Identifying and Choosing Parallel Realities
Portals are access points to energetic fields of possibility that exist parallel to your present focus reality. These alternate timelines are templates created from your own field of probabilities. Only a small percentage of these possible timelines become focus timelines. A timeline not chosen as the focus timeline continues to exist energetically within one's field of probabilities. From the standpoint of the focus self, it exists latent and unrealized, but still alive.
To gain glimpses of these probable realities that exist beyond the physical plane, align yourself with spirit - with your self as you exist in other dimensions. Once you unite with your selves across time, you can consult the future to discover the probabilities you are setting up, as well as other, alternate probabilities, and consciously choose the course most closely aligned with your purpose.
Once you choose a future probability, you can leave off with other, erroneous, “seeds" you're planting in your garden of now. This allows you to begin intensively cultivating the line of probability most closely aligned with your purpose. This is the storyline that will bring you the most joy and fulfillment. You'll know which probability is most closely aligned with your purpose. When you view this probable future, you will feel you have found the perfect lens with which to view your life. Everything that has ever happened in your life will come into sharp focus. Your pulse will quicken, your heart will rise up into your throat. You will feel your self enveloped in a great rush of joy and bliss. In the light of this future vision, everything that has ever happened in your life will make perfect sense.
Excerpt from Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and
Transformation by DL Zeta
The Eclipses of Summer 2010: The Transformation Begins
The approaching energies of the full moon lunar eclipse triggered a wave of increasing intensity this past week. These energies will extend into coming weeks and months, bringing about clearing and release at all levels.
Lunar Eclipse Energies and the Clearing of Cellular Trauma
Foremost in the clearing will be residual emotions lingering from past traumas. These residual emotions derive from past times when a challenge or rite of passage triggered deep emotions we were unable to fully understand and process at the time. When this occurs, the episode and its residual emotions enter into the fabric of our being, spinning out new versions of itself over time to provide us with new opportunities for healing and release.
These unprocessed emotions can become trapped in cellular memory, spinning out new versions of themselves over time. Each new version will be slightly different from the one before, often "kinder and gentler" as our understanding of the core issue grows with each reenactment.
Releasing Resistance to the Healing Flow
The potent energies of this lunar eclipse will touch on all deeply-felt "sacred wounds" in an attempt to help us access new levels of healing and release. If we resist this clearing, we will experience new and increasingly insurmountable obstacles on our path.
If this seems to be happening, there is a simple solution within the moment: slow down, breathe deeply and ask for guidance and assistance. Be willing to examine the situation before you from the perspective of a detached observer. Read the symbols present within the moment to find ways you may be swimming against the tide of the current flow.
By releasing resistance and welcoming the emotional clearing now taking place, you will be able to make the most of the opportunities these energies offer.
Journaling and Dreamwork Bring Clarity to ‘Waking Dreams’
If you aren't certain what is being asked of you at this time, journaling and writing down and interpreting your dreams can offer important clues. Journaling is similar to dream work in that it helps you gain perspective and insight into your "waking dream."
Anyone who holds the illusion that they will be able to scrape by the lunar eclipse’s housecleaning energies might want to reconsider. A powerful T-square form by Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn ensures the energies are felt by everyone everywhere. No one is exempt.
Preparing for the July 11 Solar Eclipse: New Visions and Downloads
As the clearings do their work, a tranquil time will ensue. The period between the June 26 lunar eclipse and the July 11 solar eclipse will bring many new downloads and visions upon which to build a new and more vibrant future.
Inner spaces newly cleared of old, stagnant emotions will welcome the dazzling array of new possibilities flooding your consciousness. From these visions, you can build the vision that will carry you into the transformative times ahead. These times allow you to take quantum leaps in the effort to forge a new identity empowered to create the realities aligned with your new dreams and visions.
If you have set the groundwork of clearing old energies and building a new vision for the future, the July 11 solar eclipse provide the fuel to manifest these new visions.
Accessing Portals of Enhanced Creativity and Manifestation
The amplified energies of the July solar eclipse open a portal to enhanced creativity and manifesting. To make the most of this time of profound change and manifestation, be willing to answer the call of your higher self. Be willing to ride the lunar eclipse’s waves of clearing into a new and more spiritually aligned, empowered and creative identity. This identity will know how to navigate the new times now unfolding on Planet Earth.
