Lightworkers and Ascension Timelines 

During this time of rapid change and new possibilities, many lightworkers have moved to advanced timelines based on themes of oneness, ascension, service and transformation. The broader the timeline, the more expansive the identity options available. After shifting to a timeline of service, you may begin to see yourself as a world server, life coach, intuitive, shaman, spiritual author, visionary, spiritual seer and much more.

Whenever we adopt a new identity, we begin to see the world through the eyes of this new role. This new way of seeing the world represents a new focus personality. All events, possibilities and decisions are examined in terms of the focus personality and its needs, preferences, choices and goals. During times of spiritual transformation, your identity and focus may change quickly and unexpectedly. Navigating such quantum leaps in identity requires a great deal of awareness and personal mastery as major shifts can cause feelings of losing one's identity. This can be troubling if we are not firmly grounded in a strong sense of our overall self and our spiritual purpose.

The Nature of the Focus Self

It is helpful at this point to look in greater detail at the nature of the focus self to understand the important role it plays in our everyday life. At every moment within each person's consciousness, there is a focus self that directs the flow of attention and energy within the life. This focus self is akin to the ego. Its job is to help us navigate on the Earth plane, moving us through numerous realms of experience. By divine plan, the focus self serves as a filter, drawing experiences needed within the moment to learn and grow. Ideally, an individual has many focus selves throughout the course of a lifetime. The individual, depending on their level of awareness, may or may not be aware of changeovers in focus selves, though they are likely to be aware of time periods within their lives that are of distinctly different flavors. As life lessons are completed, the old focus self abdicates its position to other focus selves that are better able to carry out new learning agendas.

A Focus Self Wielding too Much Power Undermines Growth

Whenever an individual identifies too closely with their focus self, that self begins to wield a great deal of power in the life. Over-identification with the focus self is a misunderstanding. This circumstance tends to occur when the individual identifies almost exclusively with material reality. In other words, they have tuned out their spiritual connection and come to believe that what they experience with their physical senses is all there is.

When a focus self becomes too powerful, it can begin to undermine growth by refusing to allow anything that threatens its power. Like a tyrannical dictator, it disempowers any new thought or idea that might result in its "overthrow."

By contrast, a focus self that recognizes the importance of surrendering its authority to a new focus self is willing to work for the highest good of all. An enlightened focus self is able to be a force for peace in the world.

Allowing the Wisdom of your New Self to Shine Through

As you move further into an identity shift, you will receive images of your new self in dreams. You can also ask your spiritual guidance to bring you conscious images and close-ups of any areas of your new identity that remain unclear. When you allow the wisdom of your new focus self to shine through, you find new levels of meaning and purpose showing up to lead you easily and effortlessly into the next phase of your be-ing.

Excerpt from Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta

Posted on Friday, February 10, 2012 at 02:30PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Becoming Fluent in the Language of Transition and Loss

There is no denying things are changing as we move further into the new time on Planet Earth. Accelerated energies ask us to release the past and welcome new realities at a rate that doesn’t leave much time for grieving and good-byes. In times of rapid transformation, we daily face the potential loss of touchstones on which we have built our lives. We may find ourselves changing careers, leaving relationships, moving to new parts of the world and, in some cases, facing the deaths of loved ones.

All losses, large and small, take us on a journey within ourselves to the sad place where we mourn that which has passed from our lives. We may not always realize it, but at some level we are also grieving aspects of our own consciousness that lose relevance as we grow and expand. Beyond these changeovers in identity, we mourn the ultimate loss as we face the end of our present lifetime. The only way to pass through these rapid transitions without lapsing into emotional despondency is to become fluent in the language of transition and loss.

Relevancy, Vibrational Frequency and our Changing Landscape

We are seeing many souls choosing to leave the earth plane. We have already witnessed weather events transforming the environments where we grew up. More changes are underway. The physical world around us is reshaping itself. These changes reflect energetic transformations taking place within those who remain here.

Within our internal landscape, we are profoundly affected by the loss of connection with certain aspects of ourselves. The reason many aspects within our own consciousness will move out of our experience is that they will lose their relevance to the future that is unfolding within and around us.

Relevancy is an important concept we will be discussing in future times as it will determine much of the change we collectively experience.

Relevancy is a Function of Vibrational Resonance

Vibrational frequency is the doorway through which human consciousness moves beyond violence, suffering, poverty and illness. As we shift to high-vibrational frequencies, we gain the understanding that we no longer need certain frequencies that have habitually been part of our experience. In other words, denser frequencies lose their relevance so they are dropped from the menu of life potentials.

