Magnetizing a Soulmate into Your Life
To magnetize a soulmate into your life, use your imagination to create an image of you and your soulmate.
Believe it’s possible for this connection to manifest in your physical reality and set your intention to manifest it. See how manifesting this connection will allow you to align more strongly with your higher qualities. Keep expanding this vision, seeing how a soulmate relationship will help both of you grow in your spiritual understandings. See the qualities, gifts and abilities you will be able to share with others through your soulmate union.
Even if you don’t have a clear image of exactly the shape and form of a soulmate relationship, you can create a symbol that represents this connection. With these images in mind, find a time and place where you can relax and sit without interruption for a few minutes. Enter a relaxed state through breathing exercises. Surround the image of your soulmate connection with light. See this image enveloped in light moving toward you. As it comes close, open your heart center and see it entering your heart. Sense the energy of this connection and harmonize with this energy until it feels a part of who you are. Become centered in this feeling state of your soulmate relationship so you can re-create this feeling in the future whenever you want to magnetize this soulmate connection in consciousness.
There are no rules about how often to magnetize. You can magnetize what you want once or as often as you are drawn to do so. Once you have done the energy work, you will need to take action as you are guided to do so and be patient. Sometimes no action is indicated. Trust that whatever you have asked for will come in the perfect way at the perfect time, and in the perfect form. Keep doing this exercise until you are able to feel, visualize, sense, imagine, or experience the energy you are sending out. If you are able to feel the energy build and feel a sense of completion, you have begun the process of drawing in what you want.
You may want to practice this process with magnetizing smaller things into your life. As you practice this process, you will get a sense of how much energy to use in magnetizing different things. At first, use this exercise for magnetizing something smaller, then as your skill grows, work with drawing something that is a greater challenge for you.
Remember to hold positive thoughts about what you request and to have a detachment about receiving it. Let it be all right if it comes in a different form than what you expect; see that whatever comes is appropriate for you to have.
Excerpt from Manifesting Your Inner Soulmate in Physical Reality By DL Zeta
& Meeting a Soulmate in Consciousness: a Guided Meditation
Your ‘Mastery Self’ Travels Time to Assist You
When we speak of future selves, we refer to selves that exist in other time/space realities that hold understandings which you have not yet attained. By this definition, your future self is capable of assisting and guiding you in consciousness.
In the future there is a "you" that has obtained mastery consciousness. To the extent that you are in resonance with this "mastery self," you are able to receive its assistance and guidance. You have other future selves that exist at all points along the spectrum between your present level of consciousness and your mastery self. Those nearest your present moment are in closest resonance with you and therefore easier to access.
Your present rate of spiritual development determines the extent to which your future selves are able to travel time to assist you. If you are rapidly growing and expanding, it is likely this growth trajectory will multiply exponentially, paving the way for future selves in the next 2-5 years to serve as guides for your present-moment self.
If you are rapidly expanding your consciousness, your near-future selves will be spiritually adept at traveling back in consciousness to assist you and to serve as a wise and uplifting presence. Aligning in this way opens the door to quantum spiritual growth. It is quantum spiritual growth that brings you into closer resonance with your "mastery self," further igniting the fires of transformation in your life. The more you are a vibrational match for your mastery self, the more this self is able to assist and guide you.
Excerpt from Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta
Also see: Traveling Time to Meet a Future Self in Consciousness
Traveling Time to Release Energetic Bookmarks: A Soul Retrieval Journey
Spiritual Wounds Determine the Current Form of Your Destiny and Purpose
Wherever you are led, wherever you find yourself, know you are there to observe, understand, and energetically lift up all that you encounter. As you transform a reality for the highest good of all, you heal a wound within yourself. The nature and essence of your spiritual wounds draws experiences and circumstances to you. Wounds that have undergone significant amount of healing will draw to you others whose wounds are similar in resonance. These souls are able to “download” from your energy understandings that will help them heal their own wounds.
An unhealed wound will draw to you people and situations to help you gain awareness needed for your own healing. Once you learn to transform wounds into the fuel of your spiritual evolution, you enter a different energetic field -- a new phase of your spiritual purpose – where your presence has the power to heal others.
In this way, the journey you undertake to your destiny is determined by the nature of your spiritual wounds and your desire and willingness to heal them.
Graduating Earth’s Cosmic School of Healing
As you accept the call of your destiny and begin the path of healing, you begin the healer’s journey. The majority of souls currently incarnated on Earth are here to facilitate healings for themselves and others. Earth is a cosmic healing center that affords souls an opportunity to experience and interact with their wounds. As a soul learns to heal its wounds, it opens energetic corridors for all others whose wounds hold the same energetic signature.
It isn’t necessary to come into physical contact with a healer for a soul to access an energetic corridor for self-healing. Intention and focus combined with journeys to the inner planes through meditation and dream states can help guide a soul to needed corridors of understanding. From these locations in consciousness, all that is needed can be downloaded.
