‘Wild Cards’ to Intuitive Development: Astrological Influences & Karmic Lessons
Sometimes the accuracy of your intuitive insights depends upon the right astrological influences happening within the moment. Certain transits, such as a Uranus opposition, can block psychic reception during the period of the transit. The timing of these influences triggers rites of passage where normal intuitive channels are closed so you can learn to access your subconscious through conscious means. In other words, during those times, you must work to build muscle at consciously accessing your higher knowing. Until we undergo these periods, we don’t realize how much of our consciousness is naturally “channeled”.
The need to complete karmic lessons can also block intuitive knowing. Sometimes we need to undertake emotional clearing in order to heal karma either from this lifetime or another. Until we complete the lessons we came here to learn, we may feel under the surface that we don’t deserve the blessings of higher knowing. As we embrace our own infinite nature, we are better able to face head-on our life lessons. As we do this, self-esteem issues tend to fade away. Finally, in pulling back the veils that block our channeling ability, we may find our belief and resolve being tested. Spirit will make it difficult for us to stand by our newly-adopted beliefs in our intuitive abilities. Ultimately, you will need to build your belief to the point where you are confident in making irrevocable decisions to follow your guidance and go to any extreme necessary to stand by those decisions.
Reader Comments (1)
'ello! :)
It's like 5am, here on the East coast. I'm writing so late (or early!) because it was this page that came up when I focused upon the question, 'What's going on?' Hehe :) I'm writing to you because to the best of my knowledge you may literally respond with insight. :)
The focus of my question, more to a point, is that I once again woke up into my own voice saying, 'Self-Awareness is the only thing that really matters.'
In response to my, 'Huh?' the voice (*my* voice) expounded in great detail about how outside is a reflection of inside, that we're going through a very special crunch-time period right now as this world collapses to move into the next just like moving through the eye of a needle.
I have a digital audio recorder that I always keep next to my bed to record my own revelations - my life for the last seven years has been a semi-solitary one of personal growth, so I've had a lot to say and got very comfortable speaking it.
Well, this time, half awake, I began speaking using the term 'we' to refer to myself. 'We know it's hard to understand from where you are right now, but truth comes in layers, and where you are in it is entirely dependent on your perspective,' and such.
Usually I'm not awake enough to catch such things - it's happened before - but I was this time. Eh? We? I asked 'us', "Am I talking to myself?"
The answer? "Of course you are!" with a flash of All is One splintered like a hologram into different forms of expression.
It made sense to me if I didn't try to think too much, but I often try to document the steps of such leaps of awareness, if only to provide guidance in how to make the same leap to others. This one was a bit of a quantum leap however, and I've lost track of the steps in between.
Your article - this one and the line, "In other words, during those times, you must work to build muscle at consciously accessing your higher knowing. Until we undergo these periods, we don’t realize how much of our consciousness is naturally “channeled”," was where I was drawn.
I know I likely should just 'go with it' but part of me still really wants to understand more about what's going on.
I feel like 'I' am dissolving... no, that's not quite right. That sounds alarming and this isn't except when I try to reverse engineer it... :) The info's accuracy is all confirmed my own heart, and it definitely feels like me and yet more than me as well. Like 'I' right now am listening to myself...
Now, I have worked with the 'connecting with your higher self as your own guide' book that I purchased from you (very good btw :) ) and yet this feels like it's going even farther than that.
This 'we' doesn't feel like me - it feels way bigger, and also interestingly unemotional. Like I don't have access to the level of ... awareness necessary to translate the high frequency of emotion so it comes out feeling monotone for me - a single tone is an entire spectrum of emotion with the right perspective.
Just, um... I'm seeing a phone modem, with squeaks and squeals containing information that equals Internet.I have squeaks and squeal packets, and this is on fiberoptics, for instance, lol... :)
Aaanyway, any insight would be much appreciated. I haven't managed to form a clear question with my running commentary here, but generally the original one of 'What's going on?' may suffice... :)
I'm not asking because I'm alarmed... I'm asking because I'm not yet comfortable entirely trusting what I'm getting, especially in regard to asking it to identify itself - it doesn't even understand my question, lol - and it pointed me to seek others who have access to different angles than I do, but that are closer to my own incarnated level, so I can understand at this level.