The other side of this is that as frequencies fall away, we lose parts of our reality and parts of ourselves. Friends and family members will exit our reality. Those who remain will find the only constant in their daily existence to be their connection with spirit. Earth changes will require constant inner adjustments in order to exist in a changing environment. Physical bodies will shed levels of density brought about by dense foods, thoughts and emotions. Eating light, gaining control of the mind and healing emotions will become essential to life in future times.

Become Fluent in the Language of Transition and Loss

A key to moving through present and upcoming transformational times is to become well versed in the language of transition and loss. This includes learning the steps of grieving and healing loss and holding the intention to release what needs to leave our experience. It is important to face sacred wounds that have been with us since childhood and heal them through the bright light of our love and awareness.

In coming times, we will time and again be asked to face the void of the unknown, to stand naked in a barren landscape devoid of all we've known. Loss is a shared passage in this part of the journey. Those who remain here do so because they have important work to do. The gifts of their soul are relevant to the transitions ahead. We hold the power to adjust our identities and align with new timelines that stretch before us. These timelines are specially coded to carry us into new times now unfolding.

Gratitude and Love are Doorways to Fifth-Dimensional Timelines

At every step of this passage, express gratitude for all who have shared the gift of their light with you. Express gratitude for those who stand by your side in this transformational time. Love the forces that cast light and darkness across your personal landscape, and bless the Earth that welcomes you daily into a world that is born anew.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta
For more on fifth-dimensional consciousness, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta


Posted on Friday, February 3, 2012 at 10:24PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Basking in the Eternal Sunshine of our Infinite Mind 

Beauty and perfection exist all around us. They are contained within every breath and within every moment. The only imperfection we encounter is the incomplete nature of a physical-based consciousness that limits our ability to see all that is before us.

When our vision is limited, we tend to project our own incompletion and need for healing onto the present moment. If there's anything we perceive as missing within our present reality, this is a tip-off that we're projecting the template of our own consciousness onto the moment.

This projection is actually beneficial because it provides us the opportunity to stop and observe and define for ourselves just what appears imperfect in our reality. By doing so, we receive clues as to changes we can make to transform our own consciousness so we are able to perceive the divine perfection present within every moment.

Love and Blessings are Bio-Available within Every Moment

Every moment contains the wealth of information we need to live fully within that moment. When we live fully within a moment – with ‘full throttle’ perception of what exists there - we are able to distill spiritual understandings at the quantum level. When our understanding grows, our conscious awareness grows and joy and love multiply exponentially. Time and space become flexible. A month of linear time may equal a year of “vertical” time. As we transcend space, we begin to have awareness of locations beyond our physical coordinates.

Blocks and Filters to ‘Full-Throttle’ Awareness

Love, abundance and all the blessings of spirit exist within every moment and are bio-available. If we find ourselves unable to access the full spectrum of a moment, we can look to see what may be standing in the way of our expanding consciousness. These barriers can derive from a variety of reasons - most having to do with various screens and filters we have placed on the doorways and access points to our conscious awareness.

These screens and filters may include beliefs, unprocessed emotions, health and physical challenges and limited thinking. As we gain awareness of how these operate in our life, we are able to neutralize any filters that prevent us from perceiving and accessing the energetic field where our potentials reside.

Our Energetic Field is Holographic to All-That-Is

Our energetic field is holographic to all-that is. As such, it contains all the elements of the universe. When we become aware of a new “sector” within our energetic field, we are able to tap into the frequencies, knowledge, wisdom, and wealth that exist within that sector.

At the same time, filters can screen out certain sectors of our energetic field. As we have said, these filters can derive from things such as our beliefs and fears, unprocessed emotions, and undigested pockets of life experience. Our level of enmeshment with physical reality can block whole sectors from us.

For instance, if we believe we are unlovable, our filters will block anything in our energy field that indicates otherwise. If we believe we are all alone in a hostile world, our filters will block segments of the field that show us otherwise. If we believe we are poor or unlucky or unhealthy or foolish or any number of unwholesome identities, we filter vast segments of our potential.

Adopting Expansive Identities and Timelines

On the other hand, if we believe everything is possible, we naturally adopt expansive identities and their accompanying timelines. These allow us to constantly perceive and gain access to new sectors within our energetic field.