We offer 15 steps for making the most of this profound period of change and transformation.
One) Spend time in nature -- connect with the peace and perfection of plants, trees, flowers and the night sky.
Two) Take daily sun baths for 10 to 15 minutes. Visualize the sun's light filling the cells of your body.
Three) Spend time each day nurturing yourself. Begin a new health regimen, prepare healthy meals for yourself, receive spa treatments, massages, etc. Homeopathy, essential oils and flower essences can prove beneficial during this time.
Four) Clear up energy in your environment and arrange spaces in inspiring and uplifting ways.
Five) Make time for creative play, focusing on the process rather than the product.
Six) Allow your imagination to lead you on journeys in consciousness. Your imagination is your doorway to higher consciousness.
Seven) Practice yoga, tai chi and other forms of movement that align mind, body and spirit.
Eight) Make a gratitude list, expressing appreciation for everything in your life. This includes any challenges or "tests" that may come before you at this time.
Nine) Donate to charities that help animals, the environment and the underprivileged. Regularly giving to those in need keeps you aligned with your heart. We are all earth angels capable of answering the call to administer divine assistance.
Ten) Each time you encounter stress or negativity, align your thoughts and feelings with unconditional love. This allows you to stay positive, focused and grounded.
Eleven) Now more than ever it’s important to eat clean and healthy. On the priority list are root vegetables and dark, leafy vegetables.
Twelve) Pay attention to the guidance and messages you receive within each moment. Messages will arrive in dreams and meditation. Journal thoughts, impressions and observations as well as any intuitive downloads you receive.
Thirteen) Notice any emotional triggers and open to their messages. People and situations will show up on many fronts to trigger any residual emotions you are holding.
Fourteen) Love and forgive yourself and others for any perceived imperfections. We hold soul contracts with numerous beings who have agreed to help us in our journey of self-awareness and vice versa.
Fifteen) Accept and embrace that you are a wise and powerful being capable to bestowing blessings on all you encounter.
Summer Solstice 2010: Gateway to Psychic Perception
This week’s summer solstice opens a new gateway that aids in the development and expansion of psychic abilities. If your psychic senses are already engaged, now is the time to cultivate new ways of seeing and sensing alternate realities. If you are on the verge of opening to these abilities, now is the time for a breakthrough. The energies are ripe for moving to the next level.
Everyone is Naturally Psychic
Psychic skills are not the domain of a few. Gifts of inner seeing are for everyone in every time and place. Each person has the natural ability of intuition. However, each person in order to utilize these abilities must open to them and cultivate them. If you hold beliefs that close your heart and mind to your natural abilities, you filter out the subtle messages of your soul. If you believe you have these abilities and are open and willing to take steps to develop them, you open the door to this reality. People, ideas, information and experiences will "show up" in your life to help you understand your natural gifts and learn to use them for the greater good.
While each person is naturally psychic, in order to bring these abilities more fully into one’s life experience, it’s important to bring focus to them and sharpen them just as you would other tools.
Courage and Trust are Prerequisites to Developing Intuition
To embrace, develop and practice intuitive abilities, you must learn to connect with your own truth, to see-through erroneous programming and the beliefs of those around you. You must have the courage to trust yourself, your higher self and your spiritual guidance. This does not mean you must tell others or explain yourself to others or tell others of your abilities. There may be those around you who still hold misunderstandings about the nature of intuitive abilities, especially those who feel threatened by the idea of intuitive abilities. The best practice is to live a good life, to be the example of a person of integrity and to embrace, cultivate and practice your innate abilities. There is no need to talk about it or explain it. You simply allow who you are to shine through. The example of your life working, your life flowing, having the inner skills and knowing how to work with whatever shows up in your life is the best gift you can offer the world. This combined with kindness, compassion and the insight to see past the words and actions of others to the soul and heart beneath the words is life’s true magic.
Intuitive Versus Physical-Based Knowing
Many sense the presence of limiting thoughtforms around them, but interpret them according to their level of spiritual understanding and development. The person who lives a more physical-based life will feel themselves a victim of limiting thoughtforms. They may believe the world is "against" them, that life is engineered to confine and restrict them. By contrast, the person who has cultivated a connection with their higher self encounters limiting thoughtforms and sees past them. Those who know they are infinite, unlimited beings will not identify with thoughtforms and beliefs of limitation and restriction. In fact, the person who sees the world with the eyes of spirit accepts and embraces the thoughts and energies that attempt to limit and restrict them. They know all attempts to restrict or limit their consciousness are opportunities to affirm the infinite and unlimited nature of their being.
