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The January 31st Lunar Eclipse gives Wings to your Highest Visions

New timelines aligned with divine feminine energy become more accessible with the January 31st full lunar eclipse at 11° Leo.  With close proximity to the Crab Constellation, this eclipse has heavy Cancer overtones, making it especially powerful.  It has echoes of the August 2017 eclipses though the energies of this eclipse are softer. Intuition rather than logic is the way to navigate this emotion-driven eclipse.

Issues that have bubbled beneath the surface since last August’s eclipses may erupt onto the surface now.  Seeds planted in the last six months may sprout during this time or they may fail to sprout depending on your intentions and actions since the last eclipse.

A lunar eclipse is a turbocharged full moon.  It represents a resetting of emotions, helping clear away any emotional backlog of the last six months.  This clearing sets the stage for the February 15 partial solar eclipse at 27° Aquarius.  The February 15 solar eclipse is strongly aligned with Mercury and focuses on ideas and communications. The energies of the January 31st lunar eclipse and the February 15th solar eclipse set the tone for much of what happens in our lives until the next solar eclipse on July 12.

Eclipses are powerful cosmic events that affect everyone – though some may experience an eclipse more strongly than others depending on how an eclipse falls in their natal chart.  An eclipse activates the house in which it falls in our chart and we may experience emotional situations connected to that house.

Themes and influences of an eclipse can emerge up to four weeks before an eclipse and can last for six months after or until the next eclipse.  A lunar eclipse helps purge and release things from your life that no longer serve your higher purpose.  People, situations or ways of being may leave your life around the time of an eclipse.

Lunar eclipses have a way of bringing hidden truths to light or they may open our eyes to any ways we have been deluding ourselves. They may also reveal ways others have deceived us.  Relationships may experience shake-ups at this time; some may end while others may begin.  You may become aware of an unfulfilled need or desire at this time.  You may suddenly recognize a need to heal or nurture yourself, or you may recognize a need to reach out and assist others. Whatever the universe brings your attention to during the time of an eclipse is significant and has the power to shift you to new timelines aligned with the next phase of your life journey.

The January 31st eclipse brings focus to women’s issues, a topic that has synchronistically taken to the world’s stage in recent weeks and months.  Modern versus traditional motherhood, women’s independence, equality and all matters on the home front will take center stage during this eclipse.  People and events from the past may return to our lives during this time. Venus is on the south node and has the power to bring love relationships and people from our past back into our lives.

Neptune makes an aspect to the eclipse, bringing sensitivity and psychic awareness into the mix.  It will be easier to perceive timeline potentials at this time and make conscious choices about the future. This psychic awareness combined with emotional clearing triggered by the eclipse can propel us to new and more empowered future timelines.  This is a good time to journal and set intentions.  Sit in meditation, observe whatever emotional issues arise and allow them to release. Neptune could bring conflicting emotions leading to overwhelm. If this should occur, it may be a time to step back from emotional overload rather than undergo a meltdown.

Jupiter is also in the mix, making harmonious aspects to the eclipse, shoring us up and helping us to face whatever challenges the eclipse brings our way. This is a time to focus on the environment and assisting others. Avoid any narcissistic tendencies.  It is important to nurture and care for the sick and others in need and to donate to charities that help people in need. This is also a good time to help a homeless animal or donate to a charity that helps animals.

The moon in close alignment to the asteroid Ceres brings the potential for healing during this eclipse, which is supportive for those who work for the good of animals and the environment, for healers, for those who volunteer for humanitarian efforts and those teachers and guides who clear the way for others to follow.

Donate, volunteer, contribute during this time. Whatever you feel is missing in your life, find a way to give that to others. Express gratitude for the love and blessings you have. Raise your vibration and the  energies of this eclipse will give wings to your highest visions.

Posted on Tuesday, January 30, 2018 at 03:41PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

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