This field is complete and all encompassing. It holds unlimited potentials - limitless health, limitless joy, unconditional love, abundance and prosperity, creativity, knowledge, wisdom and guidance. All that we might seek exists there. As we expand to take in more of the limitless nature of our energetic field, we increasingly exist within the eternal sunshine of our infinite mind.

For more on timeline shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta

Posted on Saturday, January 28, 2012 at 12:00AM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment

Navigating the New Time by Activating Timelines of Inner Unity and Oneness

As old ways of being fade from your rearview mirror, you're able to bring your full focus and attention to new visions and inspirations that stretch before you. This new year marks the ultimate new beginning as the song rises within many to unite in a vision of oneness for the future. This vision allows us to become one with our higher self and move forward as a whole, unified being. When we become one within ourselves, we are able to unite with others in unity, harmony and oneness.

In this new time the energies of high-vibrational timelines are more accessible than at any other location in human consciousness. All we need do is perceive with our imagination new timelines of inner unity and oneness stretching before us in all directions and set our intention to align with these. By entering a relaxed, meditative state, we are able to sense the frequencies of these timelines entering our energy field. These frequencies have the ability to raise our vibration to allow stronger communion with our higher self. Over time this communion allows us to become telepathic to our higher self.

We offer here additional steps to activate timelines of inner unity and oneness:

One) Create inner harmony. Bring to awareness any aspects of yourself that are at odds. Ask these aspects to join together to support you and your new goals and vision. By entering the highest vibration you can access, you're able to create a space where inner unification can take place. Meditating beforehand and chanting OM are two ways to help create this space, as does listening to music encoded with notes that simulate high-vibrational states.

Two) Make a list of everything you're grateful for. Look at everything and everyone in your life from a place of gratitude - even those people and situations you feel have caused you the greatest pain. Every avenue of forgiveness is an opportunity to become a greater facilitator for harmony and oneness on the planet.

Three) Meditate on love, releasing all past definitions of love. Unconditional love is the purest vibration in the universe. Find within yourself the pure vibrational essence of love that is beyond all words and definition.

Four) Observe the symbols around you within every moment. As we learn the universal language of symbols we're able to better commune with our soul and receive its messages. Dreamwork is one way to become attuned to the language of your soul. Journaling and automatic writing can also be helpful tools in learning to decode the symbols of both your sleeping and waking dreams.

Five) Ask questions of your higher self and trust that answers will flow into your consciousness as they are needed. When we release the need to micromanage the events of our lives, we enter a natural flow where everything happens easily and effortlessly.

Six) Spend time taking 15-minute sun baths, allowing the sun’s essence to enter your physical system. Take walks in nature to free yourself of any energies of divisiveness or separation. Spending time near water allows you to more easily align with universal flow.

Seven) Pay attention to your emotional landscape and the people and events that trigger challenging emotions. These triggers offer insight into the nature of your sacred wound and steps you can take to heal it. Once we heal and release our sacred wound, we are able to clear away anything that stands between ourselves and direct telepathic communion with our higher self.

Eight) Remember to eat light – taking in significant amounts of raw food, green juices and high PH water that helps alkalinize your physical system and allows you to become a stronger receiving station.

Nine) Write a spiritual autobiography detailing the blessings and gifts of the most memorable events of your life – including the events that seemed traumatic or difficult at the time.

Ten) Make time for creative play and developing your imagination. Creativity is the doorway through which all new ideas, visions, innovations and works of art arrive in the world.

These are just a few steps we can take in this new time to leave behind old ways of separation and disharmony. As we take these steps, it becomes easier to open to allow a new way founded in oneness with all-that-is and inner unity.

Become the Higher Self for Aspects not yet Aligned with the New Time

There may be parts of ourselves not yet on board with these changes. These parts will want to hold back from living at this level. Become the higher self for these selves, nurturing and loving them and bringing them to a new level of understanding. As you mentor and love these selves, they are empowered to support you in your vision of oneness and inner harmony.

If you focus dislike and judgment on these aspects within your being, (or upon what you do not like out in the world), you will only create more dissension and disharmony within you and around you. Become a force for love and harmony in the universe by loving all that comes before you. In this way, your energy creates a field around you that others can access and utilize to raise their own frequency to the level of harmony and oneness. This is the intent and purpose of the new time on planet Earth.

