Dream Experiences Are Real And Can Change Your Life
When discussing the possibilities of your dream world, it is important to understand the saying “as above, so below” is very real. When you undertake nightly journeys into higher realms, your energetic vibration changes in ways that will soon bring the essence of your dream experiences into the experience of your conscious, waking world. The same is true in reverse. Conscious dreams into higher realms change the tone and essence of nightly dreams. All these journeys are best undertaken with full conscious knowing of their “realness” and implications. All explorations in consciousness -- dreams and otherwise -- are real and will change your life in ways that can't often be anticipated.
Another consideration is the way in which the nightly dream world mirrors your conscious, waking world. Dreams are one way you are able to decipher and decode the meaning of events in your waking world, and receive inner guidance about them. Your guides and higher self will always respond to the efforts you make in your waking life to work with your dreams. The effort you make in your waking world to remember and interpret your nightly dreams determines the degree to which decoding takes place within your dreams. At the same time, any conscious attempt to grow spiritually will expand the range of travel itineraries available to you in your nightly journeys.
Dreams Are Multi-layered Messages from Other Aspects of your Self
Any attempt to unravel your dreams is important and will bring results. The act of remembering and interpreting dreams is a first step. Dreams occur at many different levels, each one consisting of layered meanings. Just as there are parts of your waking world that remain unseen and unrealized until your awareness expands sufficiently to comprehend them, additional layers of your dreams are accessed with an awareness expanded by hundreds of simple dream interpretations. It is in this daily practice of working with dreams that you become fluent in the language of your soul.
This fluency opens the door to many forms of intuitive communion. Do not underestimate the importance of your dreams. They are a valuable window to the workings of your inner world. Whether awake or asleep, you are always experiencing multiple dream states simultaneously.
You may wonder how dreams are created in who is sending the messages you receive in your dreams. Both the form and message of dreams come from aspects of your self that exist beyond the boundaries of your conscious mind.
Conscious 'Waking' Dream States
One layer of dreaming involves shared dreams. Your conscious awareness has, for example, agreed to take part in many different dream states with others for the creation of shared experiences. You weave in and out of these many different dreams with variations of intensity. Sometimes you bring your focus into a few dominant dreams for concentrated learning experiences; at other times you expand into many dreams you are sampling in search of veins of needed experience. There is always an expansion and contraction of your conscious dream states depending on the purpose for growth and learning at the time. A soul that has just completed an intensive learning experience may choose to enter into an expanded sampling of many conscious dream states to fish the streams of life's possibilities for a time before moving into another intensive period of focused learning. All conscious, waking dreams seek this balance of learning states that, when observed, resemble the cycles of the in breath and the out breath. This is important to keep in mind as this state of fluidity and flux in one’s conscious dream states can fall into judgment when not understood within proper perspective.
Some shared dream experiences are created by spiritual contracts that sometimes span lifetimes. There are souls you agree to meet while on the Earth plane for specific purposes. These soul contracts are based upon a higher purpose such as learning unconditional love, forgiveness and compassion. Sometimes these shared dreams are created to alleviate karma created in other lifetimes. Alleviating karma is essentially an attempt to gain needed understandings.
Discernment and Shared Dream States
As your awareness of shared dream states increases, you will become more discerning of the dream states in which you participate. Beware of any shared dream states you participate in by default. In your world, there are those who seek to manage and regulate conscious dream states -- their own as well as those of others. This is sometimes done for material gain by a government or industry. Intentions associated with this management and regulation of consciousness determine its outcome and karmic lessons. Conscious waking dream states are also regulated by motivations set forth as “spiritual” or “religious.” These are generally carried out with a careful interweaving of one's earliest consciousness with belief systems that support regulation through religion. The there also may be friends, family or others in your life who seek to control and regulate your conscious dream states in ways that are not aligned with your highest good. Begin following the threads of your shared dream states to gain awareness of their true essence. This will help you determine if they are worthy of your energy.
The Awakened Consciousness and Dream States
The regulation and management of waking dream states can only occur when the consciousness is not truly awakened. Once one begins to awaken inside the conscious dream, the outside regulation and management of one's conscious dream state becomes less and less possible. The awakened consciousness takes over the regulation and management of its own waking dream, working in closer communion with one's guides and angels and higher self to develop conscious agendas for spiritual evolution and world service.
