow your heart and mind to be guided by a new and much brighter star appearing on your horizon. This star will help you move deeper into the heart of oneness where you are able to experience more of the infinite nature and blessings of your entire being.
An important part of this transition is learning when the highest good is served by allowing others to experience their lessons. Those who open themselves to greater influxes of light will find many drawn to their beacon. To help sort out these energies, your spiritual vision will greatly expand to allow you to "see through" the requests of those who are seeking growth without effort and other "something for nothing" thoughtforms. Those still holding back from true rites of passage are best served when you bless them and allow them to become the source of their own empowerment. Do not allow others to dictate how you "should" help them; rather, open to allow spirit to show you the heart of each person who comes before you now and the higher needs of their soul. It is in this unconditional light that you are able to act in true service to all you meet.
The Rapid Acceleration of Spiritually-Empowered Visions
Thoughts are manifesting quickly now. Whatever you have been seeing on the screen of your inner vision is but a heartbeat from arriving in physical reality. Align with the essence of your visions but open your heart and mind to allow spirit to act through you, breathing life force into your desires. Remember to align all your visions with your spiritual purpose which is always at its root a movement toward greater self-realization and assisting others in this direction as well.
Human Angels and the Path of Love and Freedom
There is a great movement now among human angels to lift up all forms of life on Planet Earth. The call has gone out across the ethers for many to align their hearts as one being. You will know these among you by the strength of their humble service to the smallest and most vulnerable among you. If you want to understand the heart and soul of a person, observe their treatment of animals and the environment. For inspiration, look to those who lay down their lives to save a single species from extinction. For spiritual guidance, look to those who give tirelessly without the need for recognition or reward. Those who align with the powerful energies of this time will be able to move past the enslavement to self-gratification that binds many to lower-vibrational realities. It is spiritual freedom that allows one to act on the behalf of all life, lifting up the planet by clearing a path to love and freedom for one and all.
Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness Happens inside your Present Moment
Within the scope of your present moment, you have it all. Right now, as you read this, you are all that you have been and all that you ever will be. To understand and experience the vast and infinite being that you are, all you need to do is expand your definition of the present moment.
By accessing fifth-dimensional consciousness, you are able to connect with every aspect of your consciousness past, present and future. This form of inner connection and oneness allows you to bring about needed healing, view and believe in future probabilities and work in collaboration with your full being to manifest your highest visions into reality. All of this is accessible from your present moment.
If you feel this is not possible for you, it is likely you have bought into the erroneous and limiting belief that all our moments, all our realities, all the aspects of our being are compartmentalized, divided and cut off from each other. Divisive thoughtforms keep us from allowing the greatness of our being, which is founded in the essence of oneness and unconditional love. Divisiveness keeps us fighting within ourselves and consequently, with each other.
The good news is that all limitations we impose on ourselves have the power to help us move beyond them. This is just as all “problems” contain the seed of their own solution. This seed always flourishes in the rich soil of our higher understanding.
Expanding the Definition of your Present Moment
The key to freeing yourself of limitations is to expand your definition of the present moment. Ask yourself, who are you within this moment? Are you limited to what you see in front of you, or do you hold within your consciousness a vast repertoire of possibilities you can activate at any second? Do you hold within you maps of consciousness that point to infinite locations and states you can access at will? Do you feel your past (in this life and others) is inaccessible or do you feel connected to these past aspects and even assisted and supported by them? Are you able to travel through the doorway of your imagination to visit your future and learn what you’re creating in order to fine-tune your present moment?
Steps to Expanding Your Present Moment
A first step to expanding your definition of the present moment is to examine your present beliefs about who you are. If you believe you're a vast, multidimensional being of infinite capabilities, you’re well on your way to expanding your present moment. If, however, you believe your present physical reality is all you have and that you’re limited to the information you’ve programmed into your personal CPU, your definition of the present moment could use some stretching.
When you view the world through the eyes of spirit, it’s easy to see how each person is spirit incarnate. Spirit, with its infinite nature, has the ability to be all places at all times. The word “omniscient” is often used to describe this unlimited potential.
