Love and Healing are Keys to Self-Realization
Spring 2012 is ripe for renewal as we set our sights on new creations. Now, more than ever before, the forces of the universe are available to assist us in powering creations aimed at accelerated self-realization.
The key to this accelerated realization of dreams is to get our mind and soul working together. When our mind and soul are unified in complete agreement, our visions manifest easily and effortlessly. The where, when and how naturally fall into place when we marry these two primary aspects of our being.
Unconditional Love Unites Mind and Soul
The fastest way to unite mind and soul is to love every aspect of our being. As we enter deeper levels of unconditional love, we automatically unite all aspects of our being. The past is healed; our highest visions begin to crystallize in our field of potentials. Living in a state of unconditional love allows us to shift to timelines where synchronicities are the norm rather than the exception. All that we seek to manifest flows unimpeded into physical reality.
In order to exist in a state of unconditional love, it may be helpful to heal and clear the emotions. Paradoxically, this process is aided by unifying the primary aspects of our being.
Inner Unification and Levels of our Being
It may help to visualize the linkage of mind and soul. The conscious and subconscious minds exist as two spheres side by side. These two levels of consciousness are not truly separate. Floating between them is a third level accessible to both. That is, the emotional level. When we consider the positioning of the emotional level, it’s easy to see how the state of our emotional body either helps harmonize or further separates our mind and soul. If our emotions are in a state of unrest, this creates static and chaos in the channel between the conscious and subconscious. Within every moment our emotional body either becomes a bridge or an insurmountable barrier to our soul or subconscious. This is why healing and clearing the emotions is so important to the self-realization process.
Recognizing and Healing the Sacred Wound
Until we bring about a full-scale clearing of our emotional body, each manifestation must navigate a convoluted emotional labyrinth to enter the physical. It’s easy for a vision to become snagged in this labyrinth if all parts of our consciousness are not in agreement with the intended manifestation.
The alternative to negotiating an emotional maze with each intended creation is to undertake a full-scale, across-the-board healing of the emotional body. This clearing sounds daunting but it need not be if we are willing to gain awareness of our sacred wound and allow ourselves to see how it has operated in our life through time. This may take a period of examination - or you may already have a clear idea of what it is. Whichever the case, be willing to do what it takes to identify your sacred wound and heal it.
The Sacred Wound Reflects our Earthly Mission
A sacred wound is the energetic culmination of the life lessons each person brings into a lifetime. The energetic signature of this wound existed before birth. This is not a punishment but the mission you came here to undertake. If you chose this mission before you incarnated here, it is by no means a "mission impossible." You chose this undertaking because you knew it would be possible as long as you're willing to grow and stretch.
As you undertake this all-important task, you will find manifestations accelerating. As you come to know and love all aspects of yourself, you are healed and energized along the deepening path to self-understanding and realization.
For more on timeline shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta
You are an Infinite and Magical Being
You are an infinite and magical being deserving of the best the universe has to offer. As an infinite and magical being you are able to access unlimited parallel realities.
If you have difficulty with the idea that you are capable of unlimited possibilities, you may need to expand your beliefs to embrace this idea. In the past, you adopted beliefs based on your needs at that time. Older beliefs that no longer serve you can be transformed to new beliefs that allow you to expand your consciousness into new realms of experience.
Expanding your Beliefs to Embrace Parallel Realities
If you encounter difficulty in changing old beliefs, you can simply choose to adopt a timeline where your beliefs support new and expansive ways of being. As an infinite and magical being, this is within the scope of your "unlimited abilities." (Remember it is you who sets the boundaries of your existence on Earth - not others and not your present circumstances.)
Once you have aligned your beliefs to allow these new changes, you are ready to open to visions of parallel realities. To open to these visions, enter a place of alert stillness, allowing your imagination and creative subconscious to bring you pictures of these alternate realities. You are not bound to a reality your imagination brings you. Rather, you can simply allow the "slide show" of new possibilities to play on the movie screen of your mind. When you view a reality with which you deeply resonate, you can ask your imagination to show it to you in greater detail.
Your Imagination and Core Belief Change
Whatever images of future possibilities your imagination brings you are true probabilities. If you're seeing yourself in a harmonious relationship, it is within your field of possibilities. In fact, your imagination will not bring you anything that is not within your field of possibilities. In other words, you're already all that you imagine -- and more.
The question is, how do you access the reality where this possibility exists? Sadly, if you hold a core belief that is not in harmony with the reality you desire, this tends to block your access to it. However, it is possible to discover your core beliefs and change them.