This week’s powerful energies greatly expand energies that serve as a gateway to new levels of psychic perception. Embracing these energies and opening to the possibilities they offer is the key to passing through this gateway into the life of your dreams.
Excerpt from The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
Spiritual Telepathy is Key in Navigating Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness
Navigating the fifth dimension requires a high level of awareness that paves the way for constant telepathic communication with your higher self. This spiritual telepathy is created by setting the intention to align with your higher self. As you harmonize with this high-vibrational aspect of your being, you begin to receive frequent information downloads and guidance.
At first, you may not understand all that’s being downloaded into your consciousness. Becoming adept at translating intuitive downloads is like learning to speak a new language. In the beginning, you may only understand a few words, but as you persist in immersing yourself in the new language, it becomes easier to understand. Over time, you become increasingly fluent. As you flood your mind and consciousness with information contained in spiritual downloads, you naturally magnetize further downloads. In time, becoming fluent in the language of your soul allows you to develop a telepathic connection with your higher self. As soon as you formulate a question in your mind, the answer is downloaded into your consciousness.
The Nature of Spiritual Downloads
Receiving downloads of knowledge and information is nothing new. Answers to your questions have always arrived the second you formulated a question. In the past, it may have seemed some answers never arrived. In fact, all the answers arrived the second you asked them, but you were not always able to receive them. This often has to do with levels of receptivity.
As we have said, lack of skill in translating spiritual information is one reason some answers are not received. But receptivity plays an equally important role in understanding spiritual guidance. If a download arrives in a moment when you are less receptive, you may not be aware it has arrived. These less receptive periods may occur during times of stress, physical illness, exhaustion, emotional upheaval or extreme absorption into physical reality. A busy and chaotic mind is generally not a good "receiver" whereas a still and peaceful mind is an excellent receiver. You will likely move between these states during your day, but keep in mind that when you are seeking answers, it’s best to enter a peaceful state to receive them.
Optimal Receiving States
Optimal receiving times are moments when your mind is still, as during meditation, quiet contemplation and reflection; during times when you surrender and reach out for answers beyond your conscious understanding; during times when your health, vitality and life force energy are flowing and your body has a balanced (7.5) PH; during times when your heart and mind are open, when you are experiencing unconditional love, when you are experiencing gratitude, joy, absorbed in creativity and following your spiritual purpose. Focusing your mind through concentration is another technique, as is walking in nature or spending time near water. Even a shower can enhance your receptive ability.
If, after working with these techniques, you still have difficulty receiving guidance, examine if some part of you has reservations. These may be younger parts of yourself that need help understanding and embracing "unseen" dimensions of your existence. Sometimes you intuitively sense that an answer, if fully received, would trigger quantum changes in your present existence. You may draw back, feeling you aren't ready for such sweeping change. As the earthly manifestation of your higher self, you’re able to work with aspects of yourself that exist at all levels to bring about needed healing and understanding. As conductor of your orchestra of selves, you’re able to harmonize your consciousness to bring the laser focus needed to breathe life into your highest dreams and visions.
Your Etheric Escrow Account
There is no need for concern that you have missed important downloads of information in the past. Answers remain in an etheric "escrow" account, still waiting to be accessed and reviewed. This is why those who undergo spiritual openings suddenly find their consciousness flooded with a backlog of unopened etheric mail.
Developing Spiritual Telepathy
In a rapidly evolving world, the only reliable way to navigate is through spiritual telepathy. In this New Time, you will encounter many new energies, ideas and challenges. The best way to navigate these scenarios is by maintaining constant, direct telepathy with your higher self. Your higher self and its repertoire of "past" and "future" life selves contains the vast wealth of knowledge and spiritual understanding your soul has cultivated throughout time. Each time you encounter a new situation, you're able to formulate a question and receive immediate answers from your higher self. Once you receive this information, you can fashion it into the tools needed to navigate whatever is before you in your present moment. Spiritual telepathy allows you to meet each new situation in your life with the enthusiasm and confidence needed to transform it into the golden opportunities and spiritual signposts that enlighten your spiritual path and allow greater access to fifth-dimensional energies.