Some of you might say, “But this is the word we use to describe God.” Now we are finally getting to the root of things. Do you see God as separate from yourself or as a part of yourself? We offer this holographic definition: you are to the universe as a drop of water is to the ocean. A drop of water has the same properties as the ocean. It is holographically the same as the ocean, just as you’re holographically the same as God and with the same properties and potentials. This is a second step in expanding your present moment – to see God, all-that-is - whatever word you choose to describe the infinite – as a part of you.
You are an Omnipresent Spark of Spirit
You as an omnipresent spark of spirit have likely been incarnated hundreds and even thousands of times. We say "likely" because some entities in this universe incarnate only on a few occasions and for specific purposes. Younger souls have by definition experienced fewer incarnations than older souls. (The fact that you're reading this says you’re an older soul).
You have been incarnated in numerous timeframes throughout history, both past and future. You may find it a stretch to contemplate the possibility that your spirit has incarnated into future timeframes.
You are Simultaneously Incarnated throughout Time
There is no “time” in the expanded concept of the universe. All your incarnations are occurring simultaneously in various realities. If you had a lifetime in Egypt in 550 AD, that “you” is still alive and well in its own energetic coordinate in the universe. Likewise, if a future “you” is incarnated in the year 2550 on your home planet of Betelgeuse, that being is alive and well within its own energetic timeframe.
Some incarnations are closer energetic matches to your present moment than others. These other “yous” are creating other experiences and understandings in their own timeframes, but they still hold various levels of resonance to the “you” that exists in your present moment.
Your higher self is in tune with all these various incarnations occurring simultaneously. It is by tuning in to your higher self that you learn about these other “yous” incarnated throughout time. As you learn about them, you can choose to visit them in consciousness. In this way, you’re able to share information, knowledge and skills.
It’s by learning about and connecting with these other “yous” that you are able to come more fully into latent talents and abilities. A Mozart or Einstein is not created in one lifetime. True genius develops over an arc of lifetimes and culminates in a timeframe where the individual is able to merge with other aspects of themselves to consolidate understandings and abilities honed throughout time.
Excerpt from The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
Seeing the World through the Lens of Spiritual Abundance
The identity you hold determines your field of possibilities and the realities you activate into your life. If you're not sure whether your identity is one of scarcity or abundance, become a detective in your own life, observing and making notes on things you habitually say, do and feel around the issue of money. If you find yourself constantly saying you can't afford things or that you’re "broke," or "poor," this is an indicator you have some degree of scarcity consciousness. Beliefs about scarcity often are passed from one's family and are therefore deeply ingrained. This heritage of scarcity thinking can be transformed but it requires cultivating awareness and an openness to changing any aspects of your consciousness that are still invested in scarcity.
Learning the Inherent Worth of All Beings
It’s difficult to manifest any significant amount of abundance when your thoughts are holding onto lack in any way. While you may speak affirmations to the contrary and create positive visions of what you wish to manifest, these efforts won’t succeed if underneath the surface, you’re playing old tapes attuned to the frequency of lack. These tapes are often created early in life. In fact, if you’re experiencing lack in any way, there are likely moments you can trace back to your childhood where you received programming that implied you are not worthy of having what you dream of.
This is not saying you are a victim in any sense. When a spirit chooses the condition of unworthiness from the shopping list of available life experiences, this choice is made from a need at the soul level to learn the inherent worth of all beings. Maybe you have come to accept your own inherent worth, but your inner child of the past is still confused and feeling unworthy. This is enough to keep you from experiencing abundance in your present moment. These unresolved feelings may spin out self-sabotaging behaviors that prevent you from moving forward until you have healed your inner child. As you bring your focus and attention to those parts of yourself in need, you heal your past and present and clear the way to peacefully transition to the next step on your path.
When you’re ready to step into emotional freedom with a healed and spiritually aligned consciousness, you’re ready to see the world through the lens of abundance.
Seeing the World through the Lens of Spiritual Abundance
When you see the world through the lens of abundance, there is always plenty, always more than enough. In your most abundant state, you’re able to telepathically commune with your higher self, your guides and angels. You understand that when you set about bringing the visions you receive from your higher self into physical reality, resources flow to help manifest that reality. Life force energy flows in great abundance, as does joy and love and happiness. It is in this way that you manifest the version of yourself that is aligned with your highest vision.