This conscious awakening extends into nightly dreams experienced during the sleep state. It is here that the consciousness can truly excel, for the subconscious mind exists outside the time and space continuum of the conscious dream. It is here that the conscious awareness is able to experience other dimensions, perform world service by astral journeying to sites of suffering and catastrophe, and assist lost souls in moving on in their spiritual evolution. Not all the “guides” and “angels” who assist on the earth plane are disincarnate.
Excerpt from Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL Zeta
Meeting a Future Self in Consciousness
In order to time travel in consciousness and meet a future self, you may need to expand your beliefs about what is possible for you. Your beliefs determine your field of possibilities.
If you encounter difficulty in changing old beliefs, you can simply choose to adopt a timeline where your beliefs support new and expansive ways of being. As an infinite and magical being, this is within the scope of your "unlimited abilities." (It is you who sets the boundaries of your existence on Earth - not others and not your present circumstances.)
Regardless of which method you use, once you have transformed your beliefs to allow these changes, you are ready to meet with your future self in consciousness. When you expand your beliefs to embrace the idea that you are a vast and unlimited being, this opens the door for you to meet in consciousness with other aspects of your self, past and future. This allows you to receive guidance and assistance from your future "selves."
Your future self is able to show you how you can create a telepathic connection between your present and future so you can work together to heal and assist “past” aspects of yourself. By meeting with your future self, you receive important guidance for your present moment, activate DNA and learn to become a stronger architect of your reality.
Excerpt from Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor
Traveling Time to Meet a Future Self in Consciousness Guided Meditation
July 11 Solar Eclipse Opens Cosmic Gateway to Divine Love
This weekend opens a gateway to greater manifesting and unconditional love. This gateway opens as a total Solar Eclipse on the Cancer New Moon brings telepathic communion with the divine. As we begin this new lunar cycle, we also begin a new chapter in the book of our own becoming. By welcoming and embracing these energies, we are able to infuse realities we create with the greatly expanded energies and unlimited possibilities of the New Earth. This is the time when those who have taken steps to align with their higher self will radiate a stronger light on the inner planes.
During this expansive time, many will begin developing new spiritual skills such as clairvoyance and interdimensional travel. Some will awaken from dreams where they have been in otherworldly settings or downloading "transcripts" of advanced spiritual knowledge. Depending on where a person is in their spiritual awakening, this new level of "seeing" can be quite dramatic and earthshaking. These energies will bring awareness to any attachments or emotional props that have been used to maintain balance and a sense of security. As these props fall away, there may be a sense of free fall into an emotional void.
Navigating the Emotional Void with Love and Trust
You can navigate this void by reaching for a greater understanding of unconditional love and opening your heart ever wider. Trust your higher self is there guiding you and holding a loving space for you to step into. As you enter this space of love, openness and trust, you're able to take a further step into the energy of the New Time.
This step is the most profound so far. Many cosmic activations have taken place in recent months to prepare the way for the shift that will take place this week. The June 26 lunar eclipse triggered healing and release at deep levels, ushering in a series of energetic shifts on planet Earth. The last two weeks allowed us to access new levels of healing and begin building the vision for the next part of our journey.
Unconditional Love and Accelerated Manifestations
In addition to opening the heart center, this week's eclipse will accelerate manifestations. Depending on where one's thoughts, feelings and intentions are focused, manifestations can bring about peak states or new depths of despair. This is the moment to raise your vibration and bring your consciousness to the highest frequency you can access.
Reach for the highest vibration you can access and pay attention to your emotions. These are your best indicators of alignment right now. If your emotions feel negative or "off," examine if there are any areas you need to bring your focus to right now. You can welcome the eclipse energies and work with them to heal and clear anything standing in the way of emotional freedom. It is emotional freedom that allows you to experience unconditional love for yourself and others.
Believe in the Blessings that Surround You
This weekend will serve as a rite of passage where you will have the opportunity to see everything that comes before you as a blessing or an obstacle. It is during this time when the energies are set for great expansion that you will find it easier than ever before to believe in the blessings that surround you. But choosing to see everything that shows up in your life as a blessing, you will effectively dissolve any obstacles that appear on your path.
By maintaining a high level of awareness, you can check in throughout the day to see if you're feeling burdened under the weight of insurmountable challenges, or if you are allowing the expanded energies to flow through you, amping up your ability to transform all you encounter in the bright light of unconditional love.
