Remember to Feed your Soul this Holiday 

We all have plenty on our plates this time of year - both literally and figuratively - but it is good to hold in awareness that good food and holiday cheer alone will not feed our soul the sustenance it needs to prepare for the life-changing new year ahead.

Symbols all around us now point to where greater love, joy and blessings reside. What we see in physical reality is but a pale reflection of the unlimited love and blessings that exist at deeper levels.

Interpreting our Holiday 'Waking Dream'

When we take each symbol and interpret our holiday "waking dream" just as we would a night time dream, we find portals in consciousness revealing our personal recipe for greater love and joy. When we perceive the symbols of our waking dream, we get in touch with the deepest wishes of our soul. As we weave the insights of these symbols into the fabric of our daily life, we access infinitely expanding realms of love, joy and blessings.

Symbols of our Holiday Feast

The symbols of our holiday feast represent the impulse to feed our soul what it needs to flourish. We can look to the foods that adorn our holiday table to find the deeper urges of our soul and understand what we are individually seeking.

For example, the person who consistently seeks a bounty of sweets is really looking for a sweetness in life that seems elusive. This often points to a need to nurture and love oneself. By loving ourselves, we naturally draw to us people and situations that further sweeten our experience. Another way to attract greater sweetness into our life is to treasure and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. A great way to do this is to allow ourselves time to regularly go into nature and commune with the simplicity and beauty there.

Those who choose non-meat holiday foods have a deep soul desire to leave a light footprint on the earth and cause harm to none. Advanced souls often seek this form of holiday fare.

Our Digestive System Reflects our Assimilation of Life Experiences

Just as holiday foods provide a unique opportunity to gaze into the windows of our soul, the efficiency of our digestive system offers insights into our ability to assimilate our life experiences. Eating and digestion symbolize taking in life experiences and transforming them into spiritual understandings. When we overeat, we're likely looking in all the wrong places for spiritual food and understanding; in other words, we're stuffing ourselves without finding the sustenance we're looking for. Empty calories simply don't have the ability to nurture our body. When we reach for that which is devoid of nourishment, our actions stem from intentions that fail to feed our soul.

Our Physical Realities Correspond to Spiritual Realities

Whatever is taking place at the physical level corresponds to a spiritual reality. If we pay attention to the waking dream of our physical reality, we receive valuable feedback into our ability to create experiences that satisfy the needs of our soul. Often when we awaken to the need to nourish our soul, we also begin to feed our body what it needs to thrive. As we begin anew, we choose alkaline foods as close to nature as possible (raw vegan). Paradoxically, as we nourish our bodies, we also nourish our souls.

We emphasize the results of interpreting our waking dream are not meant to be a point of judgment - it is just about observing, awareness and understanding. Your interests, actions and the potentials you give your energy and attention to speak volumes about the current desires and intentions of your soul. You can always "read" your current actions to gain insight into the impulses you receive from your soul via your subconscious.

Your soul speaks to you through the doorway of your subconscious. There are undercurrents to all your physical world actions that reveal the wishes of your soul.

World Service and our Holiday Dream

There are some this holiday who feel drawn to assist those who are struggling and hungry. They are seen donating to charities, delivering to food banks and raising money to help animal charities. These individuals hold the soul desire to make the love and abundance of spirit available to all. When we seek to help others during the holidays, we honor our soul's desire to serve and assist all living beings.

Holiday Shopping and the Search for Deeper Meaning

Holiday shopping also has the power to reveal the current wishes of our soul. Shopping symbolizes the desire to obtain value, which we can extrapolate into the search for meaning. It is not necessary to wander the halls of department stores and exhaust one's finances and energy shopping for gifts. Giving can take many forms once we understand the impulses of our soul in relation to gifting.

If we are seeking gifts for ourselves we are seeking to nurture ourselves and to find meaning within ourselves. If we're buying gifts for others we're seeking to nurture and lift up others. The form of the gifts we choose also brings insights. Clothing represents self-expression whereas an mp3 player represents the gift of harmony (music).

