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Past-Time Incarnations and ‘Baby Boomers’ 

Beings from the Future are Here Now, Part 2

To illustrate further how incarnations into “past-time dimensions” function on the Earth plane, we will describe for you a situation that exists in Earth’s present moment. You may recall the term "baby-boom generation." This refers to a great incarnational influx of souls within a given time period on the Earth plane. A certain number of these “baby-boomer” souls were souls originally incarnated into a future timeframe.

These are examples of souls who chose to be reborn into the 1940s and 1950s on earth to gain needed understandings that would bring their vibrational resonance into harmony with Earth's future. It was this influx of future souls that boosted the incarnating population of that time period, though their arrival was shrouded in an “Earth viable” explanation (a post-war baby boom). In addition to seeking their own advancement, these souls also volunteered to help bridge the acceleration of consciousness that began in the 1960s-1990s.

Influencing Collective Attitudes and Seeding Future Realities

Some beings from the future are here to influence collective attitudes and awareness around the care of the environment, the treatment of animals, the nurturing of children, individual rights, physical healing practices and other issues surrounding human ethics. There are those who have returned to attempt to halt the extinction of a single species. Some soul groups have sent members back to create “inserts” that seed future realities. Look to the leaders of the women's rights movement, the civil rights movement, and the animal-rights movement, and you'll find energy coalesced around a central being that carries a strong and unwavering conviction.

Such beings have been incarnated in future-timeframe dimensions where each person, animal, plant and stone has its own intrinsic value and is treated with respect and kindness.

Excerpt from The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

Posted on Saturday, April 17, 2010 at 10:59PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

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