Any time you feel yourself resisting and struggling, simply slow down, stand up straight, and see the energies flowing through your crown chakra and then into your entire system. See this great infusion of divine love flowing from your higher self. See yourself radiating it outward to all you meet and notice how peaceful you feel.
Becoming a Powerful Force for Universal Love
One way to reach for the highest vibration you can access is to act in service to the underprivileged, and on behalf of all sentient creatures and the environment. Acting from this place of love and service to those not as strong and empowered as yourself allows you to become a more powerful and loving force in the universe. Assisting those who cannot speak or act for themselves ignites the powerful divine feminine energies being transmitted to the Earth during this time of the solar eclipse.
Healing and Releasing the Past
From this place of allowing, you are able to release the past with love. Expressing gratitude for all that has been opens the door to new possibilities now opening before you.
As you step more fully into unconditional love, you are able to receive the message of your sacred wound. Your sacred wound contains the essence of the spiritual lessons you brought forward this lifetime. This week's cosmic doorway brings powerful new opportunities to heal one's sacred wound and reach emotional freedom.
Planting Seeds of Future Realities
A new moon is always the best time to go within and plant the seeds of future realities. This is a week to plant seeds in the rich soil of your subconscious for new relationships, new manifestations and new beginnings. Energize and cultivate these at this time of the solar eclipse and you will see them manifesting in physical reality in coming weeks and months. Everything you seek to create will manifest now with record speed.
Relationships can be transformed and healed during this time when it's easier to step into oneness by uniting your divine feminine and divine masculine. Many others will be entering deeper levels of awakening this week to help pave the way for the New Time on planet Earth.
The New Time on planet Earth will unfold in the bright light of love and understanding. When you see the world through the eyes of spirit, you're able to see only oneness and connection and act from this vision of divine love.
It's possible to align with the solar eclipse and use this powerful time to focus energies for positive creations, inner healing and transformation. By centering yourself in the highest vibration you can access, you create the causes of a new, more creative and more spiritually empowered version of yourself.
Download Steps to Raising your Vibration by DL Zeta, a free PDF
Soulmate Relationships and the Turbo-Charged Energies of July 2010
Clearing on all levels has taken place in recent weeks, opening new portals in consciousness for manifesting new possibilities now looming on the horizon. During this turbo-charged time, it’s possible to take quantum leaps to build a new and more vibrant future.
During this time of enhanced creativity and manifestation, veils are being pulled aside to allow for profound change and transformation. Now more than any time in the past it is possible to plant the seeds of a soulmate reunion and experience the gifts that go hand in hand with balancing one’s conscious and subconscious minds.
Steps to Planting the Seeds of a Soulmate Reunion
Prior to manifesting in your reality, an idea arrives in your consciousness first as the seed of a thoughtform. The seed of a soulmate reunion is planted in your conscious mind by your higher self. This seed is usually in the form of a vision, idea or feeling. This seed will generate a great sense of anticipation within you. As you become increasingly aware of this seed that is now growing in your consciousness, you can take steps to accelerate its growth process.
Nurtured in the rich ground of your life force energy, this seed sprouts and thrives in the bright sun of your attention. As the seedling sends down roots, it gathers and coalesces energy, forming a small vortex that magnetizes what it needs to grow and thrive. One thing this seedling magnetizes to itself is your awareness and attention. As your awareness of this thriving seedling (conscious or subconscious) increases, it spins out more thoughts around it. Over time these thoughts build a belief. As your belief in the viability of the "seedling" builds, your emotions begin to "love it into being" through joy and anticipation. When an idea matures in your consciousness, it becomes powerful enough to magnetize a physical counterpart in your physical reality.
When the timing is right for a soulmate reunion - when your consciousness has grown to the extent that you have begun to balance the energies of your conscious and subconscious minds - the next step in your spiritual path is to magnetize a soulmate into your physical reality. This is a being that can help you further refine your inner balance of "heaven and earth."