Aligning with the Infinite Potentials of our Holiday Dream

The dazzle of holiday lights, the cozy fires, the joyful sounds of carolers are but a pale reflection of the infinite potentials that exist at deeper levels. This is not to downplay the uplifting images of the season but to say that we can take every image, every action and experience we are drawn to and find its corresponding reality at a deeper spiritual level.

Give to Others what you are Seeking

Give to others what you seek at the deepest level of your being. If you feel unloved, find a way to shower others with love. Adopt a homeless animal and learn to receive the gift of unconditional love. If you are someone who grew up in a dysfunctional environment and never experienced unconditional love, learn to be unconditional with yourself and gradually expand this to others.

Some may find memories of unpleasant holiday realities pressing in during this time. Whatever is before you can be transformed with love and understanding. If there's anything that appears before you that feels like un-love, surround it with the golden light of love and you will soon see it transform before your eyes, creating a shift within.

Your soul seeks to love and to serve others. It wishes to lift you up. It wishes to lift up all others. Whenever you're aligned with the desires of your soul, you're able to stand strong inside the highest vibration in the universe. It is the realities inside this high vibration that every intention, every image of holiday joy, seeks to emulate. When you align with this vibration you exist year round in a state of divine joy and love.

Posted on Wednesday, December 21, 2011 at 11:34PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | Comments1 Comment

The Holidays as Doorways to Emotional Freedom and Higher Awareness 

The holidays are doorways to higher understanding because they offer opportunities to access and heal painful emotions of the past. Our willingness to embrace and heal these emotions is our greatest ally in creating the emotional freedom that is a key to achieving fifth-dimensional consciousness. Energetic bookmarks - locations in consciousness where emotional energy is held - often coalesce around holidays and can be triggered each year at the same time. We don't have to live in fear or dread of painful memories, however. Instead, we can see these as portals into our own emotional landscape. As we gain awareness and insight into our emotions, we are able to open to the messages of troubled and turbulent times in our lives. These messages have the power to transport us to a new zip code on the map of our higher consciousness.

The Emotional Level of Consciousness

The emotional level of our being is located between the conscious and subconscious minds. Since emotions exist in the realm of the "unseen", they are a sub-level of the subconscious mind. We can see the emotional level as a bridge -- or a great gaping chasm -- between the conscious and subconscious minds.

Your Emotions Are Gatekeepers to Higher Consciousness

The emotional level exists between your conscious and subconscious minds, serving as a gatekeeper. This is by design. Until a person enters a place of peace and love within themselves, they won’t gain access to the vast array of advanced abilities that reside within their higher self. In this way, the emotional level is a built-in protection mechanism. If you're challenged with navigating physical reality and the realm of the emotions, you're not yet ready to take on the unknown and untested waters of the subconscious mind. Imagine this as akin to serving as captain of a small boat. If you’re unable to safely captain a boat on a small lake, you will not likely be assigned captainship of a larger boat sailing vast uncharted oceans.

We offer here some techniques for healing and clearing your emotions, which will allow you to cultivate inner peace.

The Importance of Taking Responsibility

The condition of your emotional body determines whether your emotions serve as a bridge or an obstacle to accessing your subconscious mind. It’s impossible to achieve emotional freedom until you take 100% responsibility for everything in your reality.

If you have a backlog of unresolved emotional issues, your emotions are easily triggered by events, people and circumstances in your environment. This constant emotional upheaval can lead you to "buy into" the illusion of victimhood, scarcity, self-doubt and other scenarios that leave you feeling helpless and disempowered. Helplessness and disempowerment lead to denser emotions that are triggered and catalyzed by self-pity. Self-pity at its core is a denial of the infinite nature of your being and the vast capabilities of your spirit. It leads to an ever denser array of negative emotions that can bar access to the subconscious.

When you exist in a peaceful place within yourself, you’re able to travel at will between your conscious and subconscious minds.

Discovering Emotional Triggers

In order to clear residual emotions, you will need to examine every aspect of your present reality to discover emotional triggers. While many of your emotional triggers date back to childhood, you can find access points through events unfolding within your present moment. If you keep unraveling the strings binding you to turbulent emotions, you will find these emotions are, at the source, wounded and suffering younger aspects of yourself. In other words, the emotional "wounding" happened at a point before you understood how the universe works – a point before you understood how everything that happens to you is helping you grow and learn. Once you see this, you’re far less likely to feel injured or wounded by the events, people, or circumstances in your life.