We offer here some steps to developing spiritual telepathy.
1) Write down and interpret your dreams every morning. Dreams are messages from your higher self that provide you with important information for your day.
2) Interpret your waking dream. Just as you translate dream symbols, you can translate the symbols of your waking "dream." Everything that happens in your physical reality is pointing the way to deeper spiritual truths.
3) Follow your highest vision. Record the images that arrive in your conscious mind and see how you can put them to use in your life.
4) Write your spiritual autobiography and examine the symbols of each occurrence, especially those you still hold energy around. By seeing how a situation was helping you grow, you’re able to receive the gifts it offered and expand your understanding.
5) Eat a light and healthy diet that helps heal and clear old energies in your physical system. Detoxing at the physical level triggers healing at all levels. Clearing up the energy in your environment is another form of healing. Examine to see if there is any dead energy in your environment and release everything that no longer serves your highest good.
6) Practice silence and meditation. Set aside time each day when you can slow down, breathe and reflect. This helps you cultivate inner peace and the stillness of mind that is crucial to receiving spiritual guidance.
7) Practice Q and A's with your higher self. By writing down questions and using techniques such as automatic writing to receive answers, you strengthen your skill at communicating with your higher self. One of the keys to developing spiritual telepathy is learning to formulate questions that bring the information you need within the moment. Formulating questions requires clear seeing, intuition and discernment. Cultivate these skills to help you know what questions to ask. Questions are the gatekeepers to receiving spiritual insight with impeccable timing.
8) Open to the possibility of cultivating advanced techniques for receiving spiritual guidance such as channeling. Conscious channeling is a skill you can practice by opening your consciousness, entering a light trance and allowing your guides, angels, higher self and other high-vibrational beings to speak through you. To free your conscious mind from the need to remember what is said, you can speak the answers into a tape recorder.
9) Study self-hypnosis and learn to put yourself into a light trance where answers freely from flow into your consciousness. As you become skilled at entering a trance, you can slip in and out of this state throughout your day. This "soft focus" state allows you to download messages from your "etheric email" account. The equivalent of this in your physical world is downloading your e-mail from a server. In this case the "server" is your subconscious mind which receives the information from your higher self.
10) Practice relaxation and other techniques such as yoga and t'ai chi that help you coordinate and harmonize body, mind and spirit. This allows you to function in the state of oneness needed to navigate the fifth dimension.
Excerpt from The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
Divine Timing and Soul Contracts Activates Soulmate Reunions
In the course of your spiritual evolution, you may encounter several souls who hold the codes and keys to reflect to you the condition of your inner soulmates. As you move further along in your spiritual understandings, certainly there are fewer beings that can truly see you at all levels and reflect to you all of who you are. In spite of this, within any lifetime there are several souls with whom you hold soul contracts. These contracts bring us together with our soulmate in divine timing in this lifetime or the next.
When we reach a place of spiritual clarity, it’s a matter of choice as to whether we enter into a soulmate relationship. Some fully unified individuals feel they can better serve the whole by communing with their soulmate in consciousness while giving themselves mind, body and soul to their spiritual mission on Earth. Others choose to serve through their connection with another unified soul, becoming a truly powerful force in the universe.
A soulmate connection can take many different forms but always it is based on the frequency of love, the inner unification of each person and a connection based on spiritual purpose and collaboration.
M It’s not uncommon for you to hold soulmate contracts with souls you have known in other lifetimes. As old souls, you hold contracts with many souls for many purposes, including sharing a soulmate connection.
Activating Soul Contracts
Within each lifetime, you hold contracts with various souls you have known in other times. These contracts are always designed by the mutual agreement of both souls to create experiences that are for the highest and best of each. Souls may choose to pick up where they left off with a needed course of learning or they may attempt to resolve a misunderstanding from a past time. Not all soul contracts are the type of soulmate agreements we’re talking about here, but generally speaking, all soulmate connections are the result of soul contracts.
A soulmate contract is activated in optimal time for both souls involved. When a person has undertaken the inner work necessary to balance their inner masculine and feminine and to harmonize their conscious and subconscious minds, they are ready to activate a soulmate contract for higher spiritual understanding. The activation of a soul contract helps each person progress in fulfilling their soul mission for this lifetime.