Gaining awareness of your core beliefs is the first step. This discovery process can begin with an examination of your beliefs in general. A core belief is a deeply-held version of truth. It may be a truth adopted during a time when you were very young or more limited in terms of understanding than you are now.
To discover your core beliefs, examine various situations in your life and ask yourself what kind of beliefs a person would have to hold in order to create them. In this way, you become a detective in your own life, tracking the course of your deeply-held beliefs. As detective, stand back from yourself several steps. Become a detached observer. Pay attention to details.
Question yourself about situations in your life, and take notes on the answers. Ask yourself if your current beliefs have assisted you or held you back. Are there payoffs in holding these beliefs? If so, are these benefits helping you grow, or are they limiting you in some way?
As you gain awareness of your beliefs, you're able to "see through" beliefs that no longer apply. When you release an old belief, you can replace it with a new one.
For example, the belief, "I'm not worthy of love," may have been adopted during a time in childhood when identity and self-worth were mistakenly derived from the actions of others. This belief can be replaced with the belief, "I deserve unconditional love." It is important to feel the emotions associated with this belief, for it is emotion that brings beliefs into being. If you are adopting the belief that you deserve unconditional love, then start by giving yourself unconditional love. As you practice self-love, you begin to act on the belief that you deserve unconditional love. Ask yourself what actions a person who loves themselves unconditionally would take. Once more, stand back as a detached observer and ask yourself what someone who is already living this reality would do. What would they feel?
It is this process of "core reality change" that allows you to step into a new parallel reality where you are experiencing the identity and reality thread of your choice.
Excerpt from Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta
Choosing to Believe in the Unlimited Love and Blessings of Spirit
At a time when intentions manifest at warp speed and our every expression reflects our inner world with perfect transparency, it is a good time to visit the beliefs that determine the shape and form of the realities we manifest. Our beliefs narrow or expand our field of potentials and determine the timelines we will move along. As we move further into the new time, the power of our beliefs becomes more profound than ever before.
Beliefs are filters we place on reality. Everyone holds beliefs about themselves, about others, the nature of reality and the universe. Some beliefs empower us while others disempower us. The good news is that it’s just as easy to hold an empowering belief as it is to hold a disempowering one. It’s just as easy to believe in a world that radiates the unlimited love and blessings of spirit as it is to believe in a world where pain, suffering and struggle are our fate.
Shining the Light of Awareness on Beliefs
You can examine your beliefs to see if you hold any that are holding you down. For a time you may choose to become a detective of your life to shine the light of your awareness on your beliefs. Ask yourself what you believe about your potentials and your love-ability. Ask yourself what you believe you deserve.
It is also helpful to ask yourself how you see others and the world around you. Do you believe others love and support you, or do you believe others use you toward their own ends and abandon you when you need them most? Do you believe the saying that ‘no good deed goes unpunished’ or do you believe the good you do returns to you tenfold?
Do you believe in the divine wisdom of the universe or do you believe you are a hapless pawn in the hands of a hostile and punishing god? Are you a victim or an empowered being who creates your own realities? The identities you hold offer important clues to your beliefs.
Your Beliefs are Real and True for You
Any belief you hold is real and true for you. If you believe you're unloved, you will live your life as if this is true. If you believe you're loved for the unique qualities you possess as a human being, you will feel loved and you will live your life accordingly. When you feel loved you will love. When you love, you open the door for more love to flow into your life.
Testing the Beliefs you Hold
There are some simple tests you can apply to your beliefs. One way to tell if you have beliefs that don't serve you is to hold a belief in awareness and ask yourself if the belief empowers you to reach the highest and best in the universe or does it bind you to dense realities that limit and disempower you? Pay attention to your feeling state when you focus on the realities your beliefs create. Do you feel angry or agitated or do you feel happy and at peace?
Here is another test. Imagine you're holding a belief in your hand. Does it feel heavy and leaden or do you feel yourself lift off the ground as you hold it? What brings you down is a belief you can let go of. What lifts you up is a belief that holds the power to lift you to your highest potentials.
Everyone Deserves Love
One reason some hold disempowering beliefs is that they feel they don't deserve to be loved and empowered. Unfortunately this is a core belief that can disable a lot of empowering beliefs. The solution to this is simple: adopt the belief that each person, as a spark of spirit, is deserving of the best the universe has to offer. Each person inherently deserves unconditional love and the blessings of the universe. So long as you sincerely believe good things are the birthright of every person, you'll be able to extend this belief to yourself as well. When you believe you deserve the best the universe has to offer, each day becomes a joyful journey along timelines where you experience ever expanding realms of love and bliss.