There may have been times when you felt the actions of others a 'judgment' against you, or an indication of your self-worth. You’re likely to have created situations similar to your original wounding throughout your life. This makes it possible to work with your childhood wound within the present timeframe without excavating the past to find the point of original wounding (though you may at some point choose to undertake this examination of the past as part of your healing process).

To gain awareness of emotional wounds operating in your present moment, pay close attention to circumstances that trigger denser emotions. If it helps, carry a small notebook and note emotional triggers you observe. As you bring awareness to emotional triggers, you lessen their power over you.

Discovering Your 'Sacred' Wound

Many of your emotional triggers trace back to an emotional wound you experienced early in your life, usually by age 7 or 8, though not always. There are many different forms this wounding can take, including the death of a parent, a severe illness or accident, a seeming abandonment or other loss. All sacred wounds have in common an emotional trauma that went into “cellular memory.” Over the years, the essence of this sacred wound is re-energized in various situations in an unconscious attempt to gain understanding of the wound so it can be healed and released. Sometimes, a sacred wound isn't healed in a lifetime. In this case, the essence of the wound is carried forward into the next incarnation where the wound is recreated.

If you choose to gain awareness of your original or “sacred” wound, you can begin by writing a simple autobiography of your life, touching on the emotional highs and lows. Pay close attention to events that still hold an emotional charge. These events reveal to you wounded aspects of yourself still emotionally trapped in time. You can heal and release these aspects by shining the light of your present-moment awareness on them.

This triggering adds density and weight to every rite of passage you undertake. The triggering of unresolved emotional energy is one of the main reasons some turn back from a rite of passage. Transformational periods will bring up unresolved emotions in an effort to purge them. To some, this clearing and cleansing may seem unbearably painful. It’s ultimately the willingness to face all that "comes up" that allows one to take the leap within themselves that leads to the emotional freedom that is the gatekeeper to higher consciousness.

The Nature of the Wounded Self

Inside every person there exists wounded aspects that are most often “wounded child” aspects. These aspects of your self "take on" unresolved emotions throughout your life. Whenever something in your present moment triggers and awakens this wounded self, you experience not only the emotion of what’s happening now, but your wounded emotional body that contains the accumulated wounds of a lifetime. It may seem at times that you are reliving every troubled emotion you have ever experienced.

Accepting the Gifts of Your Wounded Self

Those times when your wounded self calls forth the full menu of your troubled emotions are valuable times when you can access emotions and work with them to bring about healing. You can do this by sitting with your wounded self and undertaking a review of circumstances tied to the emotions. When you allow yourself to "re-see" the situations that created troubled emotions from the light of a higher consciousness, you bring about healing to wounded aspects of yourself and release energy being held around situations from your past.

Foremost among these past situations will be moments from your present lifetime, though these wounded scenarios may also be connected to experiences carried over from past lives.

By seeing troubled emotions from a detached and elevated perspective, you’re able to understand the higher purpose for creating a situation. Once you see the higher purpose of your creations, you have effectively transformed it into an ally rather than a "problem."

Excerpt from The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

Posted on Sunday, December 18, 2011 at 09:43PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

True Giving is Holding a Space of Peace and Bliss for Others 

As we approach the holidays, it is a good time to consider the gifts we will share with others throughout this year. There is nothing wrong with offering others gifts as tokens of your appreciation, though holiday gifting in a material sense is a pale reflection of each person’s potential in terms of true giving. By this we mean sharing with others the true gifts and blessings of one’s spirit.

Even amidst suffering and disharmony, it is possible to stand inside the light of your spirit and hold a space of peace and bliss. This portal of bliss is a doorway to peace and love that others can access to raise their vibration and align more strongly with their higher self.

This portal is dedicated to the experience of joy and unconditional love. Inside it, it is possible to harmonize and center one’s energies with perfect awareness of the love being held there. Those who sometimes experience a lack of joy and love in their life can heal by entering this space.