It is the need for healing that draws a soul to incarnate on Earth time and again until needed healing is complete. This “graduation” from Earth’s cosmic school of healing allows souls to move to the next level of their mission in other arenas of the universe.
Signposts of Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness
Some who are already traveling into fifth-dimensional consciousness still hold uncertainties and doubts that make it difficult to fully acknowledge this is happening. To help you recognize those moments when you are more closely attuned to the broadcast of the New Earth, we offer here some signposts of fifth-dimensional consciousness:
1) A sense of inner peace and joy "for no reason at all."
2) A feeling of expansion and unlimited possibility.
3) A belief that everything that has ever happened in your life is part of divine perfection. This allows you to release all feelings of victimhood and take 100% responsibility for everything in your life.
4) A feeling of love and compassion for every aspect of yourself, which you naturally extend to all others.
5) The perception that you are abundant and able to call upon the vast unlimited resources of the universe.
6) A sense of purpose that is aligned with your highest vision.
7) A desire to heal and grow and assist others with this process.
8) An ethic of stewardship aimed at respecting and protecting all kingdoms on Earth -- animal, plant and mineral. This grows from a respect for the spark of life force in all forms.
9) The ability to transform every situation you encounter. This acknowledges the unlimited powers of your being and helps you see through the illusion. From this place of clear-seeing, you’re able to view the world around you through the eyes of Spirit.
10) The activation of advanced intuitive abilities such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and telepathy. These gifts allow you to tune into the transmissions of your higher self.
11) A surrender to the divine will of the universe that allows greater alignment with universal laws and the highest good of all.
12) A willingness to release the past and open to the new. As you grow, you’re able to jettison old scenarios but retain understandings gained through creating them. This allows you to step free of old identities and adopt new ones you need to grow and learn.
Recognizing and embracing the signposts of fifth-dimensional consciousness helps you home in on the broadcast of the New Earth. This allows you to further entrain your consciousness to this new and expanded time. As you further align with fifth-dimensional consciousness, the broadcast you send out to the world becomes more aligned with the essence of the New Earth. This draws you into communion with others who are waking up and tuning in, and with those who share your purpose of shifting human consciousness to this new octave. As those who have volunteered to anchor these energies unite, the frequencies of the New Earth become ever more accessible, ushering in the new and expanded possibilities of this “golden age.”
Excerpt from The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
Some Moments are Hypertext Links into Parallel Realities
All moments have the power to transport us to alternate realities and new dimensions, effectively activating new zip codes on the map of our consciousness.
Our openness, intentions, energy levels and present-moment focus determine whether we actually click on the hypertext links and begin to follow the alternate threads they represent.
Our Energetic Makeup Determines our Field of Possibilities
Among these alternate threads, some stand out, offering us glimpses into possibilities that run parallel to our present course. Each person according to their energetic makeup – which includes their soul age and current "lesson plan", enters a given lifetime with a given field of possibilities.
Chosen realities are those possibilities transformed to threads of experience by intention, attention and focus. Unchosen realities continue to exist within alternate dimensions, still very much alive. Over time, some possibilities become less viable as probabilities. An example might be the person who holds the dream of becoming a long-distance runner. It’s easy to see how this dream becomes less a probability as the person approaches their 80 and 90s -- though not necessarily impossible.
Parallel Realities and ‘Hypertext Moments’
There are moments when our present timeline energetically comes so close to a parallel reality that the alternate reality is activated by a single choice (or lack of one), by a turn to the left or right, a missed connection, an alternate route or any number of variations. It is during these “hypertext moments” that one's life shifts to the new thread of a parallel reality.
By closely observing our feeling states, we can remain awake to subtle energetic shifts that signal proximity to a parallel timeline. We can become aware of the feeling state that accompanies those potential shifts, which may include a sudden light-headed feeling of coming un-tethered or ungrounded from our present point of focus. This un-tethered feeling seems to arise within a single moment but it actually builds slowly over time when decisions, longings, spiritual downloads, and other factors create subtle energetic shifts that begin to align us with a parallel thread.
The Crossroads between Two Timelines
Finally, a moment arrives when the energy toward the alternate reality gains momentum until it manifests as something similar to a hypertext link -- a moment when the energy truly arrives at a crossroads. This is the point when two parallel courses are about to diverge and move in opposite directions. At this point, we may feel a magnetic pull in both directions. It’s within these hypertext moments that we can use our freewill to choose the shape of our destiny.
The person who intuits such moments approaching may find it helpful to enter a spontaneous session with their higher self in which they ask for assistance and guidance, or they may choose to navigate solely on their feelings of resonance with one timeline over another.
Parallel Realities and Changes in Energetic Frequency