Meeting with Your Higher Self
One way to accelerate the growth and feeding of a soulmate reunion is to hold a meeting in consciousness with your higher self. In this communion, open to receive the higher vision of your soulmate reunion. This vision will reveal to you the spiritual purpose for uniting with a soulmate. You will gain clarity and understanding of how this reunion serves the higher purpose for both you and your soulmate. It will also be revealed how your soulmate reunion will assist and benefit the higher good of all others. Prepare yourself in consciousness to embrace and carry out this vision, which greatly accelerates the growth of your soulmate connection in
Celebrations in Consciousness
Once you have received the vision for your soulmate reunion, you're ready to celebrate this union in consciousness. Merge your consciousness with that of your higher self and experience the joy and growth this reunion will bring. This merging in celebration opens a new space inside your heart that increases your capacity for joy and love. You can return to this space any time you wish, expanding and energizing it with your joy and anticipation.
Inviting a Soulmate to Join You
When you're ready, you can enter this space of celebration within yourself and invite a soulmate to join you in consciousness. There are a number of souls with whom you share a special connection and resonance. You hold "pending soulmate contracts" with all these souls. As you "send out the call" in consciousness, this broadcast is received by the souls with whom you hold pending soulmate contracts. Timing and degree of resonance will determine which of the souls responds to your call. Once you have signaled your readiness, rest assured a soul will respond.
This soul will begin to visit your "celebration space” in consciousness. Each time you meet inside the space within consciousness, you further align your energies. When your energies are sufficiently aligned, you will both "know" a physical meeting is imminent. The key at this stage is to relax, celebrate and remain awake and aware of visions and other forms of guidance as they arrive. Your higher self will be working "behind-the-scenes” to bring about your soulmate reunion in physical reality. The willingness to listen for and follow intuitive guidance insures that you show up at the right place at the right time to take the final step in manifesting your soulmate reunion.
Excerpt from Manifesting Your Inner Soulmate in Physical Reality By DL Zeta
& Meeting a Soulmate in Consciousness: a Guided Meditation
Emotional Freedom Clears the Path to Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness
Energies are strong now to bring about the clearing of residual emotions from past traumas. These residual emotions derive from past times when a challenge or rite of passage triggered deep emotions we were unable to fully understand and process at the time. When this occurs, the episode and its residual emotions enter into the fabric of our being, spinning out new versions of itself over time to provide us with new opportunities for healing and release.
Discovering Emotional Triggers
In order to clear residual emotions, you will need to examine every aspect of your present reality to discover emotional triggers. While some of your emotional triggers will date back to childhood, you can find access points through events unfolding within your present moment. If you keep unraveling the strings binding you to turbulent emotions, you will find these emotions are, at the source, wounded and suffering younger aspects of yourself. In other words, the emotional "wounding" happened at a point before you understood how the universe works – a point before you understood and accepted everything that happens to you is helping you grow and learn. Once you see this, you’re far less likely to feel injured or wounded by the events, people, or circumstances in your life.
There may have been times when you felt the actions of others a 'judgment' against you, or an indication of your self-worth. You’re likely to have recreated situations similar to your original wounding throughout your life. This makes
it possible to work with your childhood wound within the present timeframe without excavating the past to find the point of original wounding (though you may at some point choose to undertake this examination of the past as part of
your healing process).
To gain awareness of emotional wounds operating in your present moment, pay close attention to circumstances that trigger denser emotions. If it helps, carry a small notebook and note emotional triggers you observe. As you bring awareness to emotional triggers, you lessen their power over you.
Discovering Your 'Sacred' Wound
Many of your emotional triggers trace back to an emotional wound you experienced early in your life, usually by age 7 or 8, though not always. There are many different forms this wounding can take, including the death of a parent, a
severe illness or accident, a seeming abandonment or other loss. All sacred wounds have in common an emotional trauma that went into “cellular memory.”
Over the years, the essence of this sacred wound is reenergized in various situations in an unconscious attempt to gain understanding of the wound so it can be healed and released. Sometimes, a sacred wound isn't healed in a
lifetime. In this case, the essence of the wound is carried forward into the next incarnation where the wound is recreated.
If you choose to gain awareness of your original or “sacred” wound, you can begin by writing a simple autobiography of your life, touching on the emotional highs and lows. Pay close attention to events that still hold an emotional charge. These events reveal to you wounded aspects of yourself still emotionally trapped in time. You can often heal and release these aspects by shining the light of your present-moment awareness on them.
Whatever path you follow to healing is the perfect one for you. As you heal and clear your emotions, you remove any obstacles that stand in the way of fifth-dimensional consciousness.