Those who hold this space for others are able to consciously enter this space anywhere at any time by intending to do so. This constant communion over time transforms all life circumstances, allowing one to become an ever brighter light on the planet, guiding the way on the inner planes.

Bliss Transforms All Life Circumstances

When you live in a state of joy and bliss, you are able to see everything from a higher perspective. The person who chooses to reside in the frequency of joy has made a decision to view every circumstance they encounter with acceptance and gratitude, even those that are painful and challenging.

When you have existed in this vibration of joy for a period of time, you find your life circumstances becoming more peaceful and loving. It is important to understand when you initially choose the path of joy you may find your self still experiencing manifestations of the past, some of which may have been created from a less than joyful place. This is because on the Earth plane there is a space of time between the seeding of a creation and its arrival in physical reality.

If you are able to remain in a state of joy and bliss even as these past creations arrive in your present moment, you will soon find yourself sailing the serene waters of a peaceful sea.

Bliss Makes Love Bio-Available at the Cellular Level

The experience of bliss has the ability to heal the past, transform the present and create a future less hampered by the burden of illusion. It does this by making the vibration of love bio-available at a cellular level. This vibration of love is the most powerful vibration in the universe. It is the essence of life force energy. Imagine spirit as having its own DNA. By bringing your self into alignment with the vibration of love, you are able to merge your own DNA with that of spirit.

It is inside the portal of bliss that you are able to merge with the highest vibration in the universe. Inside this space, you become a powerful portal anchoring heaven to earth - a doorway through which others can enter into the experience of bliss and peace. This experience is the true antidote to the suffering that exists within the world. It is only through entering the portal of bliss and becoming a conduit for love and joy that you are able to truly help alleviate the world's suffering.

Excerpt from Portals of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and
Transformation by DL Zeta

Posted on Wednesday, December 14, 2011 at 05:29PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

December's 'Miracle Gateway' Ushers Love, Blessings and Accelerated Manifestation 

The energies of today's full moon lunar eclipse are triggering a wave of increasing intensity that will extend into coming weeks and months, bringing about clearing and release at all levels. This gateway will also bring renewed opportunities to transform challenges into blessings, emotional barriers into unconditional love and unrealized visions into accelerated manifestations.

This portal's potential is so powerful it can be considered a 'miracle gateway' that allows us to turn everything that has held us back into the fuel of self-realization.

Lunar Eclipse Energies and the Clearing of Cellular Trauma

The energies of this lunar eclipse have the power to bring about healing and clearing at all levels. Foremost in the clearing will be residual emotions lingering from past traumas. These residual emotions derive from past times when a challenge or rite of passage triggered deep emotions we were unable to fully understand and process at the time. When this occurs, the episode and its residual emotions enter into the fabric of our being, spinning out new versions of itself over time to provide us with new opportunities for healing and release.

Releasing Resistance to the Healing Flow

The potent energies of this lunar eclipse will touch on all deeply-felt "sacred wounds" in an attempt to help us access new levels of healing and release. If we resist this clearing, we will experience new and increasingly insurmountable obstacles on our path.

If this seems to be happening, there is a simple solution within the moment: slow down, breathe deeply and ask for guidance and assistance. Be willing to examine the situation before you from the perspective of a detached observer. Read the symbols present within the moment to find ways you may be swimming against the tide of the current flow.

By releasing resistance and welcoming the emotional clearing now taking place, you will be able to make the most of the opportunities these energies offer.

Journaling and Dreamwork Bring Clarity to ‘Waking Dreams’

If you aren't certain what is being asked of you at this time, journaling and writing down and interpreting your dreams can offer important clues. Journaling is similar to dream work in that it helps you gain perspective and insight into your "waking dream."

Inner spaces newly cleared of old, stagnant emotions will welcome the dazzling array of new possibilities flooding your consciousness. From these visions, you can build the vision that will carry you into the transformative times ahead. These times allow you to take quantum leaps in the effort to forge a new identity empowered to create the realities aligned with your new dreams and visions.