For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta
Opening to Downloads in Dream States and Waking Consciousness
As we move further into the new time on planet Earth, many are receiving new downloads in consciousness. At times, these arrive in dreams and, at other times, in waking consciousness.
During these downloads, you may receive visions of projects you will undertake, or areas of study that will bring you into greater self-realization. Many of you who have been practicing intuitive skills and absorbing knowledge and wisdom from your teachers will now be asked to "step up to the plate" as teachers and leaders for those who are a few steps behind you.
Other downloads may bring awareness to aspects of yourself in need of healing. As you take steps to heal yourself at all levels, you gain greater access to fifth-dimensional consciousness. Unhealed parts of yourself often serve as "gatekeepers" barring the way to advanced consciousness. This is designed to protect and assist you rather than hold you back. This is similar to the rules in your world that govern a young person driving a car. To drive requires learning the necessary skills and "rules of the road."
Moments of Insight and Synchronicity in ‘Waking’ Consciousness
While many downloads arrive in dream states, you may find there are moments in your waking world where you spontaneously receive information. These "waking" downloads most often arrive during moments when you are deeply absorbed in something that brings you joy, therefore bringing you into closer resonance with your spirit and higher self. Examples are artwork, writing, dance, meditation, yoga, tai chi, walks in nature, listening to music - basically any time you step outside linear time into "no time".
Dreamwork Helps you Remember Spiritual Downloads
Often you first encounter “downloaded” information in dream states and forget the details upon waking. Practicing writing down your dreams will help you remember spiritual downloads on a more consistent basis.
Even if you don’t recall a dream download upon waking, it may come back to you at a later time. This often happens when you encounter something in your waking reality that "triggers" a memory of a dream download, prompting you to recall the information. These spontaneous memories are true "aha" moments when you arrive at a place of crystal clear insight and inspiration.
Acting on Spiritual Downloads
Be sure to act on the information you receive from these downloads. This information is golden because it lights the way to the next step of your journey. As you trust and believe in spiritual downloads, resources and synchronicities arrive to bring these visions into reality. This is the essence of "magic" and "miracles".
Excerpt from The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
Great Works are the Byproduct of a Unified Mind and Soul
As we move further into expanded energies, we see new creative geniuses coming forth to share their gifts with the world. Moving forward, we will see new masters in every conceivable field emerging from every location on planet Earth.
Many of these masters have never thought of themselves as such, yet each person has it within themselves to create great works. These include great works of art, literature, music and much more. Every conceivable field of human endeavor has its masters. The underlying thread all masterpieces hold in common is that they are the byproducts of a unified mind and soul.
Masterpieces are Encoded with the Essence of Spirit
All great and enduring works are created through the union of mind and soul. The conscious mind alone can do some things well but it cannot infuse creations with the breath of spirit. The conscious mind alone cannot encode creations with the essence of the soul, which speaks on some level to all people of all timeframes and all belief systems. A work infused with the essence of one's soul has the power to cut through all veneers and shields and touch us in the innermost realms of our heart.
Great Works Open Doorways in Consciousness
A great work opens pathways that help further unite us with our soul. No matter where we are on the map of our own consciousness, a great work has the power to bring us home to the place within ourselves where we are one with spirit.
A great work opens new portals in consciousness that allow others to create inner unity. Anything we infuse with the light of our soul and share with the world holds the power to transform all who encounter it.
Blessings and Abundance Follow a Unified Consciousness
As one sends the love and blessings of their spirit out to the world, they find these blessings returned to them tenfold. All true abundance comes through energetic pathways we create when we marry our conscious mind to our higher self.
Accessing One's Repertoire of Gifts and Talents
Through inner unification, we gain access to the vast repertoire of gifts and talents we have acquired throughout the journey of our soul. Whenever a great artist, writer, musician inventor, scientist, athlete or other noted person has brought something of great and lasting value into the world, it has always been through unifying their conscious mind with their soul.
Unconditional Love and a Unifying Identity are Key
When our conscious mind unites with our soul all things become possible. All knowledge, all inspiration, all insight, all the wealth of spirit is available to a unified consciousness. When we work with our higher self, we are able to ask our soul to help us with whatever we seek to create. We merge with our soul through total unconditional love - for ourselves, for others and for what we seek to create. It is love and a vision of oneness that allows us to hold the identity of one who unites heaven and earth, mind and soul for the highest good of all.