For more on timeline shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta

Posted on Thursday, January 12, 2012 at 05:10PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | Comments1 Comment

Accessing a Wider Range of Your Infinite Being 

As we move further into the new energies on Planet Earth, it becomes easier to expand into your infinite nature by gaining awareness of new aspects of yourself and allowing them to play a greater role in your present moment.

In the past, it may have seemed you were limited to the confines of your current identity self in terms of resources and abilities. Within the expanded energies of the fifth dimension, you will find it easier to access a wider range of your overall being. The key to accessing this broader range of your self is to embrace the infinite nature of your being. This means embracing that you are a multidimensional and multifaceted being with an infinite repertoire of "selves." Each of the selves has a full complement of accompanying identities, talents and abilities you can call upon.

In fact, when it is time for you to make the acquaintance of a new part of your being, your subconscious in cooperation with your guides and higher self, will set the stage for this to happen in physical reality by triggering the thoughts and desires that prompt you to reach out to a new aspect of your being.

Know that whatever spirit is asking of you within the moment, there is an aspect of yourself that can answer the call. Allowing the greatness of your being is simply a matter of accepting and allowing these many aspects of yourself to play a role in your life. This requires a high level of trust and surrender on the part of your conscious mind and its current “identity self”. We are not talking about a blind trust but a trust aligned with your inner knowing, your spiritual purpose and your highest vision.

The Importance of Embracing Your Entire Being

The single most important step in aligning with the energies of the New Earth is understanding the true nature of your being. That is, your multidimensional nature, which allows you to experience simultaneously different timeframes and dimensions. If you believe that a great deal (if not all) of your being exists within your conscious mind, it will be difficult to step into the fifth dimension. There is a misunderstanding on the Earth plane that your conscious mind represents the whole of your existence.

This is a limited perspective that dramatically reduces a person's field of possibilities, cutting them off from the vast wealth of their inner resources.

When a person begins to awaken to the true nature of their being, they often feel confused by the realization that they are multifaceted with many aspects existing beyond the realm of their conscious mind. This perception may lead them to question their sanity or at best leave them feeling bewildered and overwhelmed.

In order to come into a place of peace with your true nature, release the need to only interact through the lens of your conscious mind. Be willing to enter the domain of your subconscious by practicing what you might refer to as "trust," "faith," and "belief." Faith naturally evolves into a “knowing” that allows you to work with and interact with aspects of your self that exist beyond the auspices of your conscious mind.

When you "know" you have multidimensional aspects of your consciousness and you seek to unite with these aspects, you’re able to create beyond the realm of your conscious existence.

Allowing the Full Spectrum of Human Possibility

In order to experience the full spectrum of human possibility, you have chosen at times to don a cloak of invisibility, so to speak. Under this cloak, your true nature was hidden from you. Your bright light was dimmed. This dimming of your light afforded you the great gift of humility. Experiencing life veiled from the great powers of your being allowed you the gift of perspective, insight and compassion. It gave you the opportunity to awaken and remember that you are a vast and powerful being. This ability to find your way home alone through the darkness helped you discover, appreciate and understand the true nature of your being. It allowed you to experience new opportunities and reconnect with your spiritual powers.

As older souls, you have moved through many realms of human experience. You know what it is like to struggle and feel vulnerable. You know what it is like to experience feelings of helplessness and to experience various forms of physical illness. You chose to undertake this full range of experience as part of your journey here. Now many are being called to move further along the spectrum of human experience. This is the empowered phase of the spectrum where you pull away your cloak of invisibility and "see" with your inner eyes how it is possible for you to move to the next level. The shape of this experience is different for each person, depending on their individual purpose and where they are in the realization of it.

Each path has in common the moments when another veil is pulled away and a new field of possibility appears. For some, this will mean seeing how you can come into a place of allowing things to happen rather than struggling with each step. This may mean coming into a joyful collaboration with spirit. However this manifests for you, it will involve a greater acceptance of the powerful capabilities of your spirit.

You Already Have Everything You Need

As you open to your expanded capabilities, you will likely come into a deeper realization that the resources you need to activate your purpose are available and accessible by "thinking outside the box." In other words, allowing yourself to experiment with a new idea, new technique or way of being. This usually involves stepping outside your comfort zone and embracing a previously “unknown" aspect of your being that your spiritual guidance has revealed to you.

As you expand into the greatness of your being, resources and abundance flow proportionately to support new aspects activated by the expansion.

Excerpt from The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

Posted on Sunday, January 8, 2012 at 11:29PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision | CommentsPost a Comment