If you have set the groundwork of clearing old energies and building a new vision for the future, the energies of the lunar eclipse will provide the fuel to manifest these new visions.

Accessing Portals of Enhanced Creativity and Manifestation

The amplified energies of the lunar eclipse open a portal to enhanced creativity and manifesting. To make the most of this time of profound change and manifestation, be willing to answer the call of your higher self. Be willing to ride waves of clearing into a new and more spiritually aligned, empowered and creative identity. This identity will call forth latent abilities and talents we have yet to recognize within our being. Don't be surprised if you find yourself drawn to explore new ideas and potentials.

The Opening of Clairvoyance and Interdimensional Skills

During this expansive time, many will begin developing new spiritual skills such as clairvoyance and interdimensional travel. Some will awaken from dreams where they have been in otherworldly settings or downloading "transcripts" of advanced spiritual knowledge. These energies will bring awareness to any attachments or emotional props that have been used to maintain balance and a sense of security. This awareness will also reveal new levels of potentials that are accessible within our present moment.

Believe in the Blessings that Surround You

This weekend will serve as a rite of passage where you will have the opportunity to see everything that comes before you as a blessing or an obstacle. It is during this time when the energies are set for great expansion that you will find it easier than ever before to believe in the blessings that surround you. But choosing to see everything that shows up in your life as a blessing, you will effectively dissolve any obstacles that appear on your path.

By maintaining a high level of awareness, you can check in throughout the day to see if you're feeling burdened under the weight of insurmountable challenges, or if you are allowing the expanded energies to flow through you, amping up your ability to transform all you encounter in the bright light of unconditional love.

Becoming a Powerful Force for Universal Love

One way to become adept at transforming obstacles into blessings is to become a powerful force for unconditional love. Act in service to the underprivileged, and on behalf of sentient creatures and the environment. Acting from this place of love and service to those not as strong and empowered as yourself allows you to become a more powerful and loving force in the universe.

We offer 16 steps for making the most of this profound period of change and transformation.

One) Spend time in nature -- connect with the peace and perfection of plants, trees, flowers and the night sky.

Two) Take daily sun baths for 10 to 15 minutes. Visualize the sun's light filling the cells of your body.

Three) Spend time each day nurturing yourself. Begin a new health regimen, prepare healthy meals for yourself, receive spa treatments, massages, etc. Homeopathy, essential oils and flower essences can prove beneficial during this time.

Four) Clear up energy in your environment. Clear away any clutter and arrange spaces in inspiring and uplifting ways.

Five) Make time for creative play, focusing on the process rather than the product.

Six) Allow your imagination to lead you on journeys in consciousness. Your imagination is your doorway to higher consciousness.

Seven) Practice yoga, tai chi and other forms of movement that align mind, body and spirit.

Eight) Make a gratitude list, expressing appreciation for everything in your life. This includes any challenges or "tests" that may come before you at this time.

Nine) Donate and volunteer your time to charities that help animals, the environment and the underprivileged. Regularly giving to those in need keeps you aligned with your heart. We are all earth angels capable of answering the call to administer divine assistance.

Ten) Each time you encounter stress or negativity, align your thoughts and feelings with unconditional love. This allows you to stay positive, focused and grounded.

Eleven) Now more than ever it’s important to eat clean and healthy. On the priority list are root vegetables and dark, leafy vegetables.

Twelve) Pay attention to the guidance and messages you receive within each moment. Messages will arrive in dreams and meditation. Don't overlook the value of your 'waking dreams' in daily life. Everything in your environment and everything that enters your awareness holds a symbol containing valuable information for your journey.

Thirteen) Notice any emotional triggers and open to their messages. People and situations will show up on many fronts to trigger any residual emotions you are holding.

Fourteen) Love and forgive yourself and others for any perceived imperfections. We hold soul contracts with numerous beings who have agreed to help us in our journey of self-awareness and vice versa.

Fifteen) Accept and embrace that you are a wise and powerful being capable to bestowing blessings on all you encounter.

Sixteen) Perceive and activate timelines where you are living your highest dreams and visions and living your life each moment as a powerful force for love in the universe. Your highest timelines are realized when you accept and believe that everything you are able to perceive is a potential that exists within your field of possibilities.

For more on timeline shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta

Posted on Saturday, December 10, 2011 at 03:16PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Portal to Personal Empowerment begins Countdown to 2012 

The final weeks of 2011 will center on completion that paves the way to spiritual mastery. In the next several weeks, many opportunities will come before us to heal and release the past and step more fully into the new time dawning on the horizon of human consciousness.

Our present energies include the kickoff to an eclipse series that features a partial solar eclipse in Sagittarius November 24/25 followed by a full lunar eclipse in Gemini/Sagittarius on December 10/11. These energies are magnified by the winter/summer solstice (depending on location) December 22 and shortly afterward, the grand opening of 2012.

What to Expect during this 'Portal of Personal Empowerment'

From now until the first moments of 2012, the main theme is completion that paves the way for the rebirth of human consciousness. This completion will take many forms as opportunities manifest for each person to heal sacred wounds, recognize the gifts they came here to share, and align with their mastery self.

Our present passage into 2012 brings us into greater recognition of our spiritual mastery. This portal to personal empowerment brings the awareness that our reality is less solid than it seems. Within this moment, the fulfillment and realization we seek is within reach.

Reading the 'Coded Formulas' behind the Energetic Matrix of our Realities

It is easier now than ever before to see the energetic matrix of our realities. Once we begin to see these energies, we are better able to transform the "coded formulas" behind them. These coded formulas consist of our life lessons, spiritual contracts with others, spiritual purpose and our current intentions. Other factors in this calculation that play smaller yet significant roles include diet, exercise, daily environment, physical health, belief systems, personal preferences, astrological influences and bleedthroughs from other realms where we exist.

Intuitive Openings and Psychic Phenomena will be Daily Occurrences

During this time there will be intuitive openings, lucid and vivid dreams, encounters with souls we know in other times, and an array of psychic phenomena.

Psychic phenomena may include seeing light shimmers, hearing the sound current that permeates life force energy, perceiving sights and sounds of adjacent dimensions or parallel realities. These glimpses may be jolting depending on the degree one’s enmeshment with physical reality. These jolts are designed to make us aware of areas where we're over-involved in material reality. If we are awake, prepared and ready to ride the wave of this infusion of energy, we're able to stand strong within ourselves and our purpose and transform anything that comes before us.

Pay Attention to ‘Breakthrough Moments’

It is not uncommon now to dream of souls who are entering our energy field. Those who visit us in our nightly dreams will begin to show up in our waking reality. We may sporadically begin to see the light shimmers and hear the celestial sounds of other dimensions. Pay attention to such ‘breakthrough moments’ and they will expand to open new doorways of possibility in consciousness.

Become still and calm as new insights and new levels of remembering are downloaded to your consciousness. These moments of new insight allow us to see through old events, energies and situations of the past and bring healing to old wounds. Many blessings are showering down upon us during this time and all we need do is open to receive them.

Expanding your 'Receiving Skills'

This is a good time to examine how open you are to receiving the blessings the universe has to offer. Your daily life brings many clues to how good to you are at receiving. When someone pays you a compliment, do you feel uncomfortable and hide behind self-deprecating comments? Those who are not open to receive will find it difficult to accept praise from others because deep down that don't believe they deserve it.

Another key to how well you receive is to examine your digestive system. Your physical digestion represents your ability to digest and process life events. Every situation in your life is created to help your soul grow in understanding. Once a situation is created, we're able to distill spiritual understandings from the experience. If we are experiencing digestive difficulties, it is likely we are also experiencing a break down in our ability to distill spiritual understandings from life experiences.

The closing weeks of 2011 have many blessings to offer. Remain awake and in gratitude for the many blessings the universe is showering upon you. Continuously expand your receiving capability. As you do so, you will naturally step more fully into the personal empowerment that leads to spiritual mastery.

For more on working with your mastery self, see Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta
Also see: Traveling Time to Meet a Future Self in Consciousness
Traveling Time to Release Energetic Bookmarks: A Soul Retrieval Journey

Posted on Thursday, November 24, 2011